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January 1998 OutWorld Arts Pack
Here is the first artpack for 98. Its another small file.
I cant seem to find the time to make these larger and better.
But Ill keep trying. At least its a quick downlaod. :
Thanks for downloading this, enjoy it!
/- -- http://www.outworldarts.com/
- OutWorld Arts Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
- - Artpack released monthly
ICQ -- 129697 ichat -- outworldarts
AOL Instant Messanger -- outwrldrts
Here is the first artpack for 98. Its another small file.
I cant seem to find the time to make these larger and better.
But Ill keep trying. At least its a quick downlaod. :
Thanks for downloading this, enjoy it!
/- -- http://www.outworldarts.com/
- OutWorld Arts Ansi/MAX/RIP/VGA Graphics
- - Artpack released monthly
ICQ -- 129697 ichat -- outworldarts
AOL Instant Messanger -- outwrldrts
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