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July Release!!!!!
iv!oil s Oil Info File
Inner Vision sucks ------------------------------
hmm, guess what? i suck. Ive been grounded for quite some time, and i haventhad much time to produce the phat ascii that you guys love to see :D ... but
Ninelives and the rest of the oil crew continue to wow and amaze you cause yes..we rule. Oil has a lotta members now... its grown so much. Im happy to see
the enthusiasm... the art reflects it. I dont have anything to say, as usual
im going to turn this over to nine lives now!
9-lives is pretty cool ----------------------------
woo.. sup all.. its me again.. yes we are releasing yet another good pak..
we are getting better and better as we go.. hopefully we will exceed our set
expectations.. who knows.. anyway.. alot of oil news this month.. first is new
members.. joining our oil team this month - in no special ordersorry if i left
you out forge - the flamming carrot and - alienated testicle.. we are very
happy to say Killa Hertz has also joined up with the oil crew.. anyway.. in
other news.. we are planning on putting up an oil www site.. it is currently in
the making now .. thanks to our very own mort.. and i also talked with someone
about getting our own ftp site.. these things and hopefully more will come in
the weeks or months ahead.. anyway.. we have put out yet another very good pak
this month.. maybe our best.. who knows.. that is prolly for you to decide..
we are one day late.. but no biggie.. we are basically back on traq now.. and
hopefully iv is ungrounded :.. cheq out the pak and enjoy.. comments are
always welcome.. just try to keep them friendly.. peace all..
*comments can be send to me at ninel@primenet.com - make the topic
oil comment - thankz - 9lives
The end.. now cheq the pak --------------------------
iv!oil s Oil Info File
Inner Vision sucks ------------------------------
hmm, guess what? i suck. Ive been grounded for quite some time, and i haventhad much time to produce the phat ascii that you guys love to see :D ... but
Ninelives and the rest of the oil crew continue to wow and amaze you cause yes..we rule. Oil has a lotta members now... its grown so much. Im happy to see
the enthusiasm... the art reflects it. I dont have anything to say, as usual
im going to turn this over to nine lives now!
9-lives is pretty cool ----------------------------
woo.. sup all.. its me again.. yes we are releasing yet another good pak..
we are getting better and better as we go.. hopefully we will exceed our set
expectations.. who knows.. anyway.. alot of oil news this month.. first is new
members.. joining our oil team this month - in no special ordersorry if i left
you out forge - the flamming carrot and - alienated testicle.. we are very
happy to say Killa Hertz has also joined up with the oil crew.. anyway.. in
other news.. we are planning on putting up an oil www site.. it is currently in
the making now .. thanks to our very own mort.. and i also talked with someone
about getting our own ftp site.. these things and hopefully more will come in
the weeks or months ahead.. anyway.. we have put out yet another very good pak
this month.. maybe our best.. who knows.. that is prolly for you to decide..
we are one day late.. but no biggie.. we are basically back on traq now.. and
hopefully iv is ungrounded :.. cheq out the pak and enjoy.. comments are
always welcome.. just try to keep them friendly.. peace all..
*comments can be send to me at ninel@primenet.com - make the topic
oil comment - thankz - 9lives
The end.. now cheq the pak --------------------------
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