this image contains text
General News From The Staff:
We in Opium is always in the look for new fresh talented members.
if you think you are one with the right skills and coolness, just zip
some of the best pictures togheter and get them to some senior member
or just upload them to our world outpost Sector seven on:
Finally our webpage is under construction give it a fast visit on
http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/3944 but remember its under
construction. We in the Opium staff really want to thank the reaper
for the directory on his ftp find the adress in the memberlist.
Just in case you should want to mail Opium weve put up an email address
for fanmail or other messages: opx@hotmail.com
N e w s F l a s h
It seems to happen most every month, and november was no exception
weve gained a few new very talented members to add to our already so
powerful team. a big welcome toast to these 6 six members:
Weirdo Psyxium Soul Storm Ravenclaw Cyberise Mongi
Now over to some sad news. i hate to say this but there is 2 members
that totally left Opx of their own free will. its the great ansi
artist Nos who left the group for unknown reason. the second dude that
really left us is the gr8 friend and skillfull ascii artist Rimfire.
he decided a total quit on the scene and no life behind the computer.
but remember you are always welcome back guys.. . .
In this pack Baltazar of acid appears into 1296LOGO.ANS with some
bitchin stuff. Have you ever thought about joining us Baltazar.
Fear has decided to retire from the drawing and in this pack you
will see his last ascii ever. i dont beleive him
fear is one of the few members u know who you are who was
there from the beginning, when Opx just was a little lame oh group
that no one beleived in. A bear hug to fear for stickin around with
one of the kraddest groups almost from the beginning.
You maby think its bad that there not really is any official places
to get the opx releases from the internet. Dont be sad anymore. ..
Find the releases on home.matabele.com/art/opx or just join the
OPX irc channel via Efnet to get some art goodies, or just stick around
for shitloads of crazy talk.
Were late as always, dont expect the releases to come on the 1st.
it will always be released around the 3rd or 4th in every month. Dont
chop our heads off for that.
Well i guess thats everything i got for now. Knowing it will be another
great Opium art archive in the beginning of the next month and also the
beginning of the next year leaves a warm feeling in my heart... .
l8er yaws...rawlock signing off.
lOrd spatter:
Damn! this pack is late... like all the others. Me - lOrd spatter does
not have that many ansis in this pack - i never have. And I dont think
there will be many more in the next pack. I dont think its too funny
to draw anylonger. I have had a lot to do this mounth too. Ive moved.
Im fucking tired when i write this. The day before yesterday i were
in a town called Karlstad on a party. I and some friends hi jason and
myffas went there to party! it was great! if you want to request
something from me i can gice you a little tips! Dont request anything
from me. I nearly dont do any requests... I have no time. Ok I guess
thats all for me for today... regards lOrd spatter
this info file was written by rawlock lord spatter
We in Opium is always in the look for new fresh talented members.
if you think you are one with the right skills and coolness, just zip
some of the best pictures togheter and get them to some senior member
or just upload them to our world outpost Sector seven on:
Finally our webpage is under construction give it a fast visit on
http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/3944 but remember its under
construction. We in the Opium staff really want to thank the reaper
for the directory on his ftp find the adress in the memberlist.
Just in case you should want to mail Opium weve put up an email address
for fanmail or other messages: opx@hotmail.com
N e w s F l a s h
It seems to happen most every month, and november was no exception
weve gained a few new very talented members to add to our already so
powerful team. a big welcome toast to these 6 six members:
Weirdo Psyxium Soul Storm Ravenclaw Cyberise Mongi
Now over to some sad news. i hate to say this but there is 2 members
that totally left Opx of their own free will. its the great ansi
artist Nos who left the group for unknown reason. the second dude that
really left us is the gr8 friend and skillfull ascii artist Rimfire.
he decided a total quit on the scene and no life behind the computer.
but remember you are always welcome back guys.. . .
In this pack Baltazar of acid appears into 1296LOGO.ANS with some
bitchin stuff. Have you ever thought about joining us Baltazar.
Fear has decided to retire from the drawing and in this pack you
will see his last ascii ever. i dont beleive him
fear is one of the few members u know who you are who was
there from the beginning, when Opx just was a little lame oh group
that no one beleived in. A bear hug to fear for stickin around with
one of the kraddest groups almost from the beginning.
You maby think its bad that there not really is any official places
to get the opx releases from the internet. Dont be sad anymore. ..
Find the releases on home.matabele.com/art/opx or just join the
OPX irc channel via Efnet to get some art goodies, or just stick around
for shitloads of crazy talk.
Were late as always, dont expect the releases to come on the 1st.
it will always be released around the 3rd or 4th in every month. Dont
chop our heads off for that.
Well i guess thats everything i got for now. Knowing it will be another
great Opium art archive in the beginning of the next month and also the
beginning of the next year leaves a warm feeling in my heart... .
l8er yaws...rawlock signing off.
lOrd spatter:
Damn! this pack is late... like all the others. Me - lOrd spatter does
not have that many ansis in this pack - i never have. And I dont think
there will be many more in the next pack. I dont think its too funny
to draw anylonger. I have had a lot to do this mounth too. Ive moved.
Im fucking tired when i write this. The day before yesterday i were
in a town called Karlstad on a party. I and some friends hi jason and
myffas went there to party! it was great! if you want to request
something from me i can gice you a little tips! Dont request anything
from me. I nearly dont do any requests... I have no time. Ok I guess
thats all for me for today... regards lOrd spatter
this info file was written by rawlock lord spatter
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