this image contains text
catharsis presents. .
just a small colly called..
flygbomba power 106!
most of the pics here is not that good, the only reason i compiled this
colly was cause mso forced me too..
well.. let the colly speak..
: yyd 4b. ,.
l l ,dP Y,dP
b.: + ,. ,+
P b. dbb. o m m e n t t o 3 1 3 3 7 s t a f f . .
,dWP+ dP
---- comment to staff ascii for funeral fog only..
,yyd b.
,db.l YP dP Yb. ,db.
YP lb l : b.+ l
lb. :: l: l ,dP ,gOb. :l
:lPdP l l: P ll: YY :l
:+,dP : P :l: ll :
,dP Yb. ,dP : :l: :
+. ,dP.,+ : l:
: ,. lb. page the operator l:
l:b:P l
l: :l reason: hrr!, penis!? :
l : l progress: lP
b,. : . .,+ chs
---- page sysop ascii for the upcoming nH!Pager..
yydPb. ,.
,dP lP YP ,dP,dP
:+,.Yb,. + Y,dP
l ., +,. .+
,db. ,dP b. :
YP ,. ,db. : :l
+. ,dP,dl l l:
,. ,dP YP P :l
,dP Yb. .,+ ,dP ,dP
+. ,dP .,+.,+ stats for gSMANNEn..
---- stats ascii for the nH!Stats util..
,d b.
P ydb.
:b ,dPdP ,ydbym,.
l l ,db,. YP ,. .,db,.
Yb,. : YP+,. lP.,+bYb. ,dP b
,. +. bb.,. :b. .,db,. bY .,db,. b
Yb. +,. P p. l P :b l :b l:
lb. ,db : ,db. b : YP ,d : lP :l:
:l YP l: P:lbP +,.Yb. P YP l:
:b..,dPl l :l:lb,. .,db, l .,db. l
P YP P l::l :nP YP l: .dP P
,dP ,db ,db. l: lP l ,db,. l,d: l: l dP
,dP Yb. YP : P dPb.YP ::l : :l ,dP
+,. Wb,..+ ,dP,dP l lP b. chs :,dP
.,dP Wb,. l: ,dP,dP .,dY
.,dP Wb,.
---- ascii for oddballs board shad.. it sucks. not the board, the ascii.. kinda.
yyd.Op. yyd ,. ,ydb
lP Yb. Yb.lP,dP YP,ydP ,.b.
,b ,dP ,d::b.Yb. b.Yb. YbYP
Y: ,+ll P ,+ b.P:l d ,d b.
: ll . : :b.Yb. +,. : lP..,+ YP,db ,.
l :4 ,dl :PdP ,. :l,d +,. bb b. ,dP
b Yb. ll ,dP .lPY: ,db.Yb. b, lP
P,dP P b.Wb,. lPdb.Yl YP,dP:P:
lYWb,. ,dP ,dP .,+,dPd dl l ll l b.
: .,dP YWb,. YWb,b.l: l: :3: : :b.
l Y ,dP: : lPb. lP
: ...alice YWSb,. .,+,dP .,dP
YMb,. Y chs
---- screaming alice for fever, had no time for colors before the deadline.
just a small colly called..
flygbomba power 106!
most of the pics here is not that good, the only reason i compiled this
colly was cause mso forced me too..
well.. let the colly speak..
: yyd 4b. ,.
l l ,dP Y,dP
b.: + ,. ,+
P b. dbb. o m m e n t t o 3 1 3 3 7 s t a f f . .
,dWP+ dP
---- comment to staff ascii for funeral fog only..
,yyd b.
,db.l YP dP Yb. ,db.
YP lb l : b.+ l
lb. :: l: l ,dP ,gOb. :l
:lPdP l l: P ll: YY :l
:+,dP : P :l: ll :
,dP Yb. ,dP : :l: :
+. ,dP.,+ : l:
: ,. lb. page the operator l:
l:b:P l
l: :l reason: hrr!, penis!? :
l : l progress: lP
b,. : . .,+ chs
---- page sysop ascii for the upcoming nH!Pager..
yydPb. ,.
,dP lP YP ,dP,dP
:+,.Yb,. + Y,dP
l ., +,. .+
,db. ,dP b. :
YP ,. ,db. : :l
+. ,dP,dl l l:
,. ,dP YP P :l
,dP Yb. .,+ ,dP ,dP
+. ,dP .,+.,+ stats for gSMANNEn..
---- stats ascii for the nH!Stats util..
,d b.
P ydb.
:b ,dPdP ,ydbym,.
l l ,db,. YP ,. .,db,.
Yb,. : YP+,. lP.,+bYb. ,dP b
,. +. bb.,. :b. .,db,. bY .,db,. b
Yb. +,. P p. l P :b l :b l:
lb. ,db : ,db. b : YP ,d : lP :l:
:l YP l: P:lbP +,.Yb. P YP l:
:b..,dPl l :l:lb,. .,db, l .,db. l
P YP P l::l :nP YP l: .dP P
,dP ,db ,db. l: lP l ,db,. l,d: l: l dP
,dP Yb. YP : P dPb.YP ::l : :l ,dP
+,. Wb,..+ ,dP,dP l lP b. chs :,dP
.,dP Wb,. l: ,dP,dP .,dY
.,dP Wb,.
---- ascii for oddballs board shad.. it sucks. not the board, the ascii.. kinda.
yyd.Op. yyd ,. ,ydb
lP Yb. Yb.lP,dP YP,ydP ,.b.
,b ,dP ,d::b.Yb. b.Yb. YbYP
Y: ,+ll P ,+ b.P:l d ,d b.
: ll . : :b.Yb. +,. : lP..,+ YP,db ,.
l :4 ,dl :PdP ,. :l,d +,. bb b. ,dP
b Yb. ll ,dP .lPY: ,db.Yb. b, lP
P,dP P b.Wb,. lPdb.Yl YP,dP:P:
lYWb,. ,dP ,dP .,+,dPd dl l ll l b.
: .,dP YWb,. YWb,b.l: l: :3: : :b.
l Y ,dP: : lPb. lP
: ...alice YWSb,. .,+,dP .,dP
YMb,. Y chs
---- screaming alice for fever, had no time for colors before the deadline.
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