this image contains text
NO afs.com shit...
Let me tell you about a girl I know
who had a drink about an hour ago
Sitting in the corner by herself
in a bar in downtown hell
She heard a noise and she looked to the door
and saw a man she had never seen before
Light skin, light blue eyes
a double chin and a plastic smile
Her eyebrow raised as he walked in the door
and took an empty seat next to her at the bar
I got a car thats parked right outside
howd you like to go for a ride
And she said wait a minute I have to think
he said thats fine, may I please buy you a drink
One drink turned into three or four
and they went and got into his car
and drove away to a place real far
Now babe, the time has come
howd you like to have a little fun
and she said,
if we could only please be on our way
I would not mind
Thats when things got out of control
She didnt want to,
He had his way.
She said lets go,
He said no way.
Come on babe, its your lucky day
Shut your mouth, were going to do it my way
Come on baby dont be afraid
If it wasnt for
+ /-------- /---------------pk/-------
d dd date / / / / // rape ee e
-----/ / pk/-------
date rape
Id never get laid...
He finished up, he started the car
He turned around and drove back to the bar
He said Now baby, dont be sad
in my opinion you werent half bad
She picked up a rock, got it in the car
hit him in the head so hes got a big scar
Cummon wont you listen to me
Date rapes not legal
Next day she went to her droar
Looked up her local attourney at law
Went to the phone and filed a police report
and then she took the guys ass to court
The day he stood in front of the judge
He screamed She lies, that little slut!
The jugde knew he was full of shit
and he gave him 25 years
and now his heart is filled with tears.
Well at Jail it was getting late
he was butt-raped by a large inmate
He screamed, but the guards paid no attention
to his cries
Thats when things got out of control
The Moral of the date rape story is
it does not pay to be drunk and horny
But thats the way it had to be
They locked him up and threw away the key
But I cant take pity on this guy
Even though he now takes it in the behind
She didnt want to
She didnt want to
She didnt want to
She didnt want to take it!
-Date Rape
Thats my word here... I cant stand people who get
girls drunk for the sole purpose of taking advantage of them
I have seen many people screwed over in this way, and I think
that those who brought them to it just flat out suck....
5q! . .
*** T Z E E N T C H ***
presents the first installment of
/ / !-----// / L //
// / j / // /
/ // / /tn// / .,,,. /
trilogy brought to you by
/ / // o d e l a y / .tn//----
/ a s c i i // // / . :...............
and a few other things
/ /+ a colly called Date rape +
enter tn
time is very
just not there... as you should know music is my solstice... and now the
music is largely influenced by a band called sublime... Bradly is dead,
but there will always be 40oz to freedom sitting in a CD player somewhere
to remember him by... send me money... long live homo... long live ode
some of the ascii may have already been released... but i am too lazy to
go back and look through my releases to find out if that is true or not...
where to find me : ascii, ansipunx on effnet.
tzeentch@pdq.net AOL IM - tzeentch3
shit, I forget my ICQ ... do an e-mail search
greets out to:
w5gef - you dont draw, but you will be a ascii girl...
Armen - thanks for the divider - you are so good
Brad - nuff said... you know it all... you are
definatly oneof the top 10
Sam - I love you man... we still need to meet though
there are some more great guys, but Im tired... do something
and now let it begin...
/ l // / l /
l ... iNDEX0RZ ... l mess
//.title//..........// / .comments.......
