this image contains text
raider ..
yo. heres a bunch of fonts and 23 liners that i did for a local board
called diezel. to request an ansi by me, contact me on irc, or email
me at: jim.arlebrink@mailbox.swipnet.se. prices are 5 per 25 lines,
american . swedish currency also accepted, 30SEK per 25 lines. i also
do trades, and i trade ansi, vga, rip, and iniquity stuff.
greets goes to all the ravers out there. i love you all. :
d i e z e l
logo by raideropx 1996
d i e z e l
rd. a f f i l a t e d g rou p s raideropx
d i e z e l
diezel matrix logon
commands here !!! commands here !!! commands here !!! commands here !!! rd.
- - --- raideropx
join conference
conference nummer ett
conference nummer tv
conference nummer tre
conference nummer fyra
conference nummer fem
conference nummer sex
conference nummer sju
conference nummer tta
conference nummer nio
conference nummer tio
thats all folks. see ya next time.. : zeusii, youre a kse. :
yo. heres a bunch of fonts and 23 liners that i did for a local board
called diezel. to request an ansi by me, contact me on irc, or email
me at: jim.arlebrink@mailbox.swipnet.se. prices are 5 per 25 lines,
american . swedish currency also accepted, 30SEK per 25 lines. i also
do trades, and i trade ansi, vga, rip, and iniquity stuff.
greets goes to all the ravers out there. i love you all. :
d i e z e l
logo by raideropx 1996
d i e z e l
rd. a f f i l a t e d g rou p s raideropx
d i e z e l
diezel matrix logon
commands here !!! commands here !!! commands here !!! commands here !!! rd.
- - --- raideropx
join conference
conference nummer ett
conference nummer tv
conference nummer tre
conference nummer fyra
conference nummer fem
conference nummer sex
conference nummer sju
conference nummer tta
conference nummer nio
conference nummer tio
thats all folks. see ya next time.. : zeusii, youre a kse. :
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