this image contains text
O p i u m G f x J u n e 1 9 9 6
Opium info file - June 1996
Phew! the summer is arriving, the holiday comes closer and its
only a few days left in school, We in Opium will celebrate it
with a new and fresh paque of art.
Four new members, one new distsite a US HQ and a Swiss HQ has
joined Opium since the last pack. First it was Zeus II, he uploaded
his great application to our world hq and has now joined us as an
ansi artist.
A few weeks later Ace, a cool ansi artist with a little different
style joined our ansisection. Just 10 days before the release
the old style ascii artist Spike joined our forces and im sure
that you will love his quality asciis. The last one of the new
members calls himself Wasted and he has only worked with ansi for 1
month, and im sure that he will find enough inspiration in opium
to scare the shit out of you.
We wish the four of them a warm welcome to our group. Im proud to
present our new US HQ Disembodied Voices a big and very famous +3
noded art board located in the 718, the sysop of Disembodied Voices
is Fatal Sacrilege.
The distribution site is the 2 noded art-only Spantobi runned
by Quasar/Stile, and the swiss hq is Pentagon runned by coroner!
Find the numbers in the member list in this pack.
Cocox is from now on Senior member in our team, The easiest way
to reach him for questions etc. is on his board Lime.
Now its just one more thing that i want to inform about: We are
*not* going to release any art pack in july, i have decided that
our members should have some rest and need to go out of the house
let the sun touch their skin and look for some real stuff to do.
drawing ansi/ascii etc. is not the life , well i guess that is
all i have to say for now, and remember dont burn your skin out
Zeus ii asked me if i couldnt give him a little place in the nfo
to write down a little nfo etc. so just press the pgdn and read.
If you find any grammatical or spelling wrong in this text.. then
fuck you, im no englishmen!.. next time ill probably write this
shitty text in swedish!
Signed Rawlock - Opium ----
Some Words from Zeus II:
Zeus II Now A Member of Opium
You wont be seeing any more of the ZII art packages, so if you want
to catch my latest art from now on, push the D button on the latest
OPIUM release!
Oh, Right. In my last release I promised there would be a next one
in other words, I said: C ya next month or sum shit like that but
There wasnt. You see, in April I had the mere sum of four ansi
pictures. Which isnt even remotely many enough to make a release.
So this one is kinda double.. 24 pictures and fonts. And most of
them are even serious! Ive been pushing it, in other words. Nice.
Allright...Now a few words to all of you whove been watching
OPXs work for sum time, and never ever HEARD of me before. And hey,
I know youre out there, so dont be shy. Read.
I am Zeus II or ZII, located in the south of the long, green,
m00sefilled country of Sweden. To contact me all you have to do
is push on on your modem if its external and dial the BBS called
Carnal Devotion, CDt. The other members of Opium have the number.
Feel free to call whenever you need an ansi. But, remember, I dont
draw for just any sucker with some lame RA bbs and five users... Only
serious BBSes are accepted Need I say the word elite?.Or programs
Id rather have you ask me for a picture than that you just rip
one from this release. Original is best! Oh...
I dont do toon anzee. I stick with uhm Marvellish pictures.
Real-looking, that is. And dont ask me for /- ascii. I Kinda dont
like that. Never bothered to learn that shit very good. OK.. Id like
to greet some motherfuckas on the scene thatve been good fellas in
different ways. Here goes:
RiPPER, Ilvatar, Kidnix, Black Mail, Grim Ripper, NS-staff, Al-x,
Serenade, Box-z, All you guys in Opium, Wez!, Drome, Crenshaw, and
all of you guys out who actually likes my hard work. Hope I didnt
miss anyone... Later folks!
//That fucker who made all those pics that start with ZII-...
Greetings from rl! in no specific order
And now...... its time for the Greetings
Fear!, Rex, Pfezzyo, Catonica, Logobyte, Darktrooper, Quasar
Bruchie, Wintermute, Pyx, Sensei, Black Vision, Black Mail
Wrathchild i hope i spelled it right this time, 911Angel
Galtar, Intruder, Fatal Sacrilege..hmm...hmmm....i.now.its.
someone.i.forgot.hmm..bah!...shit.the.same.!..End Of Greets
Group greets goes out to:
Stile, Fusion, Harm, Rebels, Float, Food, Fuel, Xroads, Tension.
Call Corrupt System If You Want To ContriBute, We Need You!!