01: tim drake :...................:/: becasuse he asked for it :......:
02: distant sanity :..............:/: it is a board that needs art :..:
03: fungicide :...................:/: because I felt like it :........:
04: flat scan :...................:/: he bugged me a lot :............:
05: just :........................:/: hell if I know :................:
06: mess :........................:/: asciitrade :....................:
07: new scan :....................:/: damn this ascii is crappy :.....:
08: odelay ascii :................:/: Neil is the pimp :..............:
09: flat scan :...................:/: damn he bugged me a lot :.......:
10: toe jam :.....................:/: el-eye is one badass :..........:
11: download :....................:/: I redid toe jam :...............:
12: files :.......................:/: for el-eye ascii wise :.........:
13: bbs list :....................:/: because toe jam was one of :....:
14: toe jam main menu :...........:/: my favorite warez boards :......:
15: toe jam logon matrix :........:/: and I think I am getting some :.:
16: upload :......................:/: cash for what I did :...........:
17: express menu :................:/: because he offered :............:
18: unknown :.....................:/: my old web page server RIP :....:
19: drop :........................:/: just because :..................:
20: reverse :.....................:/: it was for vintage RIP :........:
21: cybercrime international :....:/: thunder wanted it for md :......:
22: spoof main memu :.............:/: serial2n begged on his knees :..:
23: stratosphere :................:/: tongo was a badass :............:
24: sliver :......................:/: d3mo never got this :...........:
25: kv header :...................:/: i never saw that colly :........:
26: toe jam again :...............:/: i did this guy a lot of ascii :.:
27: underground communications :..:/: won some local constest :.......:
28: hysteria :....................:/: ummm, buttocks :................:
29: index ascii :.................:/: for volatiles colly :..........:
30: maim menu :...................:/: for b4ps board :...............:
31: pooter :......................:/: clovers linux box :............:
32: glowing condom :..............:/: some board here in houston :....:
33: prodigy :.....................:/: ahhhh, vintage :................:
34: last callers :................:/: for markgoh if I remember :....:
35: phunk ascii :.................:/: never saw their pack :..........:
36: unkn0wn.dyndns.com :..........:/: another one for it :............:
37: endor :.......................:/: the ewoks won it :..............:
38: morph ascii :.................:/: archangel is a good boy :.......:
39: walrus :......................:/: some blender :..................:
40: salt :........................:/: joint with s1texx :............:
41: fuck you ascii :..............:/: i hate this logo i think :......:
42: autosig :....................:/:dont use it :..................:/
. . Ascii : Tim Drake ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
,------,/ / / Y :..... :
/ / / Y / / , /
tn/ //
/ t i m d r a k e o f s e r i a l a s c i i
. . Ascii : Distant Sanity ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ ------- tn/,----- /
: distant / sanity /
. . Ascii : Fungicide ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
----------------------/+ tn//
/ /... fungicide ... / / // // /
. . Ascii : Flat Scan ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
// : / Y . / //
/ :.......... // ! . / / / . /tn
flatscan ,./ // : ,,,. .........: ..:
. . Ascii : Just ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
// // // / // // ! /tn/
/ just / // / tsuj
. . Ascii : Mess ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
tn / // :,. / .............: :....:
. . Ascii : New Scan ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
tn/ /
. . Ascii : Odelay Ascii ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / // o d e l a y / .tn//----
/ a s c i i // // / . :...............
. . Ascii : Flat Scan Again ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
J / , / / //
! tn/ , / . /
. . Ascii : Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
// tn/
. . Ascii : Download for Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / //------// k, / /
,. : // // : / / lm,
// : / : /tn
. . Ascii : Files for Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ l / --/ // ,
/ / li,. // / /
. . Ascii : BBS List for Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
., b u l e t i n b o a r d s y s t e m ,.
l jn,. / / // /
/ // // / // / .,jlkn. //
tn ----------- / / ----------
. . Ascii : Main Menu for Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / / / t o e j a m : m a i n /
/ // / / l .:......... //
. . Ascii : Logon Matrix for Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
.,----, 0
.,,nn@@P +. ,!. ,. ,!,.
4. bn,. ,.,mdli. ..i
,n. di, ., ,
,i bn l,..,,.,.
,dl . sP ,d,., ,
dP. P . l
4b. dP4:m,db i
-,, ,4,!,nd.,ndi . .
., n, ., , dl+ ., n,
.P4P. //,P .P4P.
login apply check e-mail bu-bye
.,db,. // / .,db,.
. .,,.,,.,. .nP. .,,. .
toe jam - .,+,.,+. -tn
:,. +o el-eye ,.., ,..,
. . Ascii : Upload for Toe jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
tn/ i / / / ! / . / / / ,.
/ i // / /
/ / // // /tn
. . Ascii : Files Menu for Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
tn/ / / / / //
/ / commands in here.... /
. . Ascii : Unkn0wn.dyndns.com ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
// / / / tn/,---- /
. . Ascii : Drop ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
.....:...... / tn---/ /
. . Ascii : Reverse ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
// Y // / ...
........ / / 0o -------- / /
. . Ascii : Cybercrime International ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
. . Ascii : Spoof Main menu ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
tn/ / / / // m a i n /
/ / / / / // m e n u /
: commands and shit in here... expand if needed !
. . Ascii : Stratosphere ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
: // / 0 O o / /
: /tn // : : ....... ,,/
//ops to tango... woooooo...
. . Ascii : Sliver ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
// / Y / // //
/ -------- / /tn//
. . Ascii : KV Divider ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ tn// .,/ // - number :
/ // /title : ....:.....
