this image contains text
. ,s@Sa. ,s@S ,s@Sa. ,s@Sa. ,s@S a. ,s@Sa. .
. @s. .
i b. i
i i
l l
.::.:: l l ::.::.
:::::: I I :jinx:
:.:: : I b. I : ::.:
:: ::: b. ::: ::
.4P 4P 4P 4P P,
4b. ,db. .s. ,db. ,db. .db. ,db. .s.,dP
shogun logo for rayar n his group..hope youre doing okei..ive stopped the
elite-shit, probably for good..so, go ahead and scratch out my name from the
memberlist..dont care, actually..but cya l8dah, dewd! ..yeah, kinda kewl
askee shit, this one..hmmz..hope it didnt get to wide as the other logo!
if so, jiss ask me and ill cut the motherfucker down scuse my language..
. @s. .
i b. i
i i
l l
.::.:: l l ::.::.
:::::: I I :jinx:
:.:: : I b. I : ::.:
:: ::: b. ::: ::
.4P 4P 4P 4P P,
4b. ,db. .s. ,db. ,db. .db. ,db. .s.,dP
shogun logo for rayar n his group..hope youre doing okei..ive stopped the
elite-shit, probably for good..so, go ahead and scratch out my name from the
memberlist..dont care, actually..but cya l8dah, dewd! ..yeah, kinda kewl
askee shit, this one..hmmz..hope it didnt get to wide as the other logo!
if so, jiss ask me and ill cut the motherfucker down scuse my language..
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