this image contains text
SSS.sSSs.S.SS..ss.SSSs.SS.Ss....sS S S,S.S.ss.ssSSss.sS sSSss....S ::S.S ...SS.SssS..sSS.S.SS .SssS.SS.sSSsS.SS.SS.S Oil pak numero four! Ss.....sSSssSSs....sS
ninelives dittie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hey ppl.. this is ninelives here.. y0 .. for the first time ever im
the only one writing in this months nfo file.. looks as tho i cant find inner
vision or creaping death anywhere. so i was kinda on muh own this month.. this
month was a really slow month.. so it wasnt our best month.. but thats ok..
we will make up for it later on.. we lost alot of membs. and also got rid of a
couple.. and we gain some more quality artists... so we hope we have cleaned
up a little .. we will see what happens in the following months... mainly good
things are happening with oil.. we are in the process of putting up an oil www
page... and we have an ftp site .. wizy.uit.com /pub/groups/oil.. and welp..
we are shrinking the memb list too.. im thinking about making the group smaller
and invite only.. havent really decided yet.. but no matter what happens we
will still be the smooth laid back ascii group weve been all along.. so expect
some good quality work to come out from us.. or dont whatever :
On another note.. lately ive been hearing alot of shit about what is
the best ascii group rite now and shit.. welp.. everytime i hear that or see itpop up.. i notice that ppl always dog each others groups.. like trank sucks or
oil sucks.. or soap sucks... ya know.. and the famous little OUR GROUP IS THE
BEST welp.. please for the sake of man kind.. shut the fuck up.. i personally
dont care to see that shit.. oil in general is a group that respects other
groups.. and shit.. we dont care who is better.. and for some reason i just
wanted to blab about that.. but ill quit now.. maybe i just wanted to take up
space or something.. oh well.. as always .. enjoy our pak.. feedback is welcome
as long as its givin in a somewhat positive manner.. or whatever... peace till
then.. and sorry for the day late release..
-9lives ninel@primenet.com
ninelives dittie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hey ppl.. this is ninelives here.. y0 .. for the first time ever im
the only one writing in this months nfo file.. looks as tho i cant find inner
vision or creaping death anywhere. so i was kinda on muh own this month.. this
month was a really slow month.. so it wasnt our best month.. but thats ok..
we will make up for it later on.. we lost alot of membs. and also got rid of a
couple.. and we gain some more quality artists... so we hope we have cleaned
up a little .. we will see what happens in the following months... mainly good
things are happening with oil.. we are in the process of putting up an oil www
page... and we have an ftp site .. wizy.uit.com /pub/groups/oil.. and welp..
we are shrinking the memb list too.. im thinking about making the group smaller
and invite only.. havent really decided yet.. but no matter what happens we
will still be the smooth laid back ascii group weve been all along.. so expect
some good quality work to come out from us.. or dont whatever :
On another note.. lately ive been hearing alot of shit about what is
the best ascii group rite now and shit.. welp.. everytime i hear that or see itpop up.. i notice that ppl always dog each others groups.. like trank sucks or
oil sucks.. or soap sucks... ya know.. and the famous little OUR GROUP IS THE
BEST welp.. please for the sake of man kind.. shut the fuck up.. i personally
dont care to see that shit.. oil in general is a group that respects other
groups.. and shit.. we dont care who is better.. and for some reason i just
wanted to blab about that.. but ill quit now.. maybe i just wanted to take up
space or something.. oh well.. as always .. enjoy our pak.. feedback is welcome
as long as its givin in a somewhat positive manner.. or whatever... peace till
then.. and sorry for the day late release..
-9lives ninel@primenet.com
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