this image contains text
sTART oF cOLLY - Line 0001..
Original Size: 80181 kb..
Date of Release: 97-09-14 00:00
The snowcovered plains...
Early dawn...
As the village greets a new day, the old Crow cries atop the pine.
Spiritually bounded with nature and all creatures, great and small,
the hunting families sense danger as the cry of the old Crow continues.
A rumble at first barely loud enough to a human ear, grows into a deafening
storm of hooves thundering across frozen tundra. Then bursts into the
village, four times five riders clad in armour black. Swords drawn
glimmering in the awakening suns light. Cries echoes. Throats are slit.
Beautiful bodies fall to the frozen ground and limbs of able men are
strewn across the snowcovered plains. The blood colors the white snow red.
Women and children are brought far north. Hidden under the foliage of a
majestic tree, a ten year-old boy. When the shadows ahorse can no longer
be heard, he crawls out from his hide-out to seek his loved ones.
Not a sound. Not a movement. No sign of life...
And thus begins the saga of Blood On Ice...
: /-----/ /-jK// / :
o F
l/ / l/ l/ / / / l/ /
/ / l/ / /
n O R D A N V I N D !
l //----------------//
p R E S E N T S a c O L L Y c A L L E D . . . .
/ : -jK // // //.
: / / Y // :
Urrrrm... Hello and welcome to this, my first colly ever..
The quality and styles on the asciis in this colly may vary a bit
since one are always changing and hopefully? making progression
all the time when one is new. I dont think Ive found my own style yet
and some of the asciis may look a bit like someone elses, but I atleast
feel like I am making progression towards my own style.
Um... Im not gonna bore you to death with those loooong intro texts,
But if you feel that you would like an ascii from me or if you wanna
send me loveletters or something, use the e-mail adress included below....
// sTRiDh catharsis@hotmail.com
/ / / l/ / /
Name: For: Name: For:
1. Access Denied Ice 18. Skumma Bilder BBS Heinrich
2. Asatru Stridh 19. Saturday Night Fever Mso
3. Ascii Gallery Danen 20. Stridh Stridh
4. Ausgebombt Skullhead 21. Organized Confusion Stc
5. Club Bizzarre Fenriz 22. Lynx Mso
6. Index Baphomet 23. Amiga Anyone..
7. Hammerheart divider Baphomet 24. Goodbye Anyone..
8. Danen Danen 25. Goop Zalt
9. Doomed Echo Diz ???? 26. Moldavia Case
10. Ice Ice 27. M/s Europa Kryssarn
11. Ippa Danen 28. Silja Terminalen ng
12. Java Java 29. Fresh Jive Sims
13. Jedi Knight Jedi Knight 30. Greets Jedi Knight
14. Nisse Bosse Nisse Bosse 31. Storm Danen
15. Nocturnal Desire Baphomet 32. Sverige ????
16. Pir tta Prmen 33. Artflow ????
17. Secret Avenue Skywalker 34. Hugin Munin Stridh
35. Sector zero Jedi Knight
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Access Denied :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ l/ / l/ / l/ / / /
::// // // str
l l/ / / / l/ /
l------//--//l-----/ ----/l---/l------//
:::::: aCCESS dENiED
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Asatru :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
The Spirit of our achestors still live on in us..
l/ l/ / l/ / / /
// str // / //----/
..The Asatru conference joined!
The Eternal deep dark Woods...
Late daytime...
Fifteen years have passed. Living among the animals. Learning to speak
their tongue. Learning to read the signs in bark and snow. Never forgetting
the sights that morning in the village all those years ago. Pain from
inside. Transforming him.
Thus he had grown into a Man of Iron...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
AsciiGallery :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ /
str // //
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Ausgebombt :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ /
/ aUSGEBOMBt! / /
/ / l/ / / / / /
l---/ /-----//-----/---//---/ -----/l---/
-- / str ----- ----- / ------- --
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Club Bizzarre :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ / / // l/ / l/ / /
/ l/ / / l/ /
----/l--/--/-/----/--/ ---/ ---//
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Index :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ l-----/ / / // / / //
/./ // / // sTR
Name For Type /
A part of the Eternal Woods...
Late evening...
Just after sunset on his way back to his camp after watching the sun
unite with the mountains in the west, he sees the flickering of light
between the tree trunks. Approaching, he sees and old man sitting calmly
by a fire, as if waiting for him. His left eye missing. His beard as if gold.
