this image contains text
3/23/97 8:25:48 AM
March 1997 OutWorld Arts Pack
Here is the art for March. This is a really small file, but Ive
been busy this month with birthdays, Easter, etc. Its also later than
usual, sorry about that...Ill try to make more graphics next month. :
This is the first file to go out with the new mailing list. If you
have experienced any problems with the mailing list, please dont
hesitate to send email to the address below. This mailing list is made
possible by the sysop of the Darkside BBS the URL for the Darkside is:
Thanks again, Rod!
If youve downloaded this file from somewhere other than my web
page, I have a new URL. Its listed at the bottom of this page.
The page is redone and Ive done away with the bbs list, but still
have the distribution sites listed. There is also a page for a new
Rip emag that will be released this September, called BUT IS IT ART?
Please check it out, the URL is:
This emag is being put together by Doug Allewell and promises to be
very interesting whether you are a sysop, rip artist or just
interested in rip. It will have technical articles, software reviews
and art from quite a few rip artists. Everyone is welcome to make a
submission, whether its an article or art. There is a text file on the
page that will tell you how and where to make submissions. Its worth
checking into!
If you are waiting on a request, I will get it to you. If by some
chance you dont receive your request after a couple of weeks, send me
email, chances are I sent it to you and for whatever reason, you didnt
receive it. Im having some problems with my email off and on. I get email
back saying that the email wasnt sent, but the message doesnt say
which email wasnt sent! So I have no way of knowing whos email didnt
go out.
Thats about it for me, then. Have a good Easter, if you celebrate
Easter, that is!
-- OutWorld Arts --
/- -- Restless, restless were the gods.. S.V.Benet
- Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
- - Artpack released monthly, free requests
OutWorld Arts outworldarts@geocities.com
March 1997 OutWorld Arts Pack
Here is the art for March. This is a really small file, but Ive
been busy this month with birthdays, Easter, etc. Its also later than
usual, sorry about that...Ill try to make more graphics next month. :
This is the first file to go out with the new mailing list. If you
have experienced any problems with the mailing list, please dont
hesitate to send email to the address below. This mailing list is made
possible by the sysop of the Darkside BBS the URL for the Darkside is:
Thanks again, Rod!
If youve downloaded this file from somewhere other than my web
page, I have a new URL. Its listed at the bottom of this page.
The page is redone and Ive done away with the bbs list, but still
have the distribution sites listed. There is also a page for a new
Rip emag that will be released this September, called BUT IS IT ART?
Please check it out, the URL is:
This emag is being put together by Doug Allewell and promises to be
very interesting whether you are a sysop, rip artist or just
interested in rip. It will have technical articles, software reviews
and art from quite a few rip artists. Everyone is welcome to make a
submission, whether its an article or art. There is a text file on the
page that will tell you how and where to make submissions. Its worth
checking into!
If you are waiting on a request, I will get it to you. If by some
chance you dont receive your request after a couple of weeks, send me
email, chances are I sent it to you and for whatever reason, you didnt
receive it. Im having some problems with my email off and on. I get email
back saying that the email wasnt sent, but the message doesnt say
which email wasnt sent! So I have no way of knowing whos email didnt
go out.
Thats about it for me, then. Have a good Easter, if you celebrate
Easter, that is!
-- OutWorld Arts --
/- -- Restless, restless were the gods.. S.V.Benet
- Ansi/Rip1.54/Rip2/VGA Graphics
- - Artpack released monthly, free requests
OutWorld Arts outworldarts@geocities.com
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