this image contains text
: :: / .o// /
:./ / . / l / o O p s !
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+sD+ : / / / /
: : : : / Y /
/ N E W S
Asp Fuel, Baphomet Fire!a, Deltanine ex aphro,
Fonzie Comic, Jizm Basic, Keetar, VerminDrg
/ Rimfire he was back in the scene for about 1 month,
then he left the scene again :
Noone, or Rimfire that is then
.. . Absent Spinsister leaving for vacation :
We are still 100 pc-artists but if you are drawing on
an amiga you are ofcourse welcome to apply. We still want
more people to join so if you are interested, send your
best work to msoascii@hotmail.com - Remember: oOps!ascii
is NOT a scandinavians-only-group anymore. So all of you
can apply!
- mSO Absent Spinsister
Well hello, i just wanted to say that im leaving oOps after
this package. Thats because i have no insperation during my .
summer vacation, and as some of you might know i dont feel :
much for drawin asciis in a time like this, when the babes
are running around naked outside my window, then .. I just dont
feel like sitting in front of my computer and doing some
.,yS and stuff like that : so im leaving ascii for a
little while, im still gonna be around irc some days i guess.
Well thats all i have to say, and i wanna thank mSO for
putting most things in this pack together, i guess i didnt
help you very much :.
aspnsis - Absent Spinsister - CAPS MAN :
gr00vy gr33ts - seiken, basic, awe, comic, kwest, remorse, serial
.. . and our guests this month.
newsfile drawn by speedevil of Style with some touchups by mSO
:./ / . / l / o O p s !
/ /l / // /
+sD+ : / / / /
: : : : / Y /
/ N E W S
Asp Fuel, Baphomet Fire!a, Deltanine ex aphro,
Fonzie Comic, Jizm Basic, Keetar, VerminDrg
/ Rimfire he was back in the scene for about 1 month,
then he left the scene again :
Noone, or Rimfire that is then
.. . Absent Spinsister leaving for vacation :
We are still 100 pc-artists but if you are drawing on
an amiga you are ofcourse welcome to apply. We still want
more people to join so if you are interested, send your
best work to msoascii@hotmail.com - Remember: oOps!ascii
is NOT a scandinavians-only-group anymore. So all of you
can apply!
- mSO Absent Spinsister
Well hello, i just wanted to say that im leaving oOps after
this package. Thats because i have no insperation during my .
summer vacation, and as some of you might know i dont feel :
much for drawin asciis in a time like this, when the babes
are running around naked outside my window, then .. I just dont
feel like sitting in front of my computer and doing some
.,yS and stuff like that : so im leaving ascii for a
little while, im still gonna be around irc some days i guess.
Well thats all i have to say, and i wanna thank mSO for
putting most things in this pack together, i guess i didnt
help you very much :.
aspnsis - Absent Spinsister - CAPS MAN :
gr00vy gr33ts - seiken, basic, awe, comic, kwest, remorse, serial
.. . and our guests this month.
newsfile drawn by speedevil of Style with some touchups by mSO
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