The signs on his cloak and hood familiar. The one eyed old man matches the
description of the soothsayer, as told by the elders of his village by the
fires at night when he only a child. The boy, now a young man, eager to
know, asks the one eyed old man about his dreams. Dreams he cannot
understand. Dreams about strange things he is seeing himself doing.
Then the winds that seem to talk to him. Voices that whisper to him behind
his back. The one eyed old man tells him of the cycles of the stars,
of the trail of fate and of the valley where time and space have ceased to
exist... where this wold ends and the shadows begin. The one eyed old man
tells the young man that his fate has chosen him to interfere with the other
world. The disturbance is already made. The daughters of of the four winds
have sold themselves to the shadows, disorting the balance of the universe.
And the one eyed old man says he has seen him come for a thousand years,
and that the aging gods have told him to teach him all that he has ever
known and to prepare him to ride beyond this world and into the shadows
as their champion to restore balance. To his aid he shall be given a sword
forged when this world was young. He shall be guarded and guided by two
ravens, and he shall ride the eight-legged stallion of his fathers god.
He will encounter the Woodwoman, and he will make a visit to the Lake.
One hundred days and one hundred nights his training shall be hard.
And this very night it will already have begun.
And thus he had met the One Eyed old Man...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Hammerheart :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
- ---- .. /. / - h A M M E R H E A R t ---- -- ------ -----
l------/ /----/ /
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Danen :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ d A N E N !
/ / l/ / l/ / / /
: The laziest
of them all
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Doomed Echo Diz:
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ l/ / /
l. /-//str
// Doomed Echo
l-XX-XX-XX --/
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Ice :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ l/ /
: : str
is here for a pratstund!
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Ippa! :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l// l//
l---/l---/ l---/ ----/
Welcome to Ippa!.
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Java :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ Y /
/ / l/ / l/
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Jedi Knight :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ l/ / / /
/ / . / / / str
An icy cave in a mountain...
Bright morning...
At the one eyed old mans request, he walks into an icy cave lightning up
its inside with a torch. Finding what he has been told to look for,
a wooden box containing a five foot long object wrapped up in a bears fur,
he brings the object back to the one eyed old man. Upon unwrapping the fur,
the long sharp blade of the sword catches the beams of the sun and a sigh
is heard across the sky.
And thus he was granted The Sword...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Nisse Bosse :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ / / / / /
: l----/ /l--- //---//
/ : Nisse Bosse.
/ l / / / / /
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Noc Des :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l Nocturnal Desire l
. l/ l/
str l/
l/ l/ / // /
@rDpAGE!! l
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Pir tta :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ l/ / l
aDMiN: pRMEn
l l----//l----/ :
. . str :
::::: l/ / / l/ /
::::: ----/ / l----/ /l----/ / ----/ /
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Secret Avenue :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ l/ / l/ / / l/ / / / l/ / /
/----//----//l---/ /---// l--/
str /
l/ / / / / /
-----/ / l/ / /-----/ / l/ / /
// /l----// //-----. -//
Atop a snowcovered hill...
Just before sunset...
Waiting atop a snowcovered hill, the two standing silent, facing the sunset
in the west. The one eyed old man mumbling strange words into the cold air.
The haze spreading fast across the the purple and the blue vault.
The winds taking up speed, bending the trees down the valley, throwing the
snow crystals up and against the mountainsides into gigantic sparkling clouds
hight in the sky. The voice of the one eyed old man becoming stronger.
The words now spoken with increased intensity as if he was calling someone
or something, And so a hazy white figure appears on the horizon, blazing
across the sky with the speed of winds... a part of the wind. A horse white
as snow, galopping across the mist, its eight hooves blistering like bolts
of lightning. The one eyed old man crying out loud in the blaze to him,
to take his reins and not let go.
And thus he had been given The Stallion...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Skumma Bilder BBS:
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
str / / /
/ / / / l/ / / l/
-----/ l---/----/-----//-//l----/
Skumma Bilder BBS
Sysnopp: Henrich! :
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Saturday N Fever :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ / / l/ / l/ l/
l/ / / /
-----/ ----/ /l-----/ /----/ /
str//--// // // //
-/ l/ / / l/ / l/ /
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Stridh :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ l/ / / /
/ l/ / / / / . /
-----/--l--/-l---/ l--/---//l----/ / ----
A glade in the eternal deep dark Woods...
Midnight hours...
