this image contains text
1st Pack!
Well, this is our very first p
ack. Of course, it is nothing compared
to some of the big groups like ACiD, iCE, whatever ... but its a
start. If
you look back at other groups first packs, were pretty much on
track.. that
is, if we can get on a constantly improving pace. We had planned
on releasing
this pack right on midnight January 1st, 1995 .. but that date ca
me and went
before we were ready to release this pack. So, well be releasin
g by number
instead of by date. ORBiT is looking for some talented artists o
f all types:
VGA, ANSi, ASCii, RiP, etc.... so if you are interested in joinin
g, call NO
CARRiER at 810473-1197 - NUPYYZ and upload the application tha
t you create
using the ORBiT APPGEN.
Our ORBiT Headquarters is NO CARRiER BBS. The and NUP a
re right
above, so I wont turn this into an ad. However, there is an iss
ue Id like
to address that I just discovered today. I was going through the
ACiD 12/94
Aquisition and an ansi by Bad Karma caught my attention. Apparen
tly there is
now two NO CARRiERs out there. I was not aware of the other NO C
ARRiER, nor
was The Atomic Brain, who was NO CARRiERs original sysop. But,
I assure you
that we are not trying to steal their name.. it is purely coincid
ental. We
have been running a total of almost three years, and this is the
first time I
have ever heard of another NO CARRiER out there. At any rate, I
wanted to
somewhat clear up this issue before it really becomes one.
Closing Statements
I hope you dont feel you wasted the download by getting t
his pack,
and if you are a freelancer out there that would like to join, jus
t dial up
NO CARRiER and well talk. 8
Also, a few things that might need clearing up... The Round Ta
ble the
board featured in a few of Tsunami Surges ansis is NOT an ELiTE
board, and
the sysop gets aggrivated when someone logs on and asks for ELiTE
access. I
just wanted to make it clear that it is not a warez board. Then
why make an
ansi for it?! ??? Well, those were submitted into the ansi conte
st they held
a little while back in which Tsunami recieved prizes that made it
In addition, I would like to invite anyone in other groups to
call NO
CARRiER if they would like to set up a Distrobution Site in the 81
0 area code
Which is the Metropolitan Detroit area - the burbs! Anyway
, we welcome
offers for any type of distrobution, while offering a wide variety
of art pax.
Another thing Id like to add is that I personally recommend t
hat you
use ACiDViEW for viewing the ansis, it is the best viewer Ive see
n from any
group yet, in my personal opinion. For viewing VGA, I suggest usi
ng the latest
version of CompuShow, which I may include for you. It is simply t
he best VGA
viewing program Ive seen to date. For viewing the Flic, try a hi
gh quality
flic viewer such as Autodesk Animator Player aka AAPLAY ... I su
ggest the
Windows version of AAPLAY. And for playing the MODs and S3Ms, use
either DMP
3.x, the latest Inertia Player, or the latest Visual Player. Thes
e should be
easy to find, and if you cant, give NO CARRiER a call and Ill pe
hook you up with ACiDViEW, CSHOW, AAPLAY/Win, and DMP 3.x with DM
PCC ...
but, like I mentioned, you shouldnt have a hard time finding them
By the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, along with secti
106 through 119 and the American law title 17, US Code ... the w
orks included
in this pack are copyrighted by the artist of each work. The Bern
e Convention
of 1989 established inherent personal rights to the artists of the
included in this art pack. We expect these rights will not be vio
lated, but forlegal matters, we are mentioning this.
The enclosed .SMC file is a simple SNES/Magicom intro - which
can be
run if you have a Magicom Console Copier and/or VSMC v.70+ Coded
by The Brain
1st Pack!
Well, this is our very first p
ack. Of course, it is nothing compared
to some of the big groups like ACiD, iCE, whatever ... but its a
start. If
you look back at other groups first packs, were pretty much on
track.. that
is, if we can get on a constantly improving pace. We had planned
on releasing
this pack right on midnight January 1st, 1995 .. but that date ca
me and went
before we were ready to release this pack. So, well be releasin
g by number
instead of by date. ORBiT is looking for some talented artists o
f all types:
VGA, ANSi, ASCii, RiP, etc.... so if you are interested in joinin
g, call NO
CARRiER at 810473-1197 - NUPYYZ and upload the application tha
t you create
using the ORBiT APPGEN.
Our ORBiT Headquarters is NO CARRiER BBS. The and NUP a
re right
above, so I wont turn this into an ad. However, there is an iss
ue Id like
to address that I just discovered today. I was going through the
ACiD 12/94
Aquisition and an ansi by Bad Karma caught my attention. Apparen
tly there is
now two NO CARRiERs out there. I was not aware of the other NO C
ARRiER, nor
was The Atomic Brain, who was NO CARRiERs original sysop. But,
I assure you
that we are not trying to steal their name.. it is purely coincid
ental. We
have been running a total of almost three years, and this is the
first time I
have ever heard of another NO CARRiER out there. At any rate, I
wanted to
somewhat clear up this issue before it really becomes one.
Closing Statements
I hope you dont feel you wasted the download by getting t
his pack,
and if you are a freelancer out there that would like to join, jus
t dial up
NO CARRiER and well talk. 8
Also, a few things that might need clearing up... The Round Ta
ble the
board featured in a few of Tsunami Surges ansis is NOT an ELiTE
board, and
the sysop gets aggrivated when someone logs on and asks for ELiTE
access. I
just wanted to make it clear that it is not a warez board. Then
why make an
ansi for it?! ??? Well, those were submitted into the ansi conte
st they held
a little while back in which Tsunami recieved prizes that made it
In addition, I would like to invite anyone in other groups to
call NO
CARRiER if they would like to set up a Distrobution Site in the 81
0 area code
Which is the Metropolitan Detroit area - the burbs! Anyway
, we welcome
offers for any type of distrobution, while offering a wide variety
of art pax.
Another thing Id like to add is that I personally recommend t
hat you
use ACiDViEW for viewing the ansis, it is the best viewer Ive see
n from any
group yet, in my personal opinion. For viewing VGA, I suggest usi
ng the latest
version of CompuShow, which I may include for you. It is simply t
he best VGA
viewing program Ive seen to date. For viewing the Flic, try a hi
gh quality
flic viewer such as Autodesk Animator Player aka AAPLAY ... I su
ggest the
Windows version of AAPLAY. And for playing the MODs and S3Ms, use
either DMP
3.x, the latest Inertia Player, or the latest Visual Player. Thes
e should be
easy to find, and if you cant, give NO CARRiER a call and Ill pe
hook you up with ACiDViEW, CSHOW, AAPLAY/Win, and DMP 3.x with DM
PCC ...
but, like I mentioned, you shouldnt have a hard time finding them
By the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, along with secti
106 through 119 and the American law title 17, US Code ... the w
orks included
in this pack are copyrighted by the artist of each work. The Bern
e Convention
of 1989 established inherent personal rights to the artists of the
included in this art pack. We expect these rights will not be vio
lated, but forlegal matters, we are mentioning this.
The enclosed .SMC file is a simple SNES/Magicom intro - which
can be
run if you have a Magicom Console Copier and/or VSMC v.70+ Coded
by The Brain
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