this image contains text
orbit news - ishoo 4 written mostly by tab.
at aproximately 4am. special justification,
logo and other shit by veediot!.
the orbIt newsletter for the june and july 95 packs
hey, remember me? the atomic brain? well, i figure this time, since i AM a
founder and a senior staff-er id take a turn at the news. you can thank mouse
and veedIot! for all the great past newsletters, so i figured that i deserve
a turn in the spotlight
Well, its 1:45am and im just sitting at my keyboard.. what was i going to tell
you about again? Oh, yes, all the neat stuff thats been going these two months!
well, i suppose it would be nice if i knew what most of it was, but here goes.
- you asked for it, you got it.... toyota! -
we started off May feeling the pinch of the school year winding down for
most of us, leaving limited time to follow in our superior skills err... well
lets say improve for most of us me?!. at about the 26 of may, we decided
that since only 16 files 5 were the file seperators that the idea of waiting
and releasing this pack on the first of june would be a great idea.. Hey,
rember, the packs should be qualIty, not quanity. hey, were not the only ones
- hey, tiny, whos playing? uh.. jolly green giants, and shitty
beatles.. shitty beatles? are they any good? no, they suck
then its not just a clever name -
june was pretty cool, school was getting out, and more and more free time
was appearing well.. after finals mostly, and has proved hopefully
appealing to the viewers uhh.. YOU?.
- hey, thats a unIx book.. cool. -
oh yea, i neglected to tell you that we have had a few new members this month,
and are anicipating a viewer and a maybe working appgen.. who knows, maybe
ill get offa my ass one of these days and make another cool loader hey, fuck
you if the fade ins didnt ALLWAYS work right, it looked kinda nice.... you
never know.. maybe ill do a nice one for polyphony.. anyways gettin off the
subject a bit eh? i dont know, for some reason all i can think of is areas
of three dimensional cubes inscribed inside spheres which have a radius of 8
and the cube has a height not slant of 4.. damit, i allready finished honors
gemoetry thank god....
-whats this lost thing? i dont get it!-
hey, well, since youve read this far right?, i might as well keep writing
about some local stuff that has been happening.. art cafE has swtichecd numbers
kinda like the powergrId, but only its not back up .. to 810-477-1474..
the sysop, legend, another orbIt member had neglected to notify everyone,
including mouse, and all of the orbitnet boards. just suddenly swiched lines.
ahh well, guess hes too much of a lazyass to tell people.. gee, sounds just
like the members we would like to have more of in orbIt!
- i will call no carrier today,
i will call no carrier today,
i will call no carrier today,
i will kill ms. m. today!-
some other stuff that id like to say, just for the hell of it is.. whats with
these smaller groups dont wanna mention any names.. well, actually, i do!
the ones that rip from acId!, ice, etc., and the ones who pick a name just cuz
it has a I in it so that they can lowercase to be K-RaD 3l33+ d0odZ... i mean
come on, what the hell kinda group is SPiT, or SHiT, or LaME, or, well, KiLL,
ya know what i mean.. if you are gonna pick a name, look it up in the
dictionary to see what kinda cool thing it is, instead of just saying hey,
SHiT, shitty hypricits in turbulence... i mean, come on.
ok.. well, this newsletter isnt really long, and its not exactly the best, but
hopefully, there will be more to come!
hey jay,
remember sitting upstairs,
listening to orbit,
playing 7th guest,
hacking boards,
me wanting lori hey, had to make shure your paying attention,
starting our own group,
threatening to kick tgps ass,
before 3ds,
pulling all-nighters,
playing golf,
visiting million dollar homes with rainforests in them,
before that 3.9939272 gpa,
those cool 190 line animated sigs,
before krynn shut down,
that killer attack dog,
there was a time when the scene ment sompthing...
benith the stains of time, feelings dissappear
And with that, and jays little legal disclamer, im tired, and i feel
that ive gone over most of the stuff uhh.. yea this month that i care to tell
you and care to remember.. join us nExt month for the cool release of another
great pack.. hey, maybe then ill get my 4meg vram video card? yea, right!
whut tha hail?
Hey all, mouse here with a few updates. Yeah, I know we skipped a month
and released the pack july 1st instead of june 1st as planned, but wed
rather forget that may ever happened. It was a month filled with bad luck,
false promises, busy schedules, burnt out seniors, and bad communication.
The most devastating thing to me was NO CARRiERs protocol problem. It tends
to piss you off if youre a sysop and your prots dont work for a month or
so... shrug... but, now thats fixed and we can get back down to business.
Another thing was that we just didnt have the time to crank out anything.
I, personally, had 0 to add to the pack when june 1st approached.. so I said
fuck it.. were delaying it a month... and waited until finals were over
and whatever. I also found out that doodling ORBiT logos instead of
British Literature notes fucked up my junior year 4.0.. oh well.. shrug
But now schools over and I got some more time to do some art and still tend
to the BBS, while still balancing a life and work. Which reminds me.. I need
a good job.. G But anyway, we went through a bunch of changes this month.
