this image contains text
writer : / / / / / / krak/pipe
group : / // / / // / origin art
lines : // / // / two-00-21
/ /pipe /
krak/pipe - in association with origin art productions
presents: the broken pipe: mad style ascii and various other entertainment
coming in four lines
----- krak here ---wow...this is like..cool..------------------------
KraK/PipE of origin presents a rip of his own ansi! woohooo
if you were on ACiD looking at this youd,...come down
krak/ascii - mad style!
ori artworks gin
----- krak here ---fuck newskool ascii-------------------------------
s kk!
a , , ,
origin artworks!
another elite krak/pipe ascii! i can rip style like no other.
----- krak here ---sum gay fuck needs ascii?-------------------------
/ // / / k / / / // /
/ / / ---/ / k / // / // / /
v e a n g a n c e
lethal muthaphucking vengeance
awped by mardukk - some guy who is sure someone will get him an 8oo
coming soon to the low-budget 805 a/c!
damn i saved time by not drawing veangance
----- krak here ---back in black, whos the mack?--------------------
//---- : // / / / kk!
/ scotland yard 213 is back!
/ / 5 nodes, 3 28.8k/ 2 isdn
// too many affils to list!
home to the founders of united couriers - the first courier group
running the cleanest renegade youll ever see /
s: sherlock ohms, remotes: trouble, -everlast- /
find the number and apply before it falls underground / /
---- krak here ---before i had aciddraw-----------------------------
little logos i kraked in a text editor: lalalallalalala
.origin.artworks.art.demo.mod.pak - 5.96.
k . o
k : .--- . r / . / // // / . / /
: --: g
------- ------------ a r t w o r k s
did they name it origin well just in case, i drew this
to be short for original?
or is it just a clever name?
---- krak here ---yet another fictitious day on irc-----------------
1d wow, nice ascii you fucking no talent idiot!!
kk umm..i didnt draw it - its all ripped...i mean..no...
1d go away
You have been kicked off the channel by 1d - you suck.
/join acid
Cannot join channel You suck krak/pipe
/nick sinned
You are now known as sinned
hehe, i can get in any room now
/join origin
sinned whuttup guys
tratt go away krak/pipe!
sinned i feel so unloved..
/nick kk
kk oh well...
---- krak here ---this months freestyle----------------------------
bustin rhymes like yer mom sux dick - hard muthaphucka,
so take yer pick, the krak or the pipe,
the bitch or the ho, punk muthaphucka, u can go
straight ta hell, where bustaz dwell, from those other groups
i smoke weed and blow loops
out of the smoke, cuz yer style is broke
just like yer dad, that fools styles a fad
cuz i wreck da shop and cause bitches ta hop
inta muh bed, where i fuck em dead...
kickin mad style drawin mad ascii,
im still on the dime, im still everlastin
---- krak here ---bbs quote of the month----------------------------
Smooth - If you havent noticed yet, very few people in the bbs
world listen to crap music
-phat system making smooths ears bleed
bose busting the freestyle of the month....
---- krak here ---props/beatdowns of the month----------------------
props - to sigmar of origin, for getting his ass into cia..
-CiA Logo look closer
: : : : : : : did you know that if you took the a in cia, put it
: : : : : : : first, took the c, put in second, took the i, and
. . . . . . . put it third, then added a d, it would say Acid??
- or you could just cut off the ci and move it in
.--------------------. / one big block after the a...whatever, ya know?
little known facts -
-------------------- did you know that if you took the i in cia, put it
did you know that - first, took the c, put it second, and dropped the a
if you flipped cia and added an e, it would say Ice?? or you could
around, it would say flip the i and the c, and chop the a into an 3
Iac? thats bout it.. whatever, ya know?
beatdowns - to pharcyde from the 818, for taking Pharcyde AiM/KRONiCKs
handle to disguise your lameass bbs past, and for becoming a courier...
what a fucking talentless lamer! spread those files dork!
i --pharcydes mom - a golden retriever
@ @ --im pharcyde, krak/pipe just beat my kermit the
i frog looking ass!