End Of FileOpium Nfo: Made by Rawlock, except the words from Zeus II
O p i u m G f x J u n e 1 9 9 6
Opium info file - June 1996
Phew! the summer is arriving, the holiday comes closer and its
only a few days left in school, We in Opium will celebrate it
with a new and fresh paque of art.
Four new members, one new distsite a US HQ and a Swiss HQ has
joined Opium since the last pack. First it was Zeus II, he uploaded
his great application to our world hq and has now joined us as an
ansi artist.
A few weeks later Ace, a cool ansi artist with a little different
style joined our ansisection. Just 10 days before the release
the old style ascii artist Spike joined our forces and im sure
that you will love his quality asciis. The last one of the new
members calls himself Wasted and he has only worked with ansi for 1
month, and im sure that he will find enough inspiration in opium
to scare the shit out of you.
We wish the four of them a warm welcome to our group. Im proud to
present our new US HQ Disembodied Voices a big and very famous +3
noded art board located in the 718, the sysop of Disembodied Voices
is Fatal Sacrilege.
The distribution site is the 2 noded art-only Spantobi runned
by Quasar/Stile, and the swiss hq is Pentagon runned by coroner!
Find the numbers in the member list in this pack.
Cocox is from now on Senior member in our team, The easiest way
to reach him for questions etc. is on his board Lime.
Now its just one more thing that i want to inform about: We are
*not* going to release any art pack in july, i have decided that
our members should have some rest and need to go out of the house
let the sun touch their skin and look for some real stuff to do.
drawing ansi/ascii etc. is not the life , well i guess that is
all i have to say for now, and remember dont burn your skin out
Zeus ii asked me if i couldnt give him a little place in the nfo
to write down a little nfo etc. so just press the pgdn and read.
If you find any grammatical or spelling wrong in this text.. then
fuck you, im no englishmen!.. next time ill probably write this
shitty text in swedish!
Signed Rawlock - Opium ----
Some Words from Zeus II:
Zeus II Now A Member of Opium
You wont be seeing any more of the ZII art packages, so if you want
to catch my latest art from now on, push the D button on the latest
OPIUM release!
Oh, Right. In my last release I promised there would be a next one
in other words, I said: C ya next month or sum shit like that but
There wasnt. You see, in April I had the mere sum of four ansi
pictures. Which isnt even remotely many enough to make a release.
So this one is kinda double.. 24 pictures and fonts. And most of
them are even serious! Ive been pushing it, in other words. Nice.
Allright...Now a few words to all of you whove been watching
OPXs work for sum time, and never ever HEARD of me before. And hey,
I know youre out there, so dont be shy. Read.
I am Zeus II or ZII, located in the south of the long, green,
m00sefilled country of Sweden. To contact me all you have to do
is push on on your modem if its external and dial the BBS called
Carnal Devotion, CDt. The other members of Opium have the number.
Feel free to call whenever you need an ansi. But, remember, I dont
draw for just any sucker with some lame RA bbs and five users... Only
serious BBSes are accepted Need I say the word elite?.Or programs
Id rather have you ask me for a picture than that you just rip
one from this release. Original is best! Oh...
I dont do toon anzee. I stick with uhm Marvellish pictures.
Real-looking, that is. And dont ask me for /- ascii. I Kinda dont
like that. Never bothered to learn that shit very good. OK.. Id like
to greet some motherfuckas on the scene thatve been good fellas in
different ways. Here goes:
RiPPER, Ilvatar, Kidnix, Black Mail, Grim Ripper, NS-staff, Al-x,
Serenade, Box-z, All you guys in Opium, Wez!, Drome, Crenshaw, and
all of you guys out who actually likes my hard work. Hope I didnt
miss anyone... Later folks!
//That fucker who made all those pics that start with ZII-...
Greetings from rl! in no specific order
And now...... its time for the Greetings
Fear!, Rex, Pfezzyo, Catonica, Logobyte, Darktrooper, Quasar
Bruchie, Wintermute, Pyx, Sensei, Black Vision, Black Mail
Wrathchild i hope i spelled it right this time, 911Angel
Galtar, Intruder, Fatal Sacrilege..hmm...hmmm....i.now.its.
someone.i.forgot.hmm..bah!...shit.the.same.!..End Of Greets
Group greets goes out to:
Stile, Fusion, Harm, Rebels, Float, Food, Fuel, Xroads, Tension.
Call Corrupt System If You Want To ContriBute, We Need You!!
End Of FileOpium Nfo: Made by Rawlock, except the words from Zeus II
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