this image contains text
OPX 0996 informatiOn
o pi um
its a drug... and you are using it
Welcome to some words of quality from 3 of the top members in OPX.
since the last release we have gained some new members, here is the
complete list: Vain, Kincaid, Jna, Univerz, Soul Storm, Zalt,
Scoundrel, Skywalker, GingerLynn. We also received
Underground Prophet as a trial member, its up to him if he wants
to be a real member of our already so powerful team.
If you can draw ansi take the thumb out of your dirty ass and join
up with the coolest team ever. In this pack we have a guest appearence
from Baltazar of mOp, he drawed most of the fonts in Vains pictures.
Baltazar join us now . Our old WHQ Corrupt System is taken offline
forever, all accounts is moved to the new WHQ s3ctor s3ven. Next week
well receive the second node, until then you can reach node1 on:
+46-22-520575. Next month its Opiums 1 year birthday, so prepare
yourself for one hell of a partie.. free booze for all guest artists
in the October pack. If you want to appear as a guest artist in our
birthday pack contact me rawlock on sector seven the number above
well until then drive safe take care and dont die..
i want to say peace to the following:
Kincaid, Vain, Lord 5patter, Inm, Fear, Zeus II, Jna, Univerz,
G-Child, Intruder, Gingerlynn, Conar, Wolf Yeti, Weapon X, Rex,
Raider, Baltazar, Da Bonehead, Pfezzyo, Catonica, Black Mail,
Bizarro, Rimfire, Everyone in Opium and everyone i forgot
dont kill me
A real fuck goes out to the little wimp 0de-8 i know who u are
Signed rAwlOck - OPX Leader
uhm yeah. hiya. welcome to our latest pack with tons of nice art and
shiznitz. heh. im not used to writing those nfos n stuff, so lets
go through this quickly. we got some new cool members.. fuck, i dont
know who they are, just check and youll see. oh yeah, vain, one of
my favorite artists joined up, and his girlfriend gingerlynnsp?
too. they rock. wh000, a girl who can draw! original! - another
eleeto reason why you should join us. some other dudes also joined,
and they rock too, but i cant think of their handles right now..
bad news: in the last pack, we recognized a lame-o ripper, called
wasted thanks phlare. of course, hes been kicked the hell out of
opium and we are really sorry for what happened. then what happened
was that some dude told us that there was a rip in some old pack
too, the ripper this time was ace. guess we must be blind or some-
thing. ohwell. sorry for that too, hes gone now too of course.
we also kicked some inactive guys, those are .. uhm. how the fuck
am i supposed to know?
fastgreets to.. uhm. lord spatter, rawlock, vain, blahblah.
everyone... just .. feel .. greeted ..!
ok. now, when we finally got through this shit, i think its about
time to go and check out the pack, you agree? good. then let it
be that way.
eof end of fear
Zeus II:
Yes. Just couldnt start with saying Hi. Welcome to another Opium
release.This time we have recieved strong backup from some new, very
talented members. That means that this package is one of our best so
far. Enjoy. I sincerely hope that all you artists out there have
considered joining Us. Because this group just gets better and better
every day. Join us now, and be a part of our most excellent team! Now
to some personal info. I have got me a bbs where anyone can contact
me from now on. Sector 7 isnt very good for me, since I live quite
far away from it.. ! Instead, give DARKWOOD a buzz from now on,
if you want to order an ansi or just say something. Once there, you
login with handle VISITOR and psw VISITOR. Youve even got a special
conference, where you pick up the ansi youve requested. Cool? yes.
Anyway, all you have to do is to mess me there. And give me lots of
info about your bbs or whatever it is. Dont try to page me.. Im not
the sysop there. Hehe. Heres the number: +46-046-2110546 Allright.
I just want to send some respects to a few people and then youre
rid of me :.
Here we go:
Conar - One hell of a good guy.
Rawlock - Hes a real good chap, too.
NS Crew - They were probably born nice.
G-child - I love anyone who orders from me...
Lord Spatter - Hope to see you again on IRC! As soon as I get my
Ripper, Ilvatar, Grim Ripper - Hey guys .
Screwface - Youre OK.
Everyone in opium - Keep up the good work!
Allright... All you good artists you there.. call s7, apply now! See
you next month!
// Zeus II - Opium Graphics 96 Senior member / assistant package
PS. All the pictures starting with zii-21* may only be used in ITC
2.1 !!