We decided to go with only one distro site in our home area code 810, being
Twist of Fate. Polyphony is still a member board, just not a distro site. I
realized that it just isnt the type of board that is suited to be a distro.
Since Climax has left along with Dark Elf, Dark Apprentice, Opium, and
Damage, Internal Dwellingz will not be a distro of course. But anyway, we
got ORBiTNET running special thanks to Legend, sysop of Art Cafe between
NO CARRiER, Art Cafe, Twist of Fate, Cyber Skyline, and soon more of the
distros and member boards. We incorperated the file network into it also so
we might be able to even eliminate couriers if we can get all the boards
hooked up into the network. We are also working on setting up a World Wide
Web home page or whatever... but thats still probably at least a month away.
Anyway, I kinda drifted away a bit... but joining ORBiT we have Unknown, who
was in a prominent position in a big group a few years ago under a different
handle, but took a breather and is now back Silent Cry, who is an excellent
ansi artist, but recently has been programming the viewer instead of ansi and
vga Masked One, another coder who I believe is working with Silent Cry on
the viewer Scull Crusher, yet ANOTHER coder who will make a nice addition to
the group and we might be adding DiGi-NiNjA, another 3D style artist.
Anyway, I think this pack is gonna be a good one, despite the lack of ansi
art. Thats all I have, I think.. : Im out............m.o..u...s....e
okay... you probably have heard this from all the other dudes, and since im
always last alphebetically, then youre probably reading this last. so I
really dont need to tell you may sucked. okay, so it didnt suck in real life.
actually. it kicked ass. well, for me it did. But in orbit, may was another
story... needless to say, nobody seemed to care about doing work... not even
me. i was almost never home during may, so i didnt have much time to sit
down and draw. i really didnt have the patience or inspiration either.
i got kinda bummed out about the scene too... twice i think. i was ready to quitit all. it was really pissing me off... almost lowered my gpa too, but i broughtit back up in the last month... well anyways, may was a hard month for all of
us. i think we all had to deal with finals, except maybe one or two people, and
we all had to deal with end-of-the-year-oh-shit-i-dont-have-anything-done blues.well... that sucked. and so, we decided, hmm... since theres only 11 things forthe pak, maybe we should wait... but now its summer time. i have a little more
time. but i have no inspiration whatsoever. and now. im bored. so im gonna
go out driving. g
orbit news - ishoo 4 written mostly by tab.
at aproximately 4am. special justification,
logo and other shit by veediot!.
the orbIt newsletter for the june and july 95 packs
hey, remember me? the atomic brain? well, i figure this time, since i AM a
founder and a senior staff-er id take a turn at the news. you can thank mouse
and veedIot! for all the great past newsletters, so i figured that i deserve
a turn in the spotlight
Well, its 1:45am and im just sitting at my keyboard.. what was i going to tell
you about again? Oh, yes, all the neat stuff thats been going these two months!
well, i suppose it would be nice if i knew what most of it was, but here goes.
- you asked for it, you got it.... toyota! -
we started off May feeling the pinch of the school year winding down for
most of us, leaving limited time to follow in our superior skills err... well
lets say improve for most of us me?!. at about the 26 of may, we decided
that since only 16 files 5 were the file seperators that the idea of waiting
and releasing this pack on the first of june would be a great idea.. Hey,
rember, the packs should be qualIty, not quanity. hey, were not the only ones
- hey, tiny, whos playing? uh.. jolly green giants, and shitty
beatles.. shitty beatles? are they any good? no, they suck
then its not just a clever name -
june was pretty cool, school was getting out, and more and more free time
was appearing well.. after finals mostly, and has proved hopefully
appealing to the viewers uhh.. YOU?.
- hey, thats a unIx book.. cool. -
oh yea, i neglected to tell you that we have had a few new members this month,
and are anicipating a viewer and a maybe working appgen.. who knows, maybe
ill get offa my ass one of these days and make another cool loader hey, fuck
you if the fade ins didnt ALLWAYS work right, it looked kinda nice.... you
never know.. maybe ill do a nice one for polyphony.. anyways gettin off the
subject a bit eh? i dont know, for some reason all i can think of is areas
of three dimensional cubes inscribed inside spheres which have a radius of 8
and the cube has a height not slant of 4.. damit, i allready finished honors
gemoetry thank god....
-whats this lost thing? i dont get it!-
hey, well, since youve read this far right?, i might as well keep writing
about some local stuff that has been happening.. art cafE has swtichecd numbers
kinda like the powergrId, but only its not back up .. to 810-477-1474..
the sysop, legend, another orbIt member had neglected to notify everyone,
including mouse, and all of the orbitnet boards. just suddenly swiched lines.
ahh well, guess hes too much of a lazyass to tell people.. gee, sounds just
like the members we would like to have more of in orbIt!