Sitting by his campfire alone one night, the young man is approached by
the Woodwoman. She asks him to follow her to her den where she promises
him magic for the price of his young heart. Eager to win the upcoming duel,
he entrusts his heart into her wooden hands for the abaility to survive
every cut or slit by his adversary.
And thus he had met the Woodwoman...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Organized Confus.:
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ / l/ / / / .- Y / l/ / / /
l----/-------/----l /-----. //---/------/--l /
// : str //
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Lynx :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
Lynx! :
/ / / l/ / / /
--- l-----// / -----l/-----// ----
// : str
By a lake in an open part of the Eternal Woods...
The one eyed old man had told him of a lake. Its bottom uniting with the
end of universe. Fall into it and theres no return. To reach its bottom will
take a thousand generations. When this world was anew, the one eyed old man,
then a young wanderer, hidden behind a tree, had heard overheard two gods
speak as they walked by. All the knowledge of all worlds, old and new,
was kept safe in a lake in a part of the Eternal Wood. The one eyed old man
han found the lake after having been taken afar by a magical blizzard.
Throwing his left eye into its black water he had gained not only all
the gathered knowledge of all the worlds. He had also been granted a sight
into the future. Set to find his lake, the young man mounts his stallion.
Riding with the speed of the wind high in the sky, he all of a sudden sees
the sun reflected in a lake. Standing by it, eh throws both of his eyes
into its depths. Now he will not need to stare down the beast on the day of
The Battle.
Now he had gained supreme vision offering his eyes to the Lake...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Amiga :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
::::: / / : // / str
::::: Amiga Warez.. :
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Goodbye :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ l/ l/ / / / l/ / /
l----/ /---./--./ -----//------// /---//
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Goop :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l-----/ /----./----./
:::: // g O O P /
The Highlands...
Early morning hours...
Heading north. Sitting upon his majestic eight-legged white stallion.
His sword slung on his back. Sensing his feathered friends way up high.
Seeing all they see. Feeling all they feel. Through the sun has just cut the
horizon in the east to bring a new day, the shadows now seem to grow mightier
for each passage in these mountains. Riding into a thick mist, his senses
alert. Distorted voices in the shadows whispering to him. Taunting him.
He knows his mission. He knows the powers and the magic he brings with his
as he rides trough the valley of death, where time and space have ceased to
exist. The eyes of the unseen are upon him. The spirits of his fathers long
time gone riding next to him.
And the hears of the Gods of Thunder of Wind and of Rain...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Moldavia :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ l/ /
/ // Y /
l/ / /
/ / / l/
/ / str /
Moldavia! Y
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Ms Europa :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
------/ / M/s Europa
/ / / l/ l/ l/ l/
l----//----//-----/ -----. /-----/
oP: kRvB
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Silja Terminalen :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
Silja Terminalen!
/ / / l/
op: NGvB
Atop a ridge between the two worlds...
The untime...
Halting his stalion for a brief second, taking a deep breath of cold air,
he hesitates for a moment while his feathered friends fly ahead. As the
frozen wind tears at his face, eh is reminded of his origin, that he is
of flesh and blood and not of this world. He, a young man, chosen by destiny.
Putting his faith in magic and that subtle thing known as fate. He is
depending on an immovable trust in an old sword, a stallion given birth to
by the wind and the spells of a woodwoman. Not even the cry of the Ravens,
urging him on, can take his mind off what lies ahead of him. Feeling small
next to these mountains, so gigantic they unite with the sky, he somehow
finds the spirit to continue. Having come this far, already well into the
valley of death, it makes little sense in returning.
And thus he follows The Ravens...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Fresh Jive :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
- l l/ / / /
/ / / // str //
F r e s h / /
/ Y / /
J i v e ! l/ /
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Greets :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ / l/ / l/ / l/ / /
l/ /-----/ ----//----//---/ / /
// str // //
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Storm :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
::::: Welcome to..
// / str
::::: sTORM!
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Fosterland :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
::::: l/ l/ l/ l/ /
::::/ / l/ l/ l/
::: l---//-----/ ---./
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Fosterland :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
-- l/ / l/ / l/ /
: / str
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Artflow :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
:: / / / -- / / / Y /
::----l -----/ --/--/----/ /----./----//
:::::/ / // str
:::::::... ArtFlow.
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Hugin Munin :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ / / l/ / /
The Ravens of Oden! : l/ / / / /
Valley of Death in the land of no return... .
