this image contains text
. o d i u m .
. thefebr
the in
troduction part well the pack is fi
nally out, a little delayed, thanks to a hard drive crash, 2 w
hq changes, and an addiction to the game stronghold. before i forget
, i want to apologize to any artists who work was left out of
the pack, i had a hard drive crash in the middle of the month,
and i lost everything, including my work, and it was hard to
get in touch with all the members in one week... it pissed me
off, but what can i do...it had to happen eventually, im the only
kid left on the block..but even with this major anal surgery of
a problem it has been, we are back on track, the group is stil
l here, and i even think this months pack turned out better t
han our first two, and ill think you will
agree that the overall qaulity this month was much better.
new members
this month, even with the problems the group was faced with, we man
aged to
pick up a handfull of new artists, but since all my applications were d
i have no idea where most of the members were before they joined, so if
are any errors here... yell at the silent killer. scribble joi
ned this month
who was previously in mop, he is an amazing artist, and his work will h
to contribute in improving the group. dikarpo joins this month
as well, in
both the ascii and ansi departments... he has a creative style, and may
be even
a few new trends for the scene to follow! another new member, refl
was accepted this month as well, for both ascii and ansi, and in th
is months
pack he has a load of excellent work for you to preview! this months
department recieved tons of attention, with the addition of a few new a
including reflexion, dikarpo, fractal, cerebus, pat
hogen-x and kuma! this
months vga department expanded a little too, with the addition of
fury, the literature department picked up two new members, cidi
ca, and
mr. sandman who are leading the division along with mind bender
and crusader!
and finally, for new members this february, maxx joined the group to he
fill a couriering position that we have been unsure about from the begi
departing members
this month unfortuntly saw the end of two of the groups original me
sir death and 7degrees. due to mainly a lack of
time, both members were
forced to quit the group this month, after sticking with it for the fir
two months, it was nice having them along for the ride!
whq change AGAIN
ok, i bet im making people dizzy already with all the whq switching
. its
been like a game of musical chairs trying to settle with a site, but i
have PERMANTLY made huma the whq. so if you have any questions or comm
or want to apply or d/l one of our fine anthologys, just call it up, t
number is 619-485-6741. one of these days ill get around to making an
account, but for now, just apply.
last months voting
well last months little idea for a voting ballot wasnt as successfu
l as
we originaly thought. though some replies were turned in, there were n
enough to continue the voting, but as far as last month went, the pack
recieved a vote of a 7. considering that was our second pack, i think
number itself shows how much we have improved!
the end
thats it for this months newsletter, and i officialy delcare janu
rary the
black month, because of all the problems i had to deal with this mont
h with
the group... but as you can see, we ARE still here, so to answer any qu
some of you may have had about the group, i can defently say, we arnt
anywhere, so dont plan the groups death for a LONG time!
. o d i u m .
. thefebr
the in
troduction part well the pack is fi
nally out, a little delayed, thanks to a hard drive crash, 2 w
hq changes, and an addiction to the game stronghold. before i forget
, i want to apologize to any artists who work was left out of
the pack, i had a hard drive crash in the middle of the month,
and i lost everything, including my work, and it was hard to
get in touch with all the members in one week... it pissed me
off, but what can i do...it had to happen eventually, im the only
kid left on the block..but even with this major anal surgery of
a problem it has been, we are back on track, the group is stil
l here, and i even think this months pack turned out better t
han our first two, and ill think you will
agree that the overall qaulity this month was much better.
new members
this month, even with the problems the group was faced with, we man
aged to
pick up a handfull of new artists, but since all my applications were d
i have no idea where most of the members were before they joined, so if
are any errors here... yell at the silent killer. scribble joi
ned this month
who was previously in mop, he is an amazing artist, and his work will h
to contribute in improving the group. dikarpo joins this month
as well, in
both the ascii and ansi departments... he has a creative style, and may
be even
a few new trends for the scene to follow! another new member, refl
was accepted this month as well, for both ascii and ansi, and in th
is months
pack he has a load of excellent work for you to preview! this months
department recieved tons of attention, with the addition of a few new a
including reflexion, dikarpo, fractal, cerebus, pat
hogen-x and kuma! this
months vga department expanded a little too, with the addition of
fury, the literature department picked up two new members, cidi
ca, and
mr. sandman who are leading the division along with mind bender
and crusader!
and finally, for new members this february, maxx joined the group to he
fill a couriering position that we have been unsure about from the begi
departing members
this month unfortuntly saw the end of two of the groups original me
sir death and 7degrees. due to mainly a lack of
time, both members were
forced to quit the group this month, after sticking with it for the fir
two months, it was nice having them along for the ride!
whq change AGAIN
ok, i bet im making people dizzy already with all the whq switching
. its
been like a game of musical chairs trying to settle with a site, but i
have PERMANTLY made huma the whq. so if you have any questions or comm
or want to apply or d/l one of our fine anthologys, just call it up, t
number is 619-485-6741. one of these days ill get around to making an
account, but for now, just apply.
last months voting
well last months little idea for a voting ballot wasnt as successfu
l as
we originaly thought. though some replies were turned in, there were n
enough to continue the voting, but as far as last month went, the pack
recieved a vote of a 7. considering that was our second pack, i think
number itself shows how much we have improved!
the end
thats it for this months newsletter, and i officialy delcare janu
rary the
black month, because of all the problems i had to deal with this mont
h with
the group... but as you can see, we ARE still here, so to answer any qu
some of you may have had about the group, i can defently say, we arnt
anywhere, so dont plan the groups death for a LONG time!
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