this image contains text
Pack 2!
Well, we made it 2 packs farther than I expected, and so f
ar it looks
promising for ORBiT. The first pack was huge, I know... and a fe
w things were
screwy... but, besides for that, the feedback on it was all posit
Ironically, after the 2.5 meg release of pack 1, we couldnt get
enough art
into this one to release it in the 1 month span. So, packs wont
be released
on the first of each month. Instead, Im just going to release i
t when we
have 1.4 meg zipped up. I know its still a lot, but we are a VG
A based group
... so that can be expected. As more artists join, ORBiT will pr
obably end up
balancing out fine. That brings me to our next catagory... G
Fresh Meat
ORBiT is looking for art talent. We are in need of ANSi a
rtists, due
mainly to our main ANSi artist Tsunami Surge dropping ANSi for
Understandable, but I was dissapointed that an excellent ANSi art
ist and .MOD
composer left. Anyway, February was dissapointing as far as recr
uiting goes.
We acquired only a couple new members and a couple Dist. Sites.
Also, we have
a Canadian Headquarters for ORBiT, The Crystal Palace. At any ra
te, ORBiT is
growing in the distribution aspect, but I would like to get more
artists to do some work for ORBiT.
Whats really starting to piss me off about the scene is t
he bandwagon
effect. Admit it guys, once a couple of big groups start saying
one thing in
their newsletter, everyone else starts saying the same thing. Th
e big issue
I cant stand is this struggle over everyone and their mom starti
ng a group.
Well, sure, groups like FATE in our area are a joke and a shame t
o the scene in general... but I think that there has to be so
me small groups sprouting to feed the bigger groups their fut
ure talented artists. Think about it. If someone
applys to ACiD and they say You suck, get lost! not that they
would, but Im using it as an example .. the person probably
would quit drawing ansi. This
actually happened when someone was ripping ansis to impress me, s
o they started a warez group, which looks like its gonna be
awesome. Anyway, instead of
discouraging them, they can join a little group, like us, and tha
t way they get some practice and actually improve on their ar
t. One example of this, I think, would be our own Veediot! .
.. a while back, in fact, he used to suck big donkey ... but
he just kept at it and improved, until now hes what I conside
r to be,
at the very least, a more than decent toon artist. Eventually, I
m sure, hell get into shaded drawings, or maybe just more c
omplex toons if he wants, but for now he can get some exposur
e and blossom before he moves on to a bigger group.
So, sure there may be too many new groups popping up right and le
ft, but please people, think about it before you hop on the
lets rip on the little guy
Another thing that seems to be popular to criticize is the ide
a of dual grouping. Okay, sure, it might be lame to join a b
illion and four groups, but
as long as the person can truly handle it, then fine. Some peopl
e do it just
for the affils. Well, I dont consider Lamer BLoW/CHuNk/SuCk/D
oNkEY to be
in any group. The reason being is just cause none of those grou
ps have been
established to the least amount. I dont even sign off mouse O
RBiT when I
post or whatever .. cause weve only had 1 well, now 2 packs o
ut. If
someone is say a courier and has Mr. Modem ACiD/UNiON/CiA/Blade
/SHiVER then that is a good thing. More power to them if t
hey want to have a 5 pack batch
per board or whatever. As long as they accept their responsibili
ties and do
what ACiD expects him to, what UNiON expects him to do, what CiA
expects him to do, what Blade expects him to do, and what SHi
VER expects him to do. To each
of those groups, it wouldnt matter... cause he is still doing w
hat he is
supposed to for each group. Now for an artist, well, it changes
slightly. I
HIGHLY doubt I could do enough work to be in more than 1 group.
I mean, SLiCE
and SEPTiC wanted me to help them out in their VGA department, an
d I said Sure .. but I can only contribute 1 or 2 a month ..
. .. that, I can handle. I will still produce work with the
same quality for all groups and still produce good
art for ORBiT. All it means, is more time spent at the computer.
If some
artist has no life and can do a bazillion works for each of 15 gr
oups... fine.