The moment of glory or death... :
l/ // l/ / l/ / / l/ / / /
l ---/---//---//l--/ //
:: Ndv logos: Dezibel, Mso ::
:: Stridh logo: Jedi Knight :
:: Blood on ice logos: Venturus, Jedi Knight ::
:: Divider: Venturus ::
:: Fileid.diz: Volatile ::
:: Texts: Blood On Ice by Quorthon/Bathory ::
.....:: Logos: Stridh :
:: Thanks and Cheers to the following: ::
:: Danen, Jedi Knight, Java, Tango, :
: Boheme, Stz, Oddball, Fenriz, Zembar, :::
:: Baphometget, Volatile, Oddball, ::
:: Hash, Djastord!, .Klas, Danman, ::
::: Valkyrie, Jessica, Freja, Frigga, ::
..::: Milkman, Horizon and Orthex. ::
:: Special greets to Quorthon of Bathory! :: ::
:: Forgotten?.. Sorry.. Kill Me.. ....:: ::
:::. Music Support.. ::... ::
::: Bathory - Hammerheart Blood on ice ::
::: Metallica - And justice for all ...::
.: Nordman - Nordman/Ingenmansland ::
:: Alanis Morisette - Little jagged pill ::.
:: Allegiance - Hymn till hangagud .....::.. ::
:: Enslaved - Frost Eld :: ..::...::
::: Merciless - Unbound ::
:: Bandit 105.5 ::
/ l l
/ B L O O D O N I C E
An Ascii Collection by Stridh
Presented under the
Nordanvind Label.
dZ .
Nordanvind Releases sofar..
NDV-STAT.ZIP Status door for Desire
NDV-WALL.ZIP Oneliner for Desire
NDV-ELST.ZIP Empa Lastcaller 1.0 for Sx/Desire
NDV-ELS2.ZIP Empa Lastcaller 2.0 for Sx/Desire
NDV-BRDL.ZIP Board Lister for Desire
NDV-ASCG.ZIP Ascii Gallery for Sx/Desire
A!HEAVEN.TXT Asciiheaven, Colly by Skywalker
NDV-GFRD.TXT Good Friends and a Bottle of Pills, Colly by Jedi Knight
NDV-HAMH.TXT Hammerheart, Colly by Baphomet
NDV-BLOI.TXT Blood on Ice, Colly by Stridh
Fifteen years have passed.
Every day the woods have cried the words of vengeance and revenge.
The Gods ahve watched him day and night by the Northern stars bright light.
Growing stronger. Coming Nearer.
Upon a steed as white as snow he is riding through this land of no return.
His hair is blowing in the wind.
A sword in his hand. And his eyes they burn.
Guide me, my Ravens. Find the way through the woods and snow.
Let your eyes be mine seeking for the valley of death.
Come this far I am willing to face the twin-headed beasts breath.
Let your wings be my heart in the air, black as the night.
I have steel at side. Powers of thunder.
The Gods with me ride.
I trust on my Ravens, watching from above.
Black as night. Swift as lightning and graceful as the doves.
I trust on my stallion. Born by the wind.
Taking me through the valley where this world ends and the shadows begins.
I trust on my Sword. Forged in fire and ice.
Its sharp blade shall be baptized in blood as I take the beasts life.
Cry, old crow, cry...
Come out of darkness, you beast of Hel, face me.
Out on this field of moonlit snow.
I will not be deterred my your ugliness.
Before my sword your two heads will roll.
I will not let my sword rest until its steel has
sung for your ugly twin head.
ill wipe the sweat off my face with your bloody scalps
and watch your four eyes telling me that your dead.
Gathering speed. Charging forward.
Collision is close now.
The swords are drawn, held high, they flash in the pale blue moonlight.
Aiming of throats bare. The moment is so near.
The time seems to halt for a while.
Even the stars in the sky hold their breath.
This is the moment of glory or death...
The moment to maim or to be put to rest...
So close now I almost can hear the black blood
in the beasts thick veins pumping.
I am swinging my sword. May the Gods be with me.
I ride out through the vast portals of Hel.
I swing my sword in the air.
And the dead beasts two bloody scalps attached to a spear.
Now is come the moment for me to set free those, along time ago,
brought far north by the twin-headed beast.
On that daybreak when old crow did cry...
That hard winter when I still a child...
By my Father was told of a hall way above the clouds.
Gates open wide for the one who dies with sword in hand.
Umm, yeah.. and before we end this.. call my board.. +46-8-7326143.
eND oF cOLLY - Line 1800..
Original Size: 80181 kb..
