this image contains text
this is the colly I released for the last
homo pack...
brad and jules changed it with that censor bullshit, which really
did piss me off. I left homo, and after a lot of nagging in ascii
brad killed it - not a surprise.
/ : tn/ ...... : :.............. ....... :
...................: :. h o m o a s c :.... : : ..:
Of course were still here... you cant get rid of us that easily.
keep going down...
Have you ever noticed that bad smells and dirtyness are directly
related to co0lness?
Think about it, and then look at these examples:
**Note: I go to high school in Texas... Football is the biggest sport
around because of the money it brings in.
1 Football - they roll around in mud and on grass for
extended periods of time and really do smell...
but yet theyre cool...
2 Stink Bombs - I dunno about your area, but to the wannabe
gangsters, stink bombs are just the shit. They set them
off all the time. They smell pretty fucking bad.
but yet they are cool...
3 Smoking - You cannot tell me that smoking does not cause
a person to smell. Wheather or not you like the odor of
tobacco, you know that it clings to those who smoke. The
aquired smell follows them around, and damnit, they smell
pretty fucking bad.
but those who do are cool...
4 Mud Wrestling - ummmm, well ummmmm, there is nothing wrong
with this at all...
5 Punks - Hes more punk than me... he doesnt take showers
Im not going to say anthing else.
damn theyre cool...
6 20 gallons of cologne/perfume - Smelling good is
acceptable, but Irish showers are pretty fucking gay after
they make each room you walk into smell like 19473
different colognes that you bought at Fashionably Male
yesterday in the mall with your daddys credit card.
Can I be as cool as you?
ok, now that Im done with that ramble, Ill greet some people.
lauren... woohooo
brad, sam, jules, neil, scott, eric, kayozz, konami...
and of course everyone involved in swf...
ascii? what is that...
this is ascii:
-element/21 for junior
/ / / / / // tn// // //---/ //awe
i ::::: ::::: .:::::: : // /
l ::::.::::: ::::: : /
L .::::: ::::: .::::: :: ::::: /
::::: ::::: ::::: . -element / 21
-haze - ascii for leech warez accounts : its the only way.
// / j // //
: tn/ / awe : :
-offbeat: some guys irc script...
/ / tn/awe!/ //
l / / /
/ -// o f f b e a t - l
two - for kayozz - noname/click
/ /-------// / l
// l / /-----/--//
/ / / i
l tn//-----------/ /awe :
i l .
. - t w o -
thats enough ascii...
Welcome back noname - I know you will be successful
and pound some ass in the scene.
jp, aka tzeentch
yea, thats what it was supposed to be...
brad - I have nothing against you - youre damned talented,
so keep on drawing - that hendrix pic was amazing
jules - fuck you. Changing my art is one thing, but doing
it without my permission is fucking gay. Saying you
would do it again and not care about it is also
really fucking gay.
sam - youre the man
to everyone else : DRAW something. Dont let the ascii scene die.
homo pack...
brad and jules changed it with that censor bullshit, which really
did piss me off. I left homo, and after a lot of nagging in ascii
brad killed it - not a surprise.
/ : tn/ ...... : :.............. ....... :
...................: :. h o m o a s c :.... : : ..:
Of course were still here... you cant get rid of us that easily.
keep going down...
Have you ever noticed that bad smells and dirtyness are directly
related to co0lness?
Think about it, and then look at these examples:
**Note: I go to high school in Texas... Football is the biggest sport
around because of the money it brings in.
1 Football - they roll around in mud and on grass for
extended periods of time and really do smell...
but yet theyre cool...
2 Stink Bombs - I dunno about your area, but to the wannabe
gangsters, stink bombs are just the shit. They set them
off all the time. They smell pretty fucking bad.
but yet they are cool...
3 Smoking - You cannot tell me that smoking does not cause
a person to smell. Wheather or not you like the odor of
tobacco, you know that it clings to those who smoke. The
aquired smell follows them around, and damnit, they smell
pretty fucking bad.
but those who do are cool...
4 Mud Wrestling - ummmm, well ummmmm, there is nothing wrong
with this at all...
5 Punks - Hes more punk than me... he doesnt take showers
Im not going to say anthing else.
damn theyre cool...
6 20 gallons of cologne/perfume - Smelling good is
acceptable, but Irish showers are pretty fucking gay after
they make each room you walk into smell like 19473
different colognes that you bought at Fashionably Male
yesterday in the mall with your daddys credit card.
Can I be as cool as you?
ok, now that Im done with that ramble, Ill greet some people.
lauren... woohooo
brad, sam, jules, neil, scott, eric, kayozz, konami...
and of course everyone involved in swf...
ascii? what is that...
this is ascii:
-element/21 for junior
/ / / / / // tn// // //---/ //awe
i ::::: ::::: .:::::: : // /
l ::::.::::: ::::: : /
L .::::: ::::: .::::: :: ::::: /
::::: ::::: ::::: . -element / 21
-haze - ascii for leech warez accounts : its the only way.
// / j // //
: tn/ / awe : :
-offbeat: some guys irc script...
/ / tn/awe!/ //
l / / /
/ -// o f f b e a t - l
two - for kayozz - noname/click
/ /-------// / l
// l / /-----/--//
/ / / i
l tn//-----------/ /awe :
i l .
. - t w o -
thats enough ascii...
Welcome back noname - I know you will be successful
and pound some ass in the scene.
jp, aka tzeentch
yea, thats what it was supposed to be...
brad - I have nothing against you - youre damned talented,
so keep on drawing - that hendrix pic was amazing
jules - fuck you. Changing my art is one thing, but doing
it without my permission is fucking gay. Saying you
would do it again and not care about it is also
really fucking gay.
sam - youre the man
to everyone else : DRAW something. Dont let the ascii scene die.
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