this image contains text
o p x
op i u m g r a p h i x o n e
y e a r a n n i v e r s a r y
rawlock speaks:
Howdy Freaks! One day in October 1995 Opium Gfx Released their first art
package, Now 12 months later we are celebrating our 1 year birthday.
hurrah!! hurrah!!
I would like to thank everyone in opium, you guys rule, and also a big
hug to my friend lord spatter, without him opium probably would be dead.
We have decided that we want to keep the group even more small than it
already is. We are currently containing about 25 members, and from now
on we are trying to keep the group as small and exclusive as possible.
this does *not* mean that we are not taking any more artists to the group
and If you feel that youve got the right talent and skills to join our
ranks then dont hesitate to call our world headquarter on +46-225-20575
or contact any senior member.
Our member headquarter Lime has been taken offline forever, so dont
bother calling it anymore.
Weve also gained 1 new bud to our team. Its the coder anasazia
and he have started to code on the new opxvue in pure assembler. In
this pack you can see a beta version of our viewer, dont laugh your
ass of because it will be much much better in the real version, we are
only releasing this beta to show you what we are working on.
because its birthday, tons of greets fly out to different persons who
deserve it.
raider. Zeus II. vain. fear. lord spatter. jna. univerz. nos. kincaid. zalt.
peltier. superunknown. scoundrel. gingerlynn. sinkadus. rimfire. soul storm.
skywalker. osten. underground prophet. sir brainless. steroid. cain. clavicle. g-child. inm. anasazia. icetrain. kain
. conar. justin. snoopy. rex. baltazar.
torparn. the shadow. da bonehead. bruchie. tove!. mushroom. darktrooper. zix.
black mail. lucas. the kestrel. bizzarro. nut case. slim mckenzie. wector.
energy. danster. mindvibe. catonica. pfezzyo. evil genius. wolf yeti. quasar.
coroner. weapon x. fatal sacrilege. pharcyde. skeleton. sensei. ashaman.
intruder. cyber kid. rapido. disc!.... . .
if you feel forgotten then contact me rawlock and well talk about it.
Well.. its been one hell of a year and now the word goes to lord spatter
lOrd spatter...
hi! I guess its time for me to write something now. my board
lime is down and will never open again. If im going to start
up again its going to be a 2 nodes board there ill have one
node and jason the master of ravaged will have one.
Iand jason have started to sell CD-ROM:s to with about 800
art packs, 2200 ppes, 500 hpav files, 400 bbs releated files
NOra shit!, and 100 e-mags!.. the price for this CD is 300
sek... so if you are intressted call ravaged at +46-510-66168
and write a message to me or jason.
Ithink its fun that opium are getting bigger and bigger
and were also looking for more talanted artists. if you
think youre good enough then apply now.
Weve also heard that a lamer has ripped an ansi made by
vain. Ithink vain has talked to him and its ok now but we
dont want to see shit like that again!..
l8er on dudes
lOrd 5patter
o p x
op i u m g r a p h i x o n e
y e a r a n n i v e r s a r y
rawlock speaks:
Howdy Freaks! One day in October 1995 Opium Gfx Released their first art
package, Now 12 months later we are celebrating our 1 year birthday.
hurrah!! hurrah!!
I would like to thank everyone in opium, you guys rule, and also a big
hug to my friend lord spatter, without him opium probably would be dead.
We have decided that we want to keep the group even more small than it
already is. We are currently containing about 25 members, and from now
on we are trying to keep the group as small and exclusive as possible.
this does *not* mean that we are not taking any more artists to the group
and If you feel that youve got the right talent and skills to join our
ranks then dont hesitate to call our world headquarter on +46-225-20575
or contact any senior member.
Our member headquarter Lime has been taken offline forever, so dont
bother calling it anymore.
Weve also gained 1 new bud to our team. Its the coder anasazia
and he have started to code on the new opxvue in pure assembler. In
this pack you can see a beta version of our viewer, dont laugh your
ass of because it will be much much better in the real version, we are
only releasing this beta to show you what we are working on.
because its birthday, tons of greets fly out to different persons who
deserve it.
raider. Zeus II. vain. fear. lord spatter. jna. univerz. nos. kincaid. zalt.
peltier. superunknown. scoundrel. gingerlynn. sinkadus. rimfire. soul storm.
skywalker. osten. underground prophet. sir brainless. steroid. cain. clavicle. g-child. inm. anasazia. icetrain. kain
. conar. justin. snoopy. rex. baltazar.
torparn. the shadow. da bonehead. bruchie. tove!. mushroom. darktrooper. zix.
black mail. lucas. the kestrel. bizzarro. nut case. slim mckenzie. wector.
energy. danster. mindvibe. catonica. pfezzyo. evil genius. wolf yeti. quasar.
coroner. weapon x. fatal sacrilege. pharcyde. skeleton. sensei. ashaman.
intruder. cyber kid. rapido. disc!.... . .
if you feel forgotten then contact me rawlock and well talk about it.
Well.. its been one hell of a year and now the word goes to lord spatter
lOrd spatter...
hi! I guess its time for me to write something now. my board
lime is down and will never open again. If im going to start
up again its going to be a 2 nodes board there ill have one
node and jason the master of ravaged will have one.
Iand jason have started to sell CD-ROM:s to with about 800
art packs, 2200 ppes, 500 hpav files, 400 bbs releated files
NOra shit!, and 100 e-mags!.. the price for this CD is 300
sek... so if you are intressted call ravaged at +46-510-66168
and write a message to me or jason.
Ithink its fun that opium are getting bigger and bigger
and were also looking for more talanted artists. if you
think youre good enough then apply now.
Weve also heard that a lamer has ripped an ansi made by
vain. Ithink vain has talked to him and its ok now but we
dont want to see shit like that again!..
l8er on dudes
lOrd 5patter
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