Date of Release: 97-09-14 00:00
The snowcovered plains...
Early dawn...
As the village greets a new day, the old Crow cries atop the pine.
Spiritually bounded with nature and all creatures, great and small,
the hunting families sense danger as the cry of the old Crow continues.
A rumble at first barely loud enough to a human ear, grows into a deafening
storm of hooves thundering across frozen tundra. Then bursts into the
village, four times five riders clad in armour black. Swords drawn
glimmering in the awakening suns light. Cries echoes. Throats are slit.
Beautiful bodies fall to the frozen ground and limbs of able men are
strewn across the snowcovered plains. The blood colors the white snow red.
Women and children are brought far north. Hidden under the foliage of a
majestic tree, a ten year-old boy. When the shadows ahorse can no longer
be heard, he crawls out from his hide-out to seek his loved ones.
Not a sound. Not a movement. No sign of life...
And thus begins the saga of Blood On Ice...
: /-----/ /-jK// / :
o F
l/ / l/ l/ / / / l/ /
/ / l/ / /
n O R D A N V I N D !
l //----------------//
p R E S E N T S a c O L L Y c A L L E D . . . .
/ : -jK // // //.
: / / Y // :
Urrrrm... Hello and welcome to this, my first colly ever..
The quality and styles on the asciis in this colly may vary a bit
since one are always changing and hopefully? making progression
all the time when one is new. I dont think Ive found my own style yet
and some of the asciis may look a bit like someone elses, but I atleast
feel like I am making progression towards my own style.
Um... Im not gonna bore you to death with those loooong intro texts,
But if you feel that you would like an ascii from me or if you wanna
send me loveletters or something, use the e-mail adress included below....
// sTRiDh catharsis@hotmail.com
/ / / l/ / /
Name: For: Name: For:
1. Access Denied Ice 18. Skumma Bilder BBS Heinrich
2. Asatru Stridh 19. Saturday Night Fever Mso
3. Ascii Gallery Danen 20. Stridh Stridh
4. Ausgebombt Skullhead 21. Organized Confusion Stc
5. Club Bizzarre Fenriz 22. Lynx Mso
6. Index Baphomet 23. Amiga Anyone..
7. Hammerheart divider Baphomet 24. Goodbye Anyone..
8. Danen Danen 25. Goop Zalt
9. Doomed Echo Diz ???? 26. Moldavia Case
10. Ice Ice 27. M/s Europa Kryssarn
11. Ippa Danen 28. Silja Terminalen ng
12. Java Java 29. Fresh Jive Sims
13. Jedi Knight Jedi Knight 30. Greets Jedi Knight
14. Nisse Bosse Nisse Bosse 31. Storm Danen
15. Nocturnal Desire Baphomet 32. Sverige ????
16. Pir tta Prmen 33. Artflow ????
17. Secret Avenue Skywalker 34. Hugin Munin Stridh
35. Sector zero Jedi Knight
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Access Denied :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ l/ / l/ / l/ / / /
::// // // str
l l/ / / / l/ /
l------//--//l-----/ ----/l---/l------//
:::::: aCCESS dENiED
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Asatru :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
The Spirit of our achestors still live on in us..
l/ l/ / l/ / / /
// str // / //----/
..The Asatru conference joined!
The Eternal deep dark Woods...
Late daytime...
Fifteen years have passed. Living among the animals. Learning to speak
their tongue. Learning to read the signs in bark and snow. Never forgetting
the sights that morning in the village all those years ago. Pain from
inside. Transforming him.
Thus he had grown into a Man of Iron...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
AsciiGallery :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ /
str // //
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Ausgebombt :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ /
/ aUSGEBOMBt! / /
/ / l/ / / / / /
l---/ /-----//-----/---//---/ -----/l---/
-- / str ----- ----- / ------- --
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Club Bizzarre :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ / / // l/ / l/ / /
/ l/ / / l/ /
----/l--/--/-/----/--/ ---/ ---//
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Index :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ l-----/ / / // / / //
/./ // / // sTR
Name For Type /
A part of the Eternal Woods...
Late evening...
Just after sunset on his way back to his camp after watching the sun
unite with the mountains in the west, he sees the flickering of light
between the tree trunks. Approaching, he sees and old man sitting calmly
by a fire, as if waiting for him. His left eye missing. His beard as if gold.
