this image contains text
place for affils
place for affils 2
--------abschneiden hier----cut here-----klipp hr-----@Njlp!-------
-picture from wildc.a.t.s ..
-is it Zealot?
-uhm.. no..
-Looks like Zealot.
-Well it isnt.
-It has Zealots clothes, Zealots hair..
-Well hrrmm, ok, maybe its a little Zealot. She doesnt have any stripes in herface, though.
-Zealot doesnt have them all the time, you know.
-Oh shuttup. I know it looks like Zealot.. But it isnt. Really.
-Strange. I only know one babe who looks like that in wildc.a.t.s., and that suuuure is Zealot..
-AllRIGHT ALLRIGHT!! It IS Zealot!! Are you happy now?!? Are you? Asshole.
-Youre weird.
-And youre obsessed with Zealot. Now get outta my house before i smack ya!@
end info:
Picture: WILDC.A.T.S. not Zealot
Logo: Original has nothing to do with Zealot
Background: Original No Zealot in there, No sir. None at all
Artist: Zealot II.. NO!@@ dammit: ZEUS II.
Group: Opium Zealot isnt in
Thank you.
//Zeus II.Opium.Nov 9 1996.
place for affils
place for affils 2
--------abschneiden hier----cut here-----klipp hr-----@Njlp!-------
-picture from wildc.a.t.s ..
-is it Zealot?
-uhm.. no..
-Looks like Zealot.
-Well it isnt.
-It has Zealots clothes, Zealots hair..
-Well hrrmm, ok, maybe its a little Zealot. She doesnt have any stripes in herface, though.
-Zealot doesnt have them all the time, you know.
-Oh shuttup. I know it looks like Zealot.. But it isnt. Really.
-Strange. I only know one babe who looks like that in wildc.a.t.s., and that suuuure is Zealot..
-AllRIGHT ALLRIGHT!! It IS Zealot!! Are you happy now?!? Are you? Asshole.
-Youre weird.
-And youre obsessed with Zealot. Now get outta my house before i smack ya!@
end info:
Picture: WILDC.A.T.S. not Zealot
Logo: Original has nothing to do with Zealot
Background: Original No Zealot in there, No sir. None at all
Artist: Zealot II.. NO!@@ dammit: ZEUS II.
Group: Opium Zealot isnt in
Thank you.
//Zeus II.Opium.Nov 9 1996.
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