---- krak here ---the broken pipe logo------------------------------
wow..i always rag on my own art, but judging by origins last pak,
im by far the groups best ascii artist!
i usually replace ks for cs in words, cuz its cooler...but in the word
scene it doesnt really work...does that mean i should be doing it
anywhere around the bbs scene? oh well...i kuess i should just work it out..
so i guess all the extra bullshit/commentary makes this a mag
oh well...i hope you enjoyed the broken pipe 1
---- krak here ---end of file - or is it issue one ?--------------
group : / // / / // / origin art
lines : // / // / two-00-21
/ /pipe /
krak/pipe - in association with origin art productions
presents: the broken pipe: mad style ascii and various other entertainment
coming in four lines
----- krak here ---wow...this is like..cool..------------------------
KraK/PipE of origin presents a rip of his own ansi! woohooo
if you were on ACiD looking at this youd,...come down
krak/ascii - mad style!
ori artworks gin
----- krak here ---fuck newskool ascii-------------------------------
s kk!
a , , ,
origin artworks!
another elite krak/pipe ascii! i can rip style like no other.
----- krak here ---sum gay fuck needs ascii?-------------------------
/ // / / k / / / // /
/ / / ---/ / k / // / // / /
v e a n g a n c e
lethal muthaphucking vengeance
awped by mardukk - some guy who is sure someone will get him an 8oo
coming soon to the low-budget 805 a/c!
damn i saved time by not drawing veangance
----- krak here ---back in black, whos the mack?--------------------
//---- : // / / / kk!
/ scotland yard 213 is back!
/ / 5 nodes, 3 28.8k/ 2 isdn
// too many affils to list!
home to the founders of united couriers - the first courier group
running the cleanest renegade youll ever see /
s: sherlock ohms, remotes: trouble, -everlast- /
find the number and apply before it falls underground / /
---- krak here ---before i had aciddraw-----------------------------
little logos i kraked in a text editor: lalalallalalala
.origin.artworks.art.demo.mod.pak - 5.96.
k . o
k : .--- . r / . / // // / . / /
: --: g
------- ------------ a r t w o r k s
did they name it origin well just in case, i drew this
to be short for original?
or is it just a clever name?
---- krak here ---yet another fictitious day on irc-----------------
1d wow, nice ascii you fucking no talent idiot!!
kk umm..i didnt draw it - its all ripped...i mean..no...
1d go away
You have been kicked off the channel by 1d - you suck.
/join acid
Cannot join channel You suck krak/pipe
/nick sinned
You are now known as sinned
hehe, i can get in any room now
/join origin
sinned whuttup guys
tratt go away krak/pipe!
sinned i feel so unloved..
/nick kk
kk oh well...
---- krak here ---this months freestyle----------------------------
bustin rhymes like yer mom sux dick - hard muthaphucka,
so take yer pick, the krak or the pipe,
the bitch or the ho, punk muthaphucka, u can go
straight ta hell, where bustaz dwell, from those other groups
i smoke weed and blow loops
out of the smoke, cuz yer style is broke
just like yer dad, that fools styles a fad
cuz i wreck da shop and cause bitches ta hop
inta muh bed, where i fuck em dead...
kickin mad style drawin mad ascii,
im still on the dime, im still everlastin
---- krak here ---bbs quote of the month----------------------------
Smooth - If you havent noticed yet, very few people in the bbs
world listen to crap music
-phat system making smooths ears bleed
bose busting the freestyle of the month....
---- krak here ---props/beatdowns of the month----------------------
props - to sigmar of origin, for getting his ass into cia..
-CiA Logo look closer
: : : : : : : did you know that if you took the a in cia, put it
: : : : : : : first, took the c, put in second, took the i, and
. . . . . . . put it third, then added a d, it would say Acid??
- or you could just cut off the ci and move it in
.--------------------. / one big block after the a...whatever, ya know?
little known facts -
-------------------- did you know that if you took the i in cia, put it
did you know that - first, took the c, put it second, and dropped the a
if you flipped cia and added an e, it would say Ice?? or you could
around, it would say flip the i and the c, and chop the a into an 3
Iac? thats bout it.. whatever, ya know?
beatdowns - to pharcyde from the 818, for taking Pharcyde AiM/KRONiCKs
handle to disguise your lameass bbs past, and for becoming a courier...
what a fucking talentless lamer! spread those files dork!
i --pharcydes mom - a golden retriever
@ @ --im pharcyde, krak/pipe just beat my kermit the
i frog looking ass!
---- krak here ---the broken pipe logo------------------------------
wow..i always rag on my own art, but judging by origins last pak,
im by far the groups best ascii artist!
i usually replace ks for cs in words, cuz its cooler...but in the word
scene it doesnt really work...does that mean i should be doing it
anywhere around the bbs scene? oh well...i kuess i should just work it out..
so i guess all the extra bullshit/commentary makes this a mag
oh well...i hope you enjoyed the broken pipe 1
---- krak here ---end of file - or is it issue one ?--------------
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