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iv!oil ...... ... .........................
1 ........--.. , ,,.,. .,..,.... ........... , ---.,. .,.-- . . ------------ , ------------------ -------------- , , ------------- s Info + New for Septembeer 1996 !!!!!!!! : l
Inner Vision --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
You love it and you cant get enough of it. OIL in 1996 baby, and its comin
atchya in FULL Force. We gotz dah bad-ass ascii, and the group is doin just as
good as when we started. Were keepin ascii alive by throwin phat-ass pics in
j00r pixeld ass monitor. You bettah enjoy it. The oil ascii krew will be
hittin you up month after month with innovative new ascii techniques and skillz
you will spooge over. Email them and tell them how phat they are, cause indeed
the ascii crew is no joke. This month we have a list of new members, that 9l
will elaborate since he takes care of all that business. BIG BIG shoutouts, andto all you oil-fans, email 9l and tell him what a wonderful job he is doing withoil and the group. If it werent for 9lives, there would be no oil. plain and
simple, so every greet him donkeysmack.
Inner Vision oil!ascii96
Nine Lives ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
sup sup.. y0.. iv just went a little on the flip side there.. hehe.. anyway
y0.. this is our 5th pak.. and we are still hittin strong.. i dont got much to
say this month.. sept i luv this months pak.. i think our quality just shot
straight up.. we got some new membs.. like haji.. and cyndicide.. both got some
pretty mad skillz.. if you havent noticed .. iv came back this month.. hes
been gone for ever.. woo hoo.. hopefully well see more of him.. and well.. shitthis nfo file is starting to get boring.. even for me to rite.. im gunna stop
now cos im tired and wanna go to bed.. y0.. so like always.. if you like the
pak and wanna give us some props.. go rite ahead .. mail me.. im not taking reqsbtw :..
1 ........--.. , ,,.,. .,..,.... ........... , ---.,. .,.-- . . ------------ , ------------------ -------------- , , ------------- s Info + New for Septembeer 1996 !!!!!!!! : l
Inner Vision --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
You love it and you cant get enough of it. OIL in 1996 baby, and its comin
atchya in FULL Force. We gotz dah bad-ass ascii, and the group is doin just as
good as when we started. Were keepin ascii alive by throwin phat-ass pics in
j00r pixeld ass monitor. You bettah enjoy it. The oil ascii krew will be
hittin you up month after month with innovative new ascii techniques and skillz
you will spooge over. Email them and tell them how phat they are, cause indeed
the ascii crew is no joke. This month we have a list of new members, that 9l
will elaborate since he takes care of all that business. BIG BIG shoutouts, andto all you oil-fans, email 9l and tell him what a wonderful job he is doing withoil and the group. If it werent for 9lives, there would be no oil. plain and
simple, so every greet him donkeysmack.
Inner Vision oil!ascii96
Nine Lives ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
sup sup.. y0.. iv just went a little on the flip side there.. hehe.. anyway
y0.. this is our 5th pak.. and we are still hittin strong.. i dont got much to
say this month.. sept i luv this months pak.. i think our quality just shot
straight up.. we got some new membs.. like haji.. and cyndicide.. both got some
pretty mad skillz.. if you havent noticed .. iv came back this month.. hes
been gone for ever.. woo hoo.. hopefully well see more of him.. and well.. shitthis nfo file is starting to get boring.. even for me to rite.. im gunna stop
now cos im tired and wanna go to bed.. y0.. so like always.. if you like the
pak and wanna give us some props.. go rite ahead .. mail me.. im not taking reqsbtw :..
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