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My Ode to Odelay.
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:.. .. . .. . Thuggin . .. ..:
Odelay, one of the most consistenly successful ascii groups ever.
Started by a Loser, built up a Prodigy. Odelay, a true Legend.
- Don Bugsy
But it seems the last Odelay pack is polluted by one of the least talented,
dumbest motherfuckers ever to grace the ascii scene, a bitch that goes by the
name of Arlequin. Its only fair to look over what he wrote about me.. .
First he says:
How to development a VERY SIMPLE ascii, aka BugsyMHZ asciis.
Development? What is this guy talking about? See if he could actually DRAW,
it might be forgiveable that he cant speak ANY language.
Next he says:
Do a VERY Basical Font.
Whats a basical font? Does he mean a basic font? Doesnt every font in every
medium start out basic? Score one more for Arlequin the idiot.
Then he says:
Do Courves to it.
I dont know what this means.. .Curves? Yeah I like curvacious things.
Finally he says:
Now, when you finish your ascii, if you pretend to look elite, have to join
any group like remorse, and start to write shit comments of other artists
like in the EP Zine.
The truth comes out -- Little Arlequin is bitter that he earned low ratings in,
Skills NOT EP Zine due to very sub-standard art. Hes probably still angry
that I beat his ass into the ground in that old Vintage compo years back as ,,,
well. And that Remorse comment? Its not my fault you could never get in, ,,,
sonny. Sorry Arlequin, if my ascii is so simple, yet so good -- why are you ,,,
so fucking bad? If anything good comes out of Odelays death, its that you ,,
cant be in it anymore, boy --
Go fuck yourself,
Don Bugs.
Once again, real art, REAL.
My Ode to Odelay.
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:.. .. . .. . Thuggin . .. ..:
:: bgs / ::
:.. .. . .. . Thuggin . .. ..:
Odelay, one of the most consistenly successful ascii groups ever.
Started by a Loser, built up a Prodigy. Odelay, a true Legend.
- Don Bugsy
But it seems the last Odelay pack is polluted by one of the least talented,
dumbest motherfuckers ever to grace the ascii scene, a bitch that goes by the
name of Arlequin. Its only fair to look over what he wrote about me.. .
First he says:
How to development a VERY SIMPLE ascii, aka BugsyMHZ asciis.
Development? What is this guy talking about? See if he could actually DRAW,
it might be forgiveable that he cant speak ANY language.
Next he says:
Do a VERY Basical Font.
Whats a basical font? Does he mean a basic font? Doesnt every font in every
medium start out basic? Score one more for Arlequin the idiot.
Then he says:
Do Courves to it.
I dont know what this means.. .Curves? Yeah I like curvacious things.
Finally he says:
Now, when you finish your ascii, if you pretend to look elite, have to join
any group like remorse, and start to write shit comments of other artists
like in the EP Zine.
The truth comes out -- Little Arlequin is bitter that he earned low ratings in,
Skills NOT EP Zine due to very sub-standard art. Hes probably still angry
that I beat his ass into the ground in that old Vintage compo years back as ,,,
well. And that Remorse comment? Its not my fault you could never get in, ,,,
sonny. Sorry Arlequin, if my ascii is so simple, yet so good -- why are you ,,,
so fucking bad? If anything good comes out of Odelays death, its that you ,,
cant be in it anymore, boy --
Go fuck yourself,
Don Bugs.
Once again, real art, REAL.
My Ode to Odelay.
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:.. .. . .. . Thuggin . .. ..:
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