But when it starts affecting the QUALITY and quantity of the work
, that is
where to draw the line in the sand and step back and realize you
are either in
it for the affils, cant say no, or have just piled on too much w
ork for
yourself. I say take a breath .. do some work for a group, maybe
2, and relax. This is a hobby... its not a job. Have fun w
ith it. Dont overload with work you gotta do for groups wit
h deadlines. BTW - Thats another thing I disagree with ..
deadlines for art pax Anyway, enough of my lecturing, or bab
whichever you prefer to call it.
Closing Statements
I hope you dont feel you wasted the download by getting t
his pack,
and if you are a freelancer out there that would like to join, jus
t dial up
NO CARRiER and well talk. 8
In addition, I would like to invite anyone in other groups to
call NO
CARRiER if they would like to set up a Distribution Site in the 81
0 area code
Which is the Metropolitan Detroit area - the burbs! Anyway
, we welcome
offers for any type of distribution, while offering a wide variety
of art pax.
Another thing Id like to add is that I personally recommend t
hat you
use ACiDViEW for viewing the ansis, it is the best viewer Ive see
n from any
group yet, in my personal opinion. For viewing VGA, I suggest usi
ng the latest
version of CompuShow, which I may include for you. It is simply t
he best VGA
viewer I have ever seen. For listening to the .S3Ms, I personally
suggest usingeither DMP 3.x, the latest Inertia Player, or t
he latest Visual Player. These
should be easy to find, and if you cant, give NO CARRiER a call a
nd Ill
personally hook you up with ACiDViEW, CompuShow, and DMP 3.x with
But, like I mentioned, you shouldnt have a hard time finding them
included in the pack is a player for the .SMK files... just use P
FILENAME.SMK and itll do the rest... FYI - SMK files are merel
y compressed
FLIs... compressed with a program called SMACKER, which you need t
o use the
.SMK viewer they included to view them. But, at least it works..
Legal/Copyright Info
By the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, along with s
106 through 119 and the American law title 17, US Code ... the w
orks included
in this pack are copyrighted by the artist of each work. The Bern
e Convention
of 1989 established inherent personal rights to the artists of the
included in this art pack. We expect these rights will not be vio
lated, but forlegal matters, we are mentioning this.
Pack 2!
Well, we made it 2 packs farther than I expected, and so f
ar it looks
promising for ORBiT. The first pack was huge, I know... and a fe
w things were
screwy... but, besides for that, the feedback on it was all posit
Ironically, after the 2.5 meg release of pack 1, we couldnt get
enough art
into this one to release it in the 1 month span. So, packs wont
be released
on the first of each month. Instead, Im just going to release i
t when we
have 1.4 meg zipped up. I know its still a lot, but we are a VG
A based group
... so that can be expected. As more artists join, ORBiT will pr
obably end up
balancing out fine. That brings me to our next catagory... G
Fresh Meat
ORBiT is looking for art talent. We are in need of ANSi a
rtists, due
mainly to our main ANSi artist Tsunami Surge dropping ANSi for
Understandable, but I was dissapointed that an excellent ANSi art
ist and .MOD
composer left. Anyway, February was dissapointing as far as recr
uiting goes.
We acquired only a couple new members and a couple Dist. Sites.
Also, we have
a Canadian Headquarters for ORBiT, The Crystal Palace. At any ra
te, ORBiT is
growing in the distribution aspect, but I would like to get more
artists to do some work for ORBiT.
Whats really starting to piss me off about the scene is t
he bandwagon
effect. Admit it guys, once a couple of big groups start saying
one thing in
their newsletter, everyone else starts saying the same thing. Th
e big issue
I cant stand is this struggle over everyone and their mom starti
ng a group.
Well, sure, groups like FATE in our area are a joke and a shame t
o the scene in general... but I think that there has to be so
me small groups sprouting to feed the bigger groups their fut
ure talented artists. Think about it. If someone
applys to ACiD and they say You suck, get lost! not that they
would, but Im using it as an example .. the person probably
would quit drawing ansi. This
actually happened when someone was ripping ansis to impress me, s
o they started a warez group, which looks like its gonna be
awesome. Anyway, instead of
discouraging them, they can join a little group, like us, and tha
t way they get some practice and actually improve on their ar
t. One example of this, I think, would be our own Veediot! .
