this image contains text
o O p s ! a S C i i
o O p s ! a S C i i - F i r s t R e l e a s e
// // / I n f o r m a t i o n // / // ::/
Howdy all.. Baltazars writing the first infofile : :
for oOps!aSCii. First Ill give you some boring
facts about our group.. :
oOps! is a recently founded ascii-group, mainly :
: : active on the pCscene. We will release our work : /
in ziped packs called oops!a.zip and also in
: induvidual collections from members who wants to /
release thier art that way, called ops!name.txt.
:: The packs will not be released at a specific time :
:: but when we think we have enought quality asciis
to make it a good pack.
The induvidual collections will be released
: when the artist feel like releasing...
There you got the most inportant things i guess, /
:: if Ive missed something Spike can fill in that.
Im not going to take up your time anymore - but
check out our pack and I hope youll like what
: youre about to see.. Until next pack.. /
: : -- Dont forget your non-digital life.
The Artscene is only entertainment - Not
everything in life! : :
Later all.. Baltazar/oOps!aSCii :
::: Well, its not much left for Me to say. I think /
Baltazar have covered most of the important stuff
: already. Theres just one thing Id like to add :
before you put your feet up, relax, and enjoy our
premier release :. :::
What Im trying to say is about applications to the
: group. Since we are a quite newstarted group, :
and need some more talented people in our proud team g, :
were currently accepting both new and/or oldschool- /
artists, to join, soo if You think Youd fit in
oOps!aSCii, dont hesitate to contact one of the
founders, and let them know Youre intersted. Well, :
:: thats about it foks. Happy Watching!
Spike /
// // / M e m b e r s // / //
: o O p s ! a S C i i F o u n d e d B y /
:: Baltazar bz and Spike sk
: A r t i s t s
:: Baltazar bz baltazar@gim.net
Darkholder dh uno@interact.se
: Delta9 d9 unknown /
Phlare ph unknown
Spike sk spike@gim.net
// // / D i s t r i b u t i o n // / //
Blind Alley world headquarters spike +46-176-12309 ::/
: : Artistic Vibe swedish headquarters -bz and castor +46-31-297882
Catharsis memberboard delta9 +46-300-21883
The Roswell Incident memberboard phlare +46-40-152733 :
:: We dont have any HomePage or FTP archive yet. :
: If you think You can contribute anything to our Internet
distibution - Contact Baltazar or Spike
-- Design by Spike and Baltazar -- oOps!aSCii 1996 -:.
/ c1996
o O p s ! a S C i i - F i r s t R e l e a s e
// // / I n f o r m a t i o n // / // ::/
Howdy all.. Baltazars writing the first infofile : :
for oOps!aSCii. First Ill give you some boring
facts about our group.. :
oOps! is a recently founded ascii-group, mainly :
: : active on the pCscene. We will release our work : /
in ziped packs called oops!a.zip and also in
: induvidual collections from members who wants to /
release thier art that way, called ops!name.txt.
:: The packs will not be released at a specific time :
:: but when we think we have enought quality asciis
to make it a good pack.
The induvidual collections will be released
: when the artist feel like releasing...
There you got the most inportant things i guess, /
:: if Ive missed something Spike can fill in that.
Im not going to take up your time anymore - but
check out our pack and I hope youll like what
: youre about to see.. Until next pack.. /
: : -- Dont forget your non-digital life.
The Artscene is only entertainment - Not
everything in life! : :
Later all.. Baltazar/oOps!aSCii :
::: Well, its not much left for Me to say. I think /
Baltazar have covered most of the important stuff
: already. Theres just one thing Id like to add :
before you put your feet up, relax, and enjoy our
premier release :. :::
What Im trying to say is about applications to the
: group. Since we are a quite newstarted group, :
and need some more talented people in our proud team g, :
were currently accepting both new and/or oldschool- /
artists, to join, soo if You think Youd fit in
oOps!aSCii, dont hesitate to contact one of the
founders, and let them know Youre intersted. Well, :
:: thats about it foks. Happy Watching!
Spike /
// // / M e m b e r s // / //
: o O p s ! a S C i i F o u n d e d B y /
:: Baltazar bz and Spike sk
: A r t i s t s
:: Baltazar bz baltazar@gim.net
Darkholder dh uno@interact.se
: Delta9 d9 unknown /
Phlare ph unknown
Spike sk spike@gim.net
// // / D i s t r i b u t i o n // / //
Blind Alley world headquarters spike +46-176-12309 ::/
: : Artistic Vibe swedish headquarters -bz and castor +46-31-297882
Catharsis memberboard delta9 +46-300-21883
The Roswell Incident memberboard phlare +46-40-152733 :
:: We dont have any HomePage or FTP archive yet. :
: If you think You can contribute anything to our Internet
distibution - Contact Baltazar or Spike
-- Design by Spike and Baltazar -- oOps!aSCii 1996 -:.
/ c1996
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