this image contains text
bzr .adl:
,mpqqm, ,qp, qa, l qqp,
,dm mm b ,da
ll ml ,, ,dl
l l: ,m ml , l
:l lmm lll l
: l ll l: ll
ll ll l, ,b ll ,:
b ,m m,,d , l
b l ,,
l a
80x25 or 80x50
oOps!ascii news the oOps!a03.zip
*** theNEWS ***
its real, its reality, and its what you thought it is, its oOps!ascii 03.
i baltazar and spike started oOps!ascii for fun, and after just two releases
weve gotten members, a affiliated board in bahrain and so much more. weve
gotten proposals to merge into other groups and both i and spike have been
asked to join up with more respected groups, and of course were both very
flattered.. we desided to continue working in oOps!ascii for now at least, so
why dont all you great artists out there join up with us instead..
*** newMEMBERS ***
a couple of people did apply, but we just accepted three. it doesnt matter
because cain and ezy rocks. cain will still be in noname of course, but
hell do some neat stuff for oOps!a aswell.. ezy is a newschool artist with
great potential.. check ezys stuff out!@ i didnt get cains in time.. so
youll have to wait until next time to see his stuff..
*** otherSTUFF ***
chek out our homepage - hem1.passagen.se/oOps. enjoy the pack i do and if
you want me something, email me baltazar@gim.net or try to catch me on irc
baltazar. im often in ascii. if the question is concerning the group of
course you can talk to spike aswell spike@gim.net, spike.
peace, love and understanding baltazar - oOps!ascii founder
oOps!ascii member/board listing for the oOps!a03.zip
*** theFOUNDERS ***
baltazar bzr, baltazar@gim.net and spike sk, spike@gim.net
*** theARTISTS ***
afterlife al, aft3rlif3@hotmail.com, baltazar bzr, baltazar@gim.net,
cain cn, cain@bbs.nexes.com, catharsis chs, ezy 32, ezy@swipnet.se,
mso msoascii@hotmail.com, phlare ph, phlare@swipnet.se, rawlock
rl!, sector7@hotmail.com and spike sk, spike@gim.net
*** theBOARDS ***
the oOps!ascii place is spikes blind alley. weve got some memberboards
too nocturnal desire catharsis board, sector seven rawlocks board and
the roswell incident phlares board.
the we got additional three places its the electric cube ran by the
lightning knight in bahrain, icebreaker hashs board in finland and spunk
crized blutzs board in israel.
names in white are new additions to the group and names in darkgray are
members who doesnt contribute to this pack.
if something is incorrect, talk to baltazar.
bzr .adl:
,mpqqm, ,qp, qa, l qqp,
,dm mm b ,da
ll ml ,, ,dl
l l: ,m ml , l
:l lmm lll l
: l ll l: ll
ll ll l, ,b ll ,:
b ,m m,,d , l
b l ,,
l a
80x25 or 80x50
oOps!ascii news the oOps!a03.zip
*** theNEWS ***
its real, its reality, and its what you thought it is, its oOps!ascii 03.
i baltazar and spike started oOps!ascii for fun, and after just two releases
weve gotten members, a affiliated board in bahrain and so much more. weve
gotten proposals to merge into other groups and both i and spike have been
asked to join up with more respected groups, and of course were both very
flattered.. we desided to continue working in oOps!ascii for now at least, so
why dont all you great artists out there join up with us instead..
*** newMEMBERS ***
a couple of people did apply, but we just accepted three. it doesnt matter
because cain and ezy rocks. cain will still be in noname of course, but
hell do some neat stuff for oOps!a aswell.. ezy is a newschool artist with
great potential.. check ezys stuff out!@ i didnt get cains in time.. so
youll have to wait until next time to see his stuff..
*** otherSTUFF ***
chek out our homepage - hem1.passagen.se/oOps. enjoy the pack i do and if
you want me something, email me baltazar@gim.net or try to catch me on irc
baltazar. im often in ascii. if the question is concerning the group of
course you can talk to spike aswell spike@gim.net, spike.
peace, love and understanding baltazar - oOps!ascii founder
oOps!ascii member/board listing for the oOps!a03.zip
*** theFOUNDERS ***
baltazar bzr, baltazar@gim.net and spike sk, spike@gim.net
*** theARTISTS ***
afterlife al, aft3rlif3@hotmail.com, baltazar bzr, baltazar@gim.net,
cain cn, cain@bbs.nexes.com, catharsis chs, ezy 32, ezy@swipnet.se,
mso msoascii@hotmail.com, phlare ph, phlare@swipnet.se, rawlock
rl!, sector7@hotmail.com and spike sk, spike@gim.net
*** theBOARDS ***
the oOps!ascii place is spikes blind alley. weve got some memberboards
too nocturnal desire catharsis board, sector seven rawlocks board and
the roswell incident phlares board.
the we got additional three places its the electric cube ran by the
lightning knight in bahrain, icebreaker hashs board in finland and spunk
crized blutzs board in israel.
names in white are new additions to the group and names in darkgray are
members who doesnt contribute to this pack.
if something is incorrect, talk to baltazar.
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