this image contains text
handle : vain
irc nick : vain
name : Matte Nslund
age : 21
abbrev : va
affils :
position : ans x mus x
bbs x
situated in : north of sweden
time creating : not enough... 6 months making ansi, but 9 years
in the module making bizz....
fav board : lime, ikkibar ofcourse pets!
other hobbies than art : go fast on my blades...
: smoke weed...
: listen 2 moms ol Barry Manilow records
drinks : trocadero, coffe
eats : food, general snus pussy
fav music : all kinds of trance ambient, alternative acid jazz..
fav movie : bladerunner the crow
fav artist : zaico, baltazar P1
fav artgrp : mop
fav game : Donkey kong
likes : my wife, my brother my friends
dislikes : bad people... people with bad attitude..
meaning of life : expand your inner mind sense grow your Chi
: until it reaches other dimensions
future plans : grow a huuuge beard and get 2,64 kids, get myself
: a couple of nice pigs and start a pigfarm...
3 things i do good : talk crap... always do that... :
: sing... just like Anthony Kiedis..
: take care of my family..
3 things i do bad! : code pas asm
: drive my submarine :
: draw logos...
got a board? : yup x nop
the boardname : pets
the number : +46-278-611-311
storage : 3.6gb... filled with tons of graphical shit..
short history : god made earth in a couple of days, adam had
: sexual intercourse with eva and got alot of kids.
: one of them got nailed to a huge wooden cross...
: nah.... serious.....
: i started making music and paint on the c64
: back in 1985, and went to the amiga in 1986 or
: something like that. i have been into groups such
: as triad, razor 1911, x-trade, stile... and it
: is great to be a part of the ansi scene...
hints tips : fill the background with a light color such as
: lightgrey or white. then draw the outlines in
: black... makes it more easy to see the motive...
: u should also use the vga view often to get a
: better overview over your work....
final words : Stop trading 2 keep the ansi scene alive
: smoke bananas...
irc nick : vain
name : Matte Nslund
age : 21
abbrev : va
affils :
position : ans x mus x
bbs x
situated in : north of sweden
time creating : not enough... 6 months making ansi, but 9 years
in the module making bizz....
fav board : lime, ikkibar ofcourse pets!
other hobbies than art : go fast on my blades...
: smoke weed...
: listen 2 moms ol Barry Manilow records
drinks : trocadero, coffe
eats : food, general snus pussy
fav music : all kinds of trance ambient, alternative acid jazz..
fav movie : bladerunner the crow
fav artist : zaico, baltazar P1
fav artgrp : mop
fav game : Donkey kong
likes : my wife, my brother my friends
dislikes : bad people... people with bad attitude..
meaning of life : expand your inner mind sense grow your Chi
: until it reaches other dimensions
future plans : grow a huuuge beard and get 2,64 kids, get myself
: a couple of nice pigs and start a pigfarm...
3 things i do good : talk crap... always do that... :
: sing... just like Anthony Kiedis..
: take care of my family..
3 things i do bad! : code pas asm
: drive my submarine :
: draw logos...
got a board? : yup x nop
the boardname : pets
the number : +46-278-611-311
storage : 3.6gb... filled with tons of graphical shit..
short history : god made earth in a couple of days, adam had
: sexual intercourse with eva and got alot of kids.
: one of them got nailed to a huge wooden cross...
: nah.... serious.....
: i started making music and paint on the c64
: back in 1985, and went to the amiga in 1986 or
: something like that. i have been into groups such
: as triad, razor 1911, x-trade, stile... and it
: is great to be a part of the ansi scene...
hints tips : fill the background with a light color such as
: lightgrey or white. then draw the outlines in
: black... makes it more easy to see the motive...
: u should also use the vga view often to get a
: better overview over your work....
final words : Stop trading 2 keep the ansi scene alive
: smoke bananas...
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