this image contains text
/ / sk
/ / /sk/ /
the first collection
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ ,--,,--,,--,,--,
bz /
Baltazar/oOps!aSCii presents Light
-- p r o l o g u e
Thats right.. this is my first ascii collection i release.. ever..
Ive made a couple of asciis during the years but its not until now
that Ive released anything in a collection. All my former asciis have
been released in artpacks or not released at all..
-- Ok, enough rubbish.
This is not a big collection but all logos are made quite resently and
all are original-baltazar-things I have not seen that many amiga
collections but I hope I dont rip anyones style but if I do, eighter
email me or just leave it, because ill change style soon enough
anyway grin..
One last thing, if you want me something its baltazar@gim.net and
I will do all requests as fast as I can, but because Im active in
acid productions on pc aswell it might take a little bit longer
that it should.. that depends each week.
Baltazar/oOps!aSCii - -- ----------,
Index a..z
What the Logos are Supposed to Say..
copyrighted 96 baltazar
Another Step --------------------------
Artistic Vibe
Save Our Souls
.. told you it was short
Lets go
For Fatal/eD
01 Another Step
copyrighted 96 baltazar
/ / / Epsilon Design Jedi Arts
f a t a l s a n o t h e r s t e p
For Castor/Elfsong
02 Artistic Vibe
copyrighted 96 baltazar
/ / oOps! Elfsong Acid
a r t i s t i c v i b e
For Spike/oOps!aSCii
03 Cake
copyrighted 96 baltazar
Take a bite.. of..
/ -bz
S p i k e s C a k e !
For Spike/oOps!aSCii
04 Massconfusion /One
copyrighted 96 baltazar
m a s s c o n f u s i O n
For Spike/oOps!aSCii
05 Massconfusion /Two
copyrighted 96 baltazar
c o n f u s i O n
btw, this is a really short collection..
For oOps! Members
06 oOps!aSCii
copyrighted 96 baltazar
/ / -bz
o O p s ! a S C i i
For Merlin
07 Phantasmagoria
copyrighted 96 baltazar
p h a n t a s m a g O r i a
For xCluziwesOs
08 Save Our Souls
copyrighted 96 baltazar
/ -bz
s a v e o u r s O u l s
For xCluziwesOs
09 Save Our Souls fileid.diz
copyrighted 96 baltazar
/ / /-bz
s a v e o u r s O u l s
For xCluziwesOs
10 xCluziwe
copyrighted 96 baltazar
For xCluziwesOs
11 xCz fileid.diz
copyrighted 96 baltazar
/ / -bz
x C l u z i w e / s O s
-- e p i l o g u e
/ / l / / l / /
7 .Y l// / .Y /.Y . / .Y /.Y l ./
. . l l/ l //
Y / / / /
/ . / .Y. l/ / / .
/ ! o. l/ / l
/ Oo. /
/------------------------ dH!l
-- You can always reach me at Artistic Vibe --
-- Or Email Baltazar@Gim.Net --
/ l/ . / / l / / / /
/ l/ 7 .Y / .Y 7 .Y /.Y 7 .Y l//
/ . l . j .
All Logos Made by Baltazar/oOps!
Guest apperences by Spike/oOps! and Darkholder/oOps!
/ / / / -bz /
// / g r e e t s ..
Spike Gnome Phlare Delta9 Darkholder
Castor Treach Speed Devil Xcluziwe Fatal Ooze
And to all who have requested oldschool or newschool logos
01 ops!ligt.txt Baltazar/oOps!aSCii Light
02 ops!junk.txt Spike/oOps!aSCii Junk
-- the end!
/ / /sk/ /
the first collection
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ ,--,,--,,--,,--,
bz /
Baltazar/oOps!aSCii presents Light
-- p r o l o g u e
Thats right.. this is my first ascii collection i release.. ever..
Ive made a couple of asciis during the years but its not until now
that Ive released anything in a collection. All my former asciis have
been released in artpacks or not released at all..
-- Ok, enough rubbish.
This is not a big collection but all logos are made quite resently and
all are original-baltazar-things I have not seen that many amiga
collections but I hope I dont rip anyones style but if I do, eighter
email me or just leave it, because ill change style soon enough
anyway grin..
One last thing, if you want me something its baltazar@gim.net and
I will do all requests as fast as I can, but because Im active in
acid productions on pc aswell it might take a little bit longer
that it should.. that depends each week.
Baltazar/oOps!aSCii - -- ----------,
Index a..z
What the Logos are Supposed to Say..
copyrighted 96 baltazar
Another Step --------------------------
Artistic Vibe
Save Our Souls
.. told you it was short
Lets go
For Fatal/eD
01 Another Step
copyrighted 96 baltazar
/ / / Epsilon Design Jedi Arts
f a t a l s a n o t h e r s t e p
For Castor/Elfsong
02 Artistic Vibe
copyrighted 96 baltazar
/ / oOps! Elfsong Acid
a r t i s t i c v i b e
For Spike/oOps!aSCii
03 Cake
copyrighted 96 baltazar
Take a bite.. of..
/ -bz
S p i k e s C a k e !
For Spike/oOps!aSCii
04 Massconfusion /One
copyrighted 96 baltazar
m a s s c o n f u s i O n
For Spike/oOps!aSCii
05 Massconfusion /Two
copyrighted 96 baltazar
c o n f u s i O n
btw, this is a really short collection..
For oOps! Members
06 oOps!aSCii
copyrighted 96 baltazar
/ / -bz
o O p s ! a S C i i
For Merlin
07 Phantasmagoria
copyrighted 96 baltazar
p h a n t a s m a g O r i a
For xCluziwesOs
08 Save Our Souls
copyrighted 96 baltazar
/ -bz
s a v e o u r s O u l s
For xCluziwesOs
09 Save Our Souls fileid.diz
copyrighted 96 baltazar
/ / /-bz
s a v e o u r s O u l s
For xCluziwesOs
10 xCluziwe
copyrighted 96 baltazar
For xCluziwesOs
11 xCz fileid.diz
copyrighted 96 baltazar
/ / -bz
x C l u z i w e / s O s
-- e p i l o g u e
/ / l / / l / /
7 .Y l// / .Y /.Y . / .Y /.Y l ./
. . l l/ l //
Y / / / /
/ . / .Y. l/ / / .
/ ! o. l/ / l
/ Oo. /
/------------------------ dH!l
-- You can always reach me at Artistic Vibe --
-- Or Email Baltazar@Gim.Net --
/ l/ . / / l / / / /
/ l/ 7 .Y / .Y 7 .Y /.Y 7 .Y l//
/ . l . j .
All Logos Made by Baltazar/oOps!
Guest apperences by Spike/oOps! and Darkholder/oOps!
/ / / / -bz /
// / g r e e t s ..
Spike Gnome Phlare Delta9 Darkholder
Castor Treach Speed Devil Xcluziwe Fatal Ooze
And to all who have requested oldschool or newschool logos
01 ops!ligt.txt Baltazar/oOps!aSCii Light
02 ops!junk.txt Spike/oOps!aSCii Junk
-- the end!
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