The signs on his cloak and hood familiar. The one eyed old man matches the
description of the soothsayer, as told by the elders of his village by the
fires at night when he only a child. The boy, now a young man, eager to
know, asks the one eyed old man about his dreams. Dreams he cannot
understand. Dreams about strange things he is seeing himself doing.
Then the winds that seem to talk to him. Voices that whisper to him behind
his back. The one eyed old man tells him of the cycles of the stars,
of the trail of fate and of the valley where time and space have ceased to
exist... where this wold ends and the shadows begin. The one eyed old man
tells the young man that his fate has chosen him to interfere with the other
world. The disturbance is already made. The daughters of of the four winds
have sold themselves to the shadows, disorting the balance of the universe.
And the one eyed old man says he has seen him come for a thousand years,
and that the aging gods have told him to teach him all that he has ever
known and to prepare him to ride beyond this world and into the shadows
as their champion to restore balance. To his aid he shall be given a sword
forged when this world was young. He shall be guarded and guided by two
ravens, and he shall ride the eight-legged stallion of his fathers god.
He will encounter the Woodwoman, and he will make a visit to the Lake.
One hundred days and one hundred nights his training shall be hard.
And this very night it will already have begun.
And thus he had met the One Eyed old Man...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Hammerheart :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
- ---- .. /. / - h A M M E R H E A R t ---- -- ------ -----
l------/ /----/ /
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Danen :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ d A N E N !
/ / l/ / l/ / / /
: The laziest
of them all
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Doomed Echo Diz:
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ l/ / /
l. /-//str
// Doomed Echo
l-XX-XX-XX --/
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Ice :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ l/ /
: : str
is here for a pratstund!
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Ippa! :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l// l//
l---/l---/ l---/ ----/
Welcome to Ippa!.
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Java :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ Y /
/ / l/ / l/
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Jedi Knight :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ l/ / / /
/ / . / / / str
An icy cave in a mountain...
Bright morning...
At the one eyed old mans request, he walks into an icy cave lightning up
its inside with a torch. Finding what he has been told to look for,
a wooden box containing a five foot long object wrapped up in a bears fur,
he brings the object back to the one eyed old man. Upon unwrapping the fur,
the long sharp blade of the sword catches the beams of the sun and a sigh
is heard across the sky.
And thus he was granted The Sword...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Nisse Bosse :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ / / / / /
: l----/ /l--- //---//
/ : Nisse Bosse.
/ l / / / / /
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Noc Des :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l Nocturnal Desire l
. l/ l/
str l/
l/ l/ / // /
@rDpAGE!! l
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Pir tta :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ l/ / l
aDMiN: pRMEn
l l----//l----/ :
. . str :
::::: l/ / / l/ /
::::: ----/ / l----/ /l----/ / ----/ /
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Secret Avenue :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ l/ / l/ / / l/ / / / l/ / /
/----//----//l---/ /---// l--/
str /
l/ / / / / /
-----/ / l/ / /-----/ / l/ / /
// /l----// //-----. -//
Atop a snowcovered hill...
Just before sunset...
Waiting atop a snowcovered hill, the two standing silent, facing the sunset
in the west. The one eyed old man mumbling strange words into the cold air.
The haze spreading fast across the the purple and the blue vault.
The winds taking up speed, bending the trees down the valley, throwing the
snow crystals up and against the mountainsides into gigantic sparkling clouds
hight in the sky. The voice of the one eyed old man becoming stronger.
The words now spoken with increased intensity as if he was calling someone
or something, And so a hazy white figure appears on the horizon, blazing
across the sky with the speed of winds... a part of the wind. A horse white
as snow, galopping across the mist, its eight hooves blistering like bolts
of lightning. The one eyed old man crying out loud in the blaze to him,
to take his reins and not let go.
And thus he had been given The Stallion...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Skumma Bilder BBS:
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
str / / /
/ / / / l/ / / l/
-----/ l---/----/-----//-//l----/
Skumma Bilder BBS
Sysnopp: Henrich! :
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Saturday N Fever :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ / / l/ / l/ l/
l/ / / /
-----/ ----/ /l-----/ /----/ /
str//--// // // //
-/ l/ / / l/ / l/ /
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Stridh :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ l/ / / /
/ l/ / / / / . /
-----/--l--/-l---/ l--/---//l----/ / ----
A glade in the eternal deep dark Woods...
Midnight hours...
Sitting by his campfire alone one night, the young man is approached by
the Woodwoman. She asks him to follow her to her den where she promises
him magic for the price of his young heart. Eager to win the upcoming duel,
he entrusts his heart into her wooden hands for the abaility to survive
every cut or slit by his adversary.