Ansi in top drawn by: rAwlOck
Info Written by: rAwlOck, Zeus II and Fear
o pi um
its a drug... and you are using it
Welcome to some words of quality from 3 of the top members in OPX.
since the last release we have gained some new members, here is the
complete list: Vain, Kincaid, Jna, Univerz, Soul Storm, Zalt,
Scoundrel, Skywalker, GingerLynn. We also received
Underground Prophet as a trial member, its up to him if he wants
to be a real member of our already so powerful team.
If you can draw ansi take the thumb out of your dirty ass and join
up with the coolest team ever. In this pack we have a guest appearence
from Baltazar of mOp, he drawed most of the fonts in Vains pictures.
Baltazar join us now . Our old WHQ Corrupt System is taken offline
forever, all accounts is moved to the new WHQ s3ctor s3ven. Next week
well receive the second node, until then you can reach node1 on:
+46-22-520575. Next month its Opiums 1 year birthday, so prepare
yourself for one hell of a partie.. free booze for all guest artists
in the October pack. If you want to appear as a guest artist in our
birthday pack contact me rawlock on sector seven the number above
well until then drive safe take care and dont die..
i want to say peace to the following:
Kincaid, Vain, Lord 5patter, Inm, Fear, Zeus II, Jna, Univerz,
G-Child, Intruder, Gingerlynn, Conar, Wolf Yeti, Weapon X, Rex,
Raider, Baltazar, Da Bonehead, Pfezzyo, Catonica, Black Mail,
Bizarro, Rimfire, Everyone in Opium and everyone i forgot
dont kill me
A real fuck goes out to the little wimp 0de-8 i know who u are
Signed rAwlOck - OPX Leader
uhm yeah. hiya. welcome to our latest pack with tons of nice art and
shiznitz. heh. im not used to writing those nfos n stuff, so lets
go through this quickly. we got some new cool members.. fuck, i dont
know who they are, just check and youll see. oh yeah, vain, one of
my favorite artists joined up, and his girlfriend gingerlynnsp?
too. they rock. wh000, a girl who can draw! original! - another
eleeto reason why you should join us. some other dudes also joined,
and they rock too, but i cant think of their handles right now..
bad news: in the last pack, we recognized a lame-o ripper, called
wasted thanks phlare. of course, hes been kicked the hell out of
opium and we are really sorry for what happened. then what happened
was that some dude told us that there was a rip in some old pack
too, the ripper this time was ace. guess we must be blind or some-
thing. ohwell. sorry for that too, hes gone now too of course.
we also kicked some inactive guys, those are .. uhm. how the fuck
am i supposed to know?
fastgreets to.. uhm. lord spatter, rawlock, vain, blahblah.
everyone... just .. feel .. greeted ..!
ok. now, when we finally got through this shit, i think its about
time to go and check out the pack, you agree? good. then let it
be that way.
eof end of fear
Zeus II:
Yes. Just couldnt start with saying Hi. Welcome to another Opium
release.This time we have recieved strong backup from some new, very
talented members. That means that this package is one of our best so
far. Enjoy. I sincerely hope that all you artists out there have
considered joining Us. Because this group just gets better and better
every day. Join us now, and be a part of our most excellent team! Now
to some personal info. I have got me a bbs where anyone can contact
me from now on. Sector 7 isnt very good for me, since I live quite
far away from it.. ! Instead, give DARKWOOD a buzz from now on,
if you want to order an ansi or just say something. Once there, you
login with handle VISITOR and psw VISITOR. Youve even got a special
conference, where you pick up the ansi youve requested. Cool? yes.
Anyway, all you have to do is to mess me there. And give me lots of
info about your bbs or whatever it is. Dont try to page me.. Im not
the sysop there. Hehe. Heres the number: +46-046-2110546 Allright.
I just want to send some respects to a few people and then youre
rid of me :.
Here we go:
Conar - One hell of a good guy.
Rawlock - Hes a real good chap, too.
NS Crew - They were probably born nice.
G-child - I love anyone who orders from me...
Lord Spatter - Hope to see you again on IRC! As soon as I get my
Ripper, Ilvatar, Grim Ripper - Hey guys .
Screwface - Youre OK.
Everyone in opium - Keep up the good work!
Allright... All you good artists you there.. call s7, apply now! See
you next month!
// Zeus II - Opium Graphics 96 Senior member / assistant package
PS. All the pictures starting with zii-21* may only be used in ITC
2.1 !!
Ansi in top drawn by: rAwlOck
Info Written by: rAwlOck, Zeus II and Fear
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