.. a while back, in fact, he used to suck big donkey ... but
he just kept at it and improved, until now hes what I conside
r to be,
at the very least, a more than decent toon artist. Eventually, I
m sure, hell get into shaded drawings, or maybe just more c
omplex toons if he wants, but for now he can get some exposur
e and blossom before he moves on to a bigger group.
So, sure there may be too many new groups popping up right and le
ft, but please people, think about it before you hop on the
lets rip on the little guy
Another thing that seems to be popular to criticize is the ide
a of dual grouping. Okay, sure, it might be lame to join a b
illion and four groups, but
as long as the person can truly handle it, then fine. Some peopl
e do it just
for the affils. Well, I dont consider Lamer BLoW/CHuNk/SuCk/D
oNkEY to be
in any group. The reason being is just cause none of those grou
ps have been
established to the least amount. I dont even sign off mouse O
RBiT when I
post or whatever .. cause weve only had 1 well, now 2 packs o
ut. If
someone is say a courier and has Mr. Modem ACiD/UNiON/CiA/Blade
/SHiVER then that is a good thing. More power to them if t
hey want to have a 5 pack batch
per board or whatever. As long as they accept their responsibili
ties and do
what ACiD expects him to, what UNiON expects him to do, what CiA
expects him to do, what Blade expects him to do, and what SHi
VER expects him to do. To each
of those groups, it wouldnt matter... cause he is still doing w
hat he is
supposed to for each group. Now for an artist, well, it changes
slightly. I
HIGHLY doubt I could do enough work to be in more than 1 group.
I mean, SLiCE
and SEPTiC wanted me to help them out in their VGA department, an
d I said Sure .. but I can only contribute 1 or 2 a month ..
. .. that, I can handle. I will still produce work with the
same quality for all groups and still produce good
art for ORBiT. All it means, is more time spent at the computer.
If some
artist has no life and can do a bazillion works for each of 15 gr
oups... fine.
But when it starts affecting the QUALITY and quantity of the work
, that is
where to draw the line in the sand and step back and realize you
are either in
it for the affils, cant say no, or have just piled on too much w
ork for
yourself. I say take a breath .. do some work for a group, maybe
2, and relax. This is a hobby... its not a job. Have fun w
ith it. Dont overload with work you gotta do for groups wit
h deadlines. BTW - Thats another thing I disagree with ..
deadlines for art pax Anyway, enough of my lecturing, or bab
whichever you prefer to call it.
Closing Statements
I hope you dont feel you wasted the download by getting t
his pack,
and if you are a freelancer out there that would like to join, jus
t dial up
NO CARRiER and well talk. 8
In addition, I would like to invite anyone in other groups to
call NO
CARRiER if they would like to set up a Distribution Site in the 81
0 area code
Which is the Metropolitan Detroit area - the burbs! Anyway
, we welcome
offers for any type of distribution, while offering a wide variety
of art pax.
Another thing Id like to add is that I personally recommend t
hat you
use ACiDViEW for viewing the ansis, it is the best viewer Ive see
n from any
group yet, in my personal opinion. For viewing VGA, I suggest usi
ng the latest
version of CompuShow, which I may include for you. It is simply t
he best VGA
viewer I have ever seen. For listening to the .S3Ms, I personally
suggest usingeither DMP 3.x, the latest Inertia Player, or t
he latest Visual Player. These
should be easy to find, and if you cant, give NO CARRiER a call a
nd Ill
personally hook you up with ACiDViEW, CompuShow, and DMP 3.x with
But, like I mentioned, you shouldnt have a hard time finding them
included in the pack is a player for the .SMK files... just use P
FILENAME.SMK and itll do the rest... FYI - SMK files are merel
y compressed
FLIs... compressed with a program called SMACKER, which you need t
o use the
.SMK viewer they included to view them. But, at least it works..
Legal/Copyright Info
By the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, along with s
106 through 119 and the American law title 17, US Code ... the w
orks included
in this pack are copyrighted by the artist of each work. The Bern
e Convention
of 1989 established inherent personal rights to the artists of the
included in this art pack. We expect these rights will not be vio
lated, but forlegal matters, we are mentioning this.
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