this image contains text
omen release 1
thats right folks, omen1 is finally here. it started out a little rough,
but things have been piecing together in the last few days before our first
release. get ready for a many of omen paks to come in the future, we will
hopefully be around for a while. things have been nice with all the members
thus far, so we should be doing well for the time to come.
since all the members are new this month, we wont go mentioning them all
right now, so check out the memberlist.
the pak was going to be delayed until omen had more members, but we said the
hell with it and decided to release on the first of the month.
check out our viewer, omenview. coded by humdinger. its got some nifty
little features that make it stand out from most other viewers. he spent a
long time coding it, and its starting to look pretty good, however there
most likely be a new version released with the pak next month.
omens official emag is huh?!. look for that in the near future, huh!?1
was released sometime last year, and issue 2 is not too far off. if you are
interested in contributing in huh!? emag get a hold of a omen member and
you will be set. huh!? emag is an art scene based emag, mixed with humor
and crazy leetness for your entertainment needs.
omens member policy on dualing: as long as you can contribute a suffecient
amount of ansi per month, dualing is accepted. if you do not produce often,
you will have to choose between one group. tri grouping in the same medium
is NOT allowed in omen
if you would like to join up with omen please take the time and go fill out
the omen appgenit can be accessed thru omenview.exe. include 5 ansis, and
send your application to any omen member, or send to blubber@truemedia.com
we are in need of artists badly, and we need the scenes support.
on a final note, requests for free ansis from omen members will be taken on
september 7th, 1996 in omen from 12:00a.m.east until 12:45a.m. all requests
must be publically sent to the channel from within those times - limit 1 per
person. all valid requests will be filled and will appear in omen2 in a
included file called requests.zip. this was put at the bottom, so those
who dont read these things will miss out.
thats about all for this month, until next. dont forget to check out huh!?
and also dont forget to apply g
written by: pyro omen founder+codrinator
then the artistic implosion arrives...
whats up everyone?! this has been a great month, omenview rocks, you are
going to love it! every pack, at least 1 new feature will be included! if
you have ANY ideas for future versions of omenview, please email us at one
of our email adresss listed in the member list.
another thing to note. in case you havent heard, omen is your friend. we
are not some aye hole group, set out to kill all groups and become number
one. we are simply out there for you guys to view our packs, and join up,
if you like what you see. omen is so friendly, that we give out ansis to
ANYONE completely free. all you need is to be in omen at certain times
preferably all the timeg and you can make your requests. there is also
a program, may or may not be included with this pack, called OMENREQ.EXE,
which produces request files for ansis. simply send me those *.ORT files
and your request is made. DO NOT send it to the artist you requested. make
it easy on yourself, and give it to me. recieving a ticket, or the OMEN
REQUEST TICKET, is an honor, and is only gien to certain people. it en-
titles you to 1 free ansi by your choosing. the program is given out to
people that do somthing nice for the group, or is simply a friend. future
information will be released at a later time.
now, huh?! emag. all you out there, please, write up some stuff. just a
simple, 5 minute text file on anything that is interesting to read. go
interview someone, or capute file you taking over a channel. anything. and
it will probally go in huh?!. you DONT have to join omen, or huh?!, just
write. and never be bothered again. or do some ansis or somthing. just get
to work.
this is getting long. so last words i guess. all i can really say is that if
you produce art, that you think is nice, and other people really enjoy look-
ing at it, please, join up with omen. its not too hard. we are here for ya.
have a fun school year kiddies. on to pack number 2!
artistic implosion has left the building ...
on a final note, omen pak1 is dedicated to exulted, a killer ascii/ansi
artist. he has recently decided to drop the scene, and all the members of
omen wish him the best of luck on his journeys outside the scene. exulted,
you will be missed brotha
omen release 1
thats right folks, omen1 is finally here. it started out a little rough,
but things have been piecing together in the last few days before our first
release. get ready for a many of omen paks to come in the future, we will
hopefully be around for a while. things have been nice with all the members
thus far, so we should be doing well for the time to come.
since all the members are new this month, we wont go mentioning them all
right now, so check out the memberlist.
the pak was going to be delayed until omen had more members, but we said the
hell with it and decided to release on the first of the month.
check out our viewer, omenview. coded by humdinger. its got some nifty
little features that make it stand out from most other viewers. he spent a
long time coding it, and its starting to look pretty good, however there
most likely be a new version released with the pak next month.
omens official emag is huh?!. look for that in the near future, huh!?1
was released sometime last year, and issue 2 is not too far off. if you are
interested in contributing in huh!? emag get a hold of a omen member and
you will be set. huh!? emag is an art scene based emag, mixed with humor
and crazy leetness for your entertainment needs.
omens member policy on dualing: as long as you can contribute a suffecient
amount of ansi per month, dualing is accepted. if you do not produce often,
you will have to choose between one group. tri grouping in the same medium
is NOT allowed in omen
if you would like to join up with omen please take the time and go fill out
the omen appgenit can be accessed thru omenview.exe. include 5 ansis, and
send your application to any omen member, or send to blubber@truemedia.com
we are in need of artists badly, and we need the scenes support.
on a final note, requests for free ansis from omen members will be taken on
september 7th, 1996 in omen from 12:00a.m.east until 12:45a.m. all requests
must be publically sent to the channel from within those times - limit 1 per
person. all valid requests will be filled and will appear in omen2 in a
included file called requests.zip. this was put at the bottom, so those
who dont read these things will miss out.
thats about all for this month, until next. dont forget to check out huh!?
and also dont forget to apply g
written by: pyro omen founder+codrinator
then the artistic implosion arrives...
whats up everyone?! this has been a great month, omenview rocks, you are
going to love it! every pack, at least 1 new feature will be included! if
you have ANY ideas for future versions of omenview, please email us at one
of our email adresss listed in the member list.
another thing to note. in case you havent heard, omen is your friend. we
are not some aye hole group, set out to kill all groups and become number
one. we are simply out there for you guys to view our packs, and join up,
if you like what you see. omen is so friendly, that we give out ansis to
ANYONE completely free. all you need is to be in omen at certain times
preferably all the timeg and you can make your requests. there is also
a program, may or may not be included with this pack, called OMENREQ.EXE,
which produces request files for ansis. simply send me those *.ORT files
and your request is made. DO NOT send it to the artist you requested. make
it easy on yourself, and give it to me. recieving a ticket, or the OMEN
REQUEST TICKET, is an honor, and is only gien to certain people. it en-
titles you to 1 free ansi by your choosing. the program is given out to
people that do somthing nice for the group, or is simply a friend. future
information will be released at a later time.
now, huh?! emag. all you out there, please, write up some stuff. just a
simple, 5 minute text file on anything that is interesting to read. go
interview someone, or capute file you taking over a channel. anything. and
it will probally go in huh?!. you DONT have to join omen, or huh?!, just
write. and never be bothered again. or do some ansis or somthing. just get
to work.
this is getting long. so last words i guess. all i can really say is that if
you produce art, that you think is nice, and other people really enjoy look-
ing at it, please, join up with omen. its not too hard. we are here for ya.
have a fun school year kiddies. on to pack number 2!
artistic implosion has left the building ...
on a final note, omen pak1 is dedicated to exulted, a killer ascii/ansi
artist. he has recently decided to drop the scene, and all the members of
omen wish him the best of luck on his journeys outside the scene. exulted,
you will be missed brotha
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