And thus he had met the Woodwoman...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Organized Confus.:
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ / l/ / / / .- Y / l/ / / /
l----/-------/----l /-----. //---/------/--l /
// : str //
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Lynx :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
Lynx! :
/ / / l/ / / /
--- l-----// / -----l/-----// ----
// : str
By a lake in an open part of the Eternal Woods...
The one eyed old man had told him of a lake. Its bottom uniting with the
end of universe. Fall into it and theres no return. To reach its bottom will
take a thousand generations. When this world was anew, the one eyed old man,
then a young wanderer, hidden behind a tree, had heard overheard two gods
speak as they walked by. All the knowledge of all worlds, old and new,
was kept safe in a lake in a part of the Eternal Wood. The one eyed old man
han found the lake after having been taken afar by a magical blizzard.
Throwing his left eye into its black water he had gained not only all
the gathered knowledge of all the worlds. He had also been granted a sight
into the future. Set to find his lake, the young man mounts his stallion.
Riding with the speed of the wind high in the sky, he all of a sudden sees
the sun reflected in a lake. Standing by it, eh throws both of his eyes
into its depths. Now he will not need to stare down the beast on the day of
The Battle.
Now he had gained supreme vision offering his eyes to the Lake...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Amiga :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
::::: / / : // / str
::::: Amiga Warez.. :
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Goodbye :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ l/ l/ / / / l/ / /
l----/ /---./--./ -----//------// /---//
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Goop :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l-----/ /----./----./
:::: // g O O P /
The Highlands...
Early morning hours...
Heading north. Sitting upon his majestic eight-legged white stallion.
His sword slung on his back. Sensing his feathered friends way up high.
Seeing all they see. Feeling all they feel. Through the sun has just cut the
horizon in the east to bring a new day, the shadows now seem to grow mightier
for each passage in these mountains. Riding into a thick mist, his senses
alert. Distorted voices in the shadows whispering to him. Taunting him.
He knows his mission. He knows the powers and the magic he brings with his
as he rides trough the valley of death, where time and space have ceased to
exist. The eyes of the unseen are upon him. The spirits of his fathers long
time gone riding next to him.
And the hears of the Gods of Thunder of Wind and of Rain...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Moldavia :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ l/ /
/ // Y /
l/ / /
/ / / l/
/ / str /
Moldavia! Y
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Ms Europa :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
------/ / M/s Europa
/ / / l/ l/ l/ l/
l----//----//-----/ -----. /-----/
oP: kRvB
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Silja Terminalen :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
Silja Terminalen!
/ / / l/
op: NGvB
Atop a ridge between the two worlds...
The untime...
Halting his stalion for a brief second, taking a deep breath of cold air,
he hesitates for a moment while his feathered friends fly ahead. As the
frozen wind tears at his face, eh is reminded of his origin, that he is
of flesh and blood and not of this world. He, a young man, chosen by destiny.
Putting his faith in magic and that subtle thing known as fate. He is
depending on an immovable trust in an old sword, a stallion given birth to
by the wind and the spells of a woodwoman. Not even the cry of the Ravens,
urging him on, can take his mind off what lies ahead of him. Feeling small
next to these mountains, so gigantic they unite with the sky, he somehow
finds the spirit to continue. Having come this far, already well into the
valley of death, it makes little sense in returning.
And thus he follows The Ravens...
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Fresh Jive :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
- l l/ / / /
/ / / // str //
F r e s h / /
/ Y / /
J i v e ! l/ /
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Greets :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
l/ / l/ / l/ / l/ / /
l/ /-----/ ----//----//---/ / /
// str // //
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Storm :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
::::: Welcome to..
// / str
::::: sTORM!
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Fosterland :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
::::: l/ l/ l/ l/ /
::::/ / l/ l/ l/
::: l---//-----/ ---./
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Fosterland :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
-- l/ / l/ / l/ /
: / str
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Artflow :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
:: / / / -- / / / Y /
::----l -----/ --/--/----/ /----./----//
:::::/ / // str
:::::::... ArtFlow.
. : : : .. .. . Ascii Says: /
Hugin Munin :
: B L O O D O N I C E : ./ /. / .
/ / / l/ / /
The Ravens of Oden! : l/ / / / /
Valley of Death in the land of no return... .
