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August 1998 OutWorld Arts Pack
I did something completely different this time. I did some
really simple menu style ansis. Im not sure if anyone is
going to like them, but to tell the truth Im kind of
getting burned-out and cant seem to come up with any
good ideas. Dont be too put off by this. This winter
Ill have a lot more time to do more complicated
andhopefully way better ansis.
OutWorld Arts
/- -- http://www.outworldarts.com/
- graphics@outworldarts.com
- - Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
Artpack released monthly
ICQ -- 129697
I did something completely different this time. I did some
really simple menu style ansis. Im not sure if anyone is
going to like them, but to tell the truth Im kind of
getting burned-out and cant seem to come up with any
good ideas. Dont be too put off by this. This winter
Ill have a lot more time to do more complicated
andhopefully way better ansis.
OutWorld Arts
/- -- http://www.outworldarts.com/
- graphics@outworldarts.com
- - Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
Artpack released monthly
ICQ -- 129697
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