/ kontinental+vereinigung //- /requested by : :...: ...:
. . Ascii : Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
.....: .,. // ,-------Y //
/,-------- //tn/
.,. / toe jam...... / .,.
. . Ascii : Underground Communications ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
:---/---: Y
// // // tn//
//underground communications //
. . Ascii : Hysteria ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / hysteria -------.tn.....:...:
. . Ascii : index ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ // // / / h /
/ ------ tn/
. . Ascii : Main Menu for bap ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/tn //
. . Ascii : Pooter ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ :....:tn// //,----- /,---- /
. . Ascii : Glowing Condom ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
. . Ascii : Mystical Descent ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / to : whatever : /
tn from : blah
//++ date : MCI HERE
/ /42????
ummm, yea, i guess I shouldnt draw when tripping, so
blah on you... this i snot really my style at all oh well.
put whatever you need int he littl ebox and all
. . Ascii : Prodigy ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / / 2 / :
:... :........: / J //
. . Ascii : Last Callers ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
l a s t c a l l e r s //,,,. ....:... :
/ //,----- // tn//,-----
. . Ascii : Phunk Ascii ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
: / // / .,// / / tn:
/phunk!ascii/ //
. . Ascii : unknown.dyndns.com ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
Y ,-------,. // / ., :
/ tn/
unkn0wn.dyndns.com - got hit by thunder and is now fried...
. . Ascii : Endor ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ /---/ / /: /-tn/ //
. . Ascii : Morph Ascii ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
------ //tn -----/ /
:..:..: / : / m o r p h a s c i i //
. . Ascii : Walrus ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
named spawn that looks like this :
. . Ascii : Salt ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/l / /l /
its a joint with someone... I forget who though...
. . Ascii : Fuck you ascii ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / j / / ! /
// // // j //
/ /tn
. . Ascii : Autosig ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ tn/ // .,. / .,. / / /
. . Ascii : the end. ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
This is the end
My beautiful Friend
The end....
Let me tell you about a girl I know
who had a drink about an hour ago
Sitting in the corner by herself
in a bar in downtown hell
She heard a noise and she looked to the door
and saw a man she had never seen before
Light skin, light blue eyes
a double chin and a plastic smile
Her eyebrow raised as he walked in the door
and took an empty seat next to her at the bar
I got a car thats parked right outside
howd you like to go for a ride
And she said wait a minute I have to think
he said thats fine, may I please buy you a drink
One drink turned into three or four
and they went and got into his car
and drove away to a place real far
Now babe, the time has come
howd you like to have a little fun
and she said,
if we could only please be on our way
I would not mind
Thats when things got out of control
She didnt want to,
He had his way.
She said lets go,
He said no way.
Come on babe, its your lucky day
Shut your mouth, were going to do it my way
Come on baby dont be afraid
If it wasnt for
+ /-------- /---------------pk/-------
d dd date / / / / // rape ee e
-----/ / pk/-------
date rape
Id never get laid...
He finished up, he started the car
He turned around and drove back to the bar
He said Now baby, dont be sad
in my opinion you werent half bad
She picked up a rock, got it in the car
hit him in the head so hes got a big scar
Cummon wont you listen to me
Date rapes not legal
Next day she went to her droar
Looked up her local attourney at law
Went to the phone and filed a police report
and then she took the guys ass to court
The day he stood in front of the judge
He screamed She lies, that little slut!
The jugde knew he was full of shit
and he gave him 25 years
and now his heart is filled with tears.
Well at Jail it was getting late
he was butt-raped by a large inmate
He screamed, but the guards paid no attention
to his cries
Thats when things got out of control
The Moral of the date rape story is
it does not pay to be drunk and horny
But thats the way it had to be
They locked him up and threw away the key
But I cant take pity on this guy
Even though he now takes it in the behind
She didnt want to
She didnt want to
She didnt want to
She didnt want to take it!
-Date Rape
Thats my word here... I cant stand people who get
girls drunk for the sole purpose of taking advantage of them
I have seen many people screwed over in this way, and I think
that those who brought them to it just flat out suck....
5q! . .