- i will call no carrier today,
i will call no carrier today,
i will call no carrier today,
i will kill ms. m. today!-
some other stuff that id like to say, just for the hell of it is.. whats with
these smaller groups dont wanna mention any names.. well, actually, i do!
the ones that rip from acId!, ice, etc., and the ones who pick a name just cuz
it has a I in it so that they can lowercase to be K-RaD 3l33+ d0odZ... i mean
come on, what the hell kinda group is SPiT, or SHiT, or LaME, or, well, KiLL,
ya know what i mean.. if you are gonna pick a name, look it up in the
dictionary to see what kinda cool thing it is, instead of just saying hey,
SHiT, shitty hypricits in turbulence... i mean, come on.
ok.. well, this newsletter isnt really long, and its not exactly the best, but
hopefully, there will be more to come!
hey jay,
remember sitting upstairs,
listening to orbit,
playing 7th guest,
hacking boards,
me wanting lori hey, had to make shure your paying attention,
starting our own group,
threatening to kick tgps ass,
before 3ds,
pulling all-nighters,
playing golf,
visiting million dollar homes with rainforests in them,
before that 3.9939272 gpa,
those cool 190 line animated sigs,
before krynn shut down,
that killer attack dog,
there was a time when the scene ment sompthing...
benith the stains of time, feelings dissappear
And with that, and jays little legal disclamer, im tired, and i feel
that ive gone over most of the stuff uhh.. yea this month that i care to tell
you and care to remember.. join us nExt month for the cool release of another
great pack.. hey, maybe then ill get my 4meg vram video card? yea, right!
whut tha hail?
Hey all, mouse here with a few updates. Yeah, I know we skipped a month
and released the pack july 1st instead of june 1st as planned, but wed
rather forget that may ever happened. It was a month filled with bad luck,
false promises, busy schedules, burnt out seniors, and bad communication.
The most devastating thing to me was NO CARRiERs protocol problem. It tends
to piss you off if youre a sysop and your prots dont work for a month or
so... shrug... but, now thats fixed and we can get back down to business.
Another thing was that we just didnt have the time to crank out anything.
I, personally, had 0 to add to the pack when june 1st approached.. so I said
fuck it.. were delaying it a month... and waited until finals were over
and whatever. I also found out that doodling ORBiT logos instead of
British Literature notes fucked up my junior year 4.0.. oh well.. shrug
But now schools over and I got some more time to do some art and still tend
to the BBS, while still balancing a life and work. Which reminds me.. I need
a good job.. G But anyway, we went through a bunch of changes this month.
We decided to go with only one distro site in our home area code 810, being
Twist of Fate. Polyphony is still a member board, just not a distro site. I
realized that it just isnt the type of board that is suited to be a distro.
Since Climax has left along with Dark Elf, Dark Apprentice, Opium, and
Damage, Internal Dwellingz will not be a distro of course. But anyway, we
got ORBiTNET running special thanks to Legend, sysop of Art Cafe between
NO CARRiER, Art Cafe, Twist of Fate, Cyber Skyline, and soon more of the
distros and member boards. We incorperated the file network into it also so
we might be able to even eliminate couriers if we can get all the boards
hooked up into the network. We are also working on setting up a World Wide
Web home page or whatever... but thats still probably at least a month away.
Anyway, I kinda drifted away a bit... but joining ORBiT we have Unknown, who
was in a prominent position in a big group a few years ago under a different
handle, but took a breather and is now back Silent Cry, who is an excellent
ansi artist, but recently has been programming the viewer instead of ansi and
vga Masked One, another coder who I believe is working with Silent Cry on
the viewer Scull Crusher, yet ANOTHER coder who will make a nice addition to
the group and we might be adding DiGi-NiNjA, another 3D style artist.
Anyway, I think this pack is gonna be a good one, despite the lack of ansi
art. Thats all I have, I think.. : Im out............m.o..u...s....e
okay... you probably have heard this from all the other dudes, and since im
always last alphebetically, then youre probably reading this last. so I
really dont need to tell you may sucked. okay, so it didnt suck in real life.
actually. it kicked ass. well, for me it did. But in orbit, may was another
story... needless to say, nobody seemed to care about doing work... not even
me. i was almost never home during may, so i didnt have much time to sit
down and draw. i really didnt have the patience or inspiration either.
i got kinda bummed out about the scene too... twice i think. i was ready to quitit all. it was really pissing me off... almost lowered my gpa too, but i broughtit back up in the last month... well anyways, may was a hard month for all of
us. i think we all had to deal with finals, except maybe one or two people, and
we all had to deal with end-of-the-year-oh-shit-i-dont-have-anything-done blues.well... that sucked. and so, we decided, hmm... since theres only 11 things forthe pak, maybe we should wait... but now its summer time. i have a little more
time. but i have no inspiration whatsoever. and now. im bored. so im gonna
go out driving. g
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