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August 1997 OutWorld Arts Pack
This months artpack is much better than Julys. Its got a lot more
ansi in it and two extra rips. As anyone who is waiting on a request
can tell you, Ive spent more time on it this month than last month.
Last months artpack was embarrassing! G
I am going to answer everyones email this coming week, too. Im not
ignoring anyone, but wanted to wait to reply when I had more time.
Also, I want to apologize to anyone who is waiting on a request, but its
hard to get things done in the summer. There are always interuptions,
outside work to be done and a few little trips to visit my parents on
the weekends. I am still interested in filling requests, so please
dont give up on me!
There is one rip in this artpack that I want to explain. Its a rip of
the Seven Deadly Sins. Its not meant to bash anyones religion, Im
Catholic, myself, and I certainly dont want to bash my own religion,
either! I just thought it would be interesting. I hope you find it so.
Just a quick mention of my web site here...I have a Message forum at:
Check it out if youre interested in leaving messages back and forth.
There are four areas, Ansi, Rip, Hi-Res Graphics and Request Inquiries.
Request Inquiries is the forum where you can inquire about a request
you made.
I also have cgi forms on my pages now. No more mailto: forms that
dont work with Internet Explorer. I have forms for Requesting a
Graphic, Subscribing/Unsubscribing to the artpack and for adding your
bbs to the Distribution Site list.
One last new page is the Add a Link page. You can do just that, without
sending me email. Just choose the appropriate category, type in your
info and you will be added to the Add a Link index immediately.
I guess thats everything.....Of course, Ill remember something else
as soon as I send this out, but if I do it can wait until next month.
Once again, thanks to everyone for your interest!
Check out the OutWorld Arts Forums at:
/- -- Restless, restless were the gods.. S.V.Benet
- OutWorld Arts Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
- - Artpack released monthly, free request!
ICQ -- 129697 ichatPager -- outworldarts
IRC -- outworldarts irc.dal.net -or- spider.dal.net
Chatroom -- http://www.outworldarts.com/parachat.html
outworldarts@geocities.com outworldarts@usa.net
outworldarts@hotmail.com outworldarts@rocketmail.com
This months artpack is much better than Julys. Its got a lot more
ansi in it and two extra rips. As anyone who is waiting on a request
can tell you, Ive spent more time on it this month than last month.
Last months artpack was embarrassing! G
I am going to answer everyones email this coming week, too. Im not
ignoring anyone, but wanted to wait to reply when I had more time.
Also, I want to apologize to anyone who is waiting on a request, but its
hard to get things done in the summer. There are always interuptions,
outside work to be done and a few little trips to visit my parents on
the weekends. I am still interested in filling requests, so please
dont give up on me!
There is one rip in this artpack that I want to explain. Its a rip of
the Seven Deadly Sins. Its not meant to bash anyones religion, Im
Catholic, myself, and I certainly dont want to bash my own religion,
either! I just thought it would be interesting. I hope you find it so.
Just a quick mention of my web site here...I have a Message forum at:
Check it out if youre interested in leaving messages back and forth.
There are four areas, Ansi, Rip, Hi-Res Graphics and Request Inquiries.
Request Inquiries is the forum where you can inquire about a request
you made.
I also have cgi forms on my pages now. No more mailto: forms that
dont work with Internet Explorer. I have forms for Requesting a
Graphic, Subscribing/Unsubscribing to the artpack and for adding your
bbs to the Distribution Site list.
One last new page is the Add a Link page. You can do just that, without
sending me email. Just choose the appropriate category, type in your
info and you will be added to the Add a Link index immediately.
I guess thats everything.....Of course, Ill remember something else
as soon as I send this out, but if I do it can wait until next month.
Once again, thanks to everyone for your interest!
Check out the OutWorld Arts Forums at:
/- -- Restless, restless were the gods.. S.V.Benet
- OutWorld Arts Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
- - Artpack released monthly, free request!
ICQ -- 129697 ichatPager -- outworldarts
IRC -- outworldarts irc.dal.net -or- spider.dal.net
Chatroom -- http://www.outworldarts.com/parachat.html
outworldarts@geocities.com outworldarts@usa.net
outworldarts@hotmail.com outworldarts@rocketmail.com
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