this image contains text
-- . - ss ss --- . -- . ---------------------- s sss ----- s ,s - s-- .s ------ O i L - Information file! ssss : ssss ssss +------------- s ss s . : s: : . : s: oil!ascii in the ninesix! .: s . s s . :: s: ss s: s: ss: Written by: Inner Vision : sss . sss : and Nine Lives..oil!ascii sss sss sss . .sS . .sS .sS . Header by: Inner Vision -------- ---- --------------------- : -------- : ---- : --------------------- . . .
------------------+--- : ---------Inner Visions Little Ditty!!! Oil Ascii!!! s -----------------:--- ss ---------
High! This is Inner Vision, oil founder. Why do you say, did i found oil?!
:D Well there are multiple reasons, one which has the most significance, is
because I wanted to. To remark on the others, iCE doesnt have an ascii group
and i wanted to join an ascii group, but its always been a goal of mine to run
a group. So here we are, oil, in the ninesix and i think for 1 week of drawing
the pack looks good! I started out, with an idea, and low and behold, nineliveson the irc says... hey ill join!. Here it was, the first member to oil, and
probably the most dedicated and enthusastic so far. To be fair i made ninelivesa senior staff member, probably one of few. Oil is not high on Senior staffs
and boards and shit, we draw ascii. After ninelives joined, many of my friends
joined, and soon the word spread and some already established ascii artists began to flock to oil. WE LOVE IT. We donut care about dualing. why? cause i dual, and more importantly, its an ascii group, we are here to draw, not to be acorporation. ANYWAYS. DO NOT E-MAIL us with You guys suck! We dont need a
new ascii group Trankor any ascii group Rules the world!!! . I am tellingyou now, WE DONUT WANNA HEAR IT. Its all crap. Its funny how immature people
can be sometimes. Those of you who dont irc... it can get pretty embarrasing
to say the least on ansi or whatever. A word of notice: If you dont like the
packs, join us and make them better. There is no fucking ascii bible that says
we cannot be a group and release. Just mind your business, make sure your packsget released with quality ascii. ERr... To get back to the paved road, oil has
impressed me a lot in this last week, a lot of people like psychoholic, blazemore, and many others proved to me that it is possible to have a group for
fun. And i will be the first one to say that, for a group full o fun, we have
some neato quality asciis to boot. Thank ninelives for getting the APP coded
by someone i donut know, whoever coded the app, THaNKS! :D I know i know, IV
you see, i have this thing, its long, and uhh i think its called a dick or some
thing... well nevermind. Mad greets to kaleidas, cidica, S5 whom, if it werent for him wed all still have lame fonts , basic, s0ap, etc etc. I reallyhope you enjoy the pack, look for more neato oil packs in the future.
Inner Vision - Oil
And now....
------------------+--- --------- Nine Livess Little Ditty!!! Oil Ascii!!! -----------------:--- ---------
ok.. looks as tho i gotta rite somethin keen in here too.. welp.. as far as
oil goes.. iv said most everything that need to be said.. uhmm.. we have only
been together as a full running group fer a week or 2 as iv said.. and now we
are already releasing wif some mad stuff.. thats pretty good.. but thats mine
own opinion.. whatever you think.. hey thats fine.. keep it to yerself if its
not something good or uplifting... weas in the oil membs. like our art regard-less of your thoughts.. we dew it cus we like it .. not cus we HAVE TO.. i mean
if we all did art cus we had too.. then the whole art scene would look the same
.. there would be no such thing as style or.. doh.. im starting to ramble on..
anyway.. basically what we want is to release like any other group.. and have
people look at it.. thats it.. yes.. i know it may seem hard for some of you to
comprehend.. but the whole art scene is not a business.. there are people in
it for the actually.. art aspict of it er whatever :.. anyhow.. enjoy the pakand i hope we come up wif some more mad things in the future.. oh.. btw.. the
app gen was coded by sulphur.. thankz alot man.. we appreciate it.. anyway..
thankz for yer time.. now go and look at the pak.. hell.. thats what im doin..
peace bras, and brasettes..
9lives - OiL ascii.. aint life grrreeeat
------------------+--- : ---------Inner Visions Little Ditty!!! Oil Ascii!!! s -----------------:--- ss ---------
High! This is Inner Vision, oil founder. Why do you say, did i found oil?!
:D Well there are multiple reasons, one which has the most significance, is
because I wanted to. To remark on the others, iCE doesnt have an ascii group
and i wanted to join an ascii group, but its always been a goal of mine to run
a group. So here we are, oil, in the ninesix and i think for 1 week of drawing
the pack looks good! I started out, with an idea, and low and behold, nineliveson the irc says... hey ill join!. Here it was, the first member to oil, and
probably the most dedicated and enthusastic so far. To be fair i made ninelivesa senior staff member, probably one of few. Oil is not high on Senior staffs
and boards and shit, we draw ascii. After ninelives joined, many of my friends
joined, and soon the word spread and some already established ascii artists began to flock to oil. WE LOVE IT. We donut care about dualing. why? cause i dual, and more importantly, its an ascii group, we are here to draw, not to be acorporation. ANYWAYS. DO NOT E-MAIL us with You guys suck! We dont need a
new ascii group Trankor any ascii group Rules the world!!! . I am tellingyou now, WE DONUT WANNA HEAR IT. Its all crap. Its funny how immature people
can be sometimes. Those of you who dont irc... it can get pretty embarrasing
to say the least on ansi or whatever. A word of notice: If you dont like the
packs, join us and make them better. There is no fucking ascii bible that says
we cannot be a group and release. Just mind your business, make sure your packsget released with quality ascii. ERr... To get back to the paved road, oil has
impressed me a lot in this last week, a lot of people like psychoholic, blazemore, and many others proved to me that it is possible to have a group for
fun. And i will be the first one to say that, for a group full o fun, we have
some neato quality asciis to boot. Thank ninelives for getting the APP coded
by someone i donut know, whoever coded the app, THaNKS! :D I know i know, IV
you see, i have this thing, its long, and uhh i think its called a dick or some
thing... well nevermind. Mad greets to kaleidas, cidica, S5 whom, if it werent for him wed all still have lame fonts , basic, s0ap, etc etc. I reallyhope you enjoy the pack, look for more neato oil packs in the future.
Inner Vision - Oil
And now....
------------------+--- --------- Nine Livess Little Ditty!!! Oil Ascii!!! -----------------:--- ---------
ok.. looks as tho i gotta rite somethin keen in here too.. welp.. as far as
oil goes.. iv said most everything that need to be said.. uhmm.. we have only
been together as a full running group fer a week or 2 as iv said.. and now we
are already releasing wif some mad stuff.. thats pretty good.. but thats mine
own opinion.. whatever you think.. hey thats fine.. keep it to yerself if its
not something good or uplifting... weas in the oil membs. like our art regard-less of your thoughts.. we dew it cus we like it .. not cus we HAVE TO.. i mean
if we all did art cus we had too.. then the whole art scene would look the same
.. there would be no such thing as style or.. doh.. im starting to ramble on..
anyway.. basically what we want is to release like any other group.. and have
people look at it.. thats it.. yes.. i know it may seem hard for some of you to
comprehend.. but the whole art scene is not a business.. there are people in
it for the actually.. art aspict of it er whatever :.. anyhow.. enjoy the pakand i hope we come up wif some more mad things in the future.. oh.. btw.. the
app gen was coded by sulphur.. thankz alot man.. we appreciate it.. anyway..
thankz for yer time.. now go and look at the pak.. hell.. thats what im doin..
peace bras, and brasettes..
9lives - OiL ascii.. aint life grrreeeat
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