The moment of glory or death... :
l/ // l/ / l/ / / l/ / / /
l ---/---//---//l--/ //
:: Ndv logos: Dezibel, Mso ::
:: Stridh logo: Jedi Knight :
:: Blood on ice logos: Venturus, Jedi Knight ::
:: Divider: Venturus ::
:: Fileid.diz: Volatile ::
:: Texts: Blood On Ice by Quorthon/Bathory ::
.....:: Logos: Stridh :
:: Thanks and Cheers to the following: ::
:: Danen, Jedi Knight, Java, Tango, :
: Boheme, Stz, Oddball, Fenriz, Zembar, :::
:: Baphometget, Volatile, Oddball, ::
:: Hash, Djastord!, .Klas, Danman, ::
::: Valkyrie, Jessica, Freja, Frigga, ::
..::: Milkman, Horizon and Orthex. ::
:: Special greets to Quorthon of Bathory! :: ::
:: Forgotten?.. Sorry.. Kill Me.. ....:: ::
:::. Music Support.. ::... ::
::: Bathory - Hammerheart Blood on ice ::
::: Metallica - And justice for all ...::
.: Nordman - Nordman/Ingenmansland ::
:: Alanis Morisette - Little jagged pill ::.
:: Allegiance - Hymn till hangagud .....::.. ::
:: Enslaved - Frost Eld :: ..::...::
::: Merciless - Unbound ::
:: Bandit 105.5 ::
/ l l
/ B L O O D O N I C E
An Ascii Collection by Stridh
Presented under the
Nordanvind Label.
dZ .
Nordanvind Releases sofar..
NDV-STAT.ZIP Status door for Desire
NDV-WALL.ZIP Oneliner for Desire
NDV-ELST.ZIP Empa Lastcaller 1.0 for Sx/Desire
NDV-ELS2.ZIP Empa Lastcaller 2.0 for Sx/Desire
NDV-BRDL.ZIP Board Lister for Desire
NDV-ASCG.ZIP Ascii Gallery for Sx/Desire
A!HEAVEN.TXT Asciiheaven, Colly by Skywalker
NDV-GFRD.TXT Good Friends and a Bottle of Pills, Colly by Jedi Knight
NDV-HAMH.TXT Hammerheart, Colly by Baphomet
NDV-BLOI.TXT Blood on Ice, Colly by Stridh
Fifteen years have passed.
Every day the woods have cried the words of vengeance and revenge.
The Gods ahve watched him day and night by the Northern stars bright light.
Growing stronger. Coming Nearer.
Upon a steed as white as snow he is riding through this land of no return.
His hair is blowing in the wind.
A sword in his hand. And his eyes they burn.
Guide me, my Ravens. Find the way through the woods and snow.
Let your eyes be mine seeking for the valley of death.
Come this far I am willing to face the twin-headed beasts breath.
Let your wings be my heart in the air, black as the night.
I have steel at side. Powers of thunder.
The Gods with me ride.
I trust on my Ravens, watching from above.
Black as night. Swift as lightning and graceful as the doves.
I trust on my stallion. Born by the wind.
Taking me through the valley where this world ends and the shadows begins.
I trust on my Sword. Forged in fire and ice.
Its sharp blade shall be baptized in blood as I take the beasts life.
Cry, old crow, cry...
Come out of darkness, you beast of Hel, face me.
Out on this field of moonlit snow.
I will not be deterred my your ugliness.
Before my sword your two heads will roll.
I will not let my sword rest until its steel has
sung for your ugly twin head.
ill wipe the sweat off my face with your bloody scalps
and watch your four eyes telling me that your dead.
Gathering speed. Charging forward.
Collision is close now.
The swords are drawn, held high, they flash in the pale blue moonlight.
Aiming of throats bare. The moment is so near.
The time seems to halt for a while.
Even the stars in the sky hold their breath.
This is the moment of glory or death...
The moment to maim or to be put to rest...
So close now I almost can hear the black blood
in the beasts thick veins pumping.
I am swinging my sword. May the Gods be with me.
I ride out through the vast portals of Hel.
I swing my sword in the air.
And the dead beasts two bloody scalps attached to a spear.
Now is come the moment for me to set free those, along time ago,
brought far north by the twin-headed beast.
On that daybreak when old crow did cry...
That hard winter when I still a child...
By my Father was told of a hall way above the clouds.
Gates open wide for the one who dies with sword in hand.
Umm, yeah.. and before we end this.. call my board.. +46-8-7326143.
eND oF cOLLY - Line 1800..
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