*** T Z E E N T C H ***
presents the first installment of
/ / !-----// / L //
// / j / // /
/ // / /tn// / .,,,. /
trilogy brought to you by
/ / // o d e l a y / .tn//----
/ a s c i i // // / . :...............
and a few other things
/ /+ a colly called Date rape +
enter tn
time is very
just not there... as you should know music is my solstice... and now the
music is largely influenced by a band called sublime... Bradly is dead,
but there will always be 40oz to freedom sitting in a CD player somewhere
to remember him by... send me money... long live homo... long live ode
some of the ascii may have already been released... but i am too lazy to
go back and look through my releases to find out if that is true or not...
where to find me : ascii, ansipunx on effnet.
tzeentch@pdq.net AOL IM - tzeentch3
shit, I forget my ICQ ... do an e-mail search
greets out to:
w5gef - you dont draw, but you will be a ascii girl...
Armen - thanks for the divider - you are so good
Brad - nuff said... you know it all... you are
definatly oneof the top 10
Sam - I love you man... we still need to meet though
there are some more great guys, but Im tired... do something
and now let it begin...
/ l // / l /
l ... iNDEX0RZ ... l mess
//.title//..........// / .comments.......
01: tim drake :...................:/: becasuse he asked for it :......:
02: distant sanity :..............:/: it is a board that needs art :..:
03: fungicide :...................:/: because I felt like it :........:
04: flat scan :...................:/: he bugged me a lot :............:
05: just :........................:/: hell if I know :................:
06: mess :........................:/: asciitrade :....................:
07: new scan :....................:/: damn this ascii is crappy :.....:
08: odelay ascii :................:/: Neil is the pimp :..............:
09: flat scan :...................:/: damn he bugged me a lot :.......:
10: toe jam :.....................:/: el-eye is one badass :..........:
11: download :....................:/: I redid toe jam :...............:
12: files :.......................:/: for el-eye ascii wise :.........:
13: bbs list :....................:/: because toe jam was one of :....:
14: toe jam main menu :...........:/: my favorite warez boards :......:
15: toe jam logon matrix :........:/: and I think I am getting some :.:
16: upload :......................:/: cash for what I did :...........:
17: express menu :................:/: because he offered :............:
18: unknown :.....................:/: my old web page server RIP :....:
19: drop :........................:/: just because :..................:
20: reverse :.....................:/: it was for vintage RIP :........:
21: cybercrime international :....:/: thunder wanted it for md :......:
22: spoof main memu :.............:/: serial2n begged on his knees :..:
23: stratosphere :................:/: tongo was a badass :............:
24: sliver :......................:/: d3mo never got this :...........:
25: kv header :...................:/: i never saw that colly :........:
26: toe jam again :...............:/: i did this guy a lot of ascii :.:
27: underground communications :..:/: won some local constest :.......:
28: hysteria :....................:/: ummm, buttocks :................:
29: index ascii :.................:/: for volatiles colly :..........:
30: maim menu :...................:/: for b4ps board :...............:
31: pooter :......................:/: clovers linux box :............:
32: glowing condom :..............:/: some board here in houston :....:
33: prodigy :.....................:/: ahhhh, vintage :................:
34: last callers :................:/: for markgoh if I remember :....:
35: phunk ascii :.................:/: never saw their pack :..........:
36: unkn0wn.dyndns.com :..........:/: another one for it :............:
37: endor :.......................:/: the ewoks won it :..............:
38: morph ascii :.................:/: archangel is a good boy :.......:
39: walrus :......................:/: some blender :..................:
40: salt :........................:/: joint with s1texx :............:
41: fuck you ascii :..............:/: i hate this logo i think :......:
42: autosig :....................:/:dont use it :..................:/
. . Ascii : Tim Drake ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
,------,/ / / Y :..... :
/ / / Y / / , /
tn/ //
/ t i m d r a k e o f s e r i a l a s c i i
. . Ascii : Distant Sanity ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ ------- tn/,----- /
: distant / sanity /
. . Ascii : Fungicide ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
----------------------/+ tn//
/ /... fungicide ... / / // // /
. . Ascii : Flat Scan ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
// : / Y . / //
/ :.......... // ! . / / / . /tn
flatscan ,./ // : ,,,. .........: ..:
. . Ascii : Just ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
// // // / // // ! /tn/
/ just / // / tsuj
. . Ascii : Mess ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
tn / // :,. / .............: :....:
. . Ascii : New Scan ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
tn/ /
. . Ascii : Odelay Ascii ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / // o d e l a y / .tn//----
/ a s c i i // // / . :...............
. . Ascii : Flat Scan Again ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
J / , / / //
! tn/ , / . /
. . Ascii : Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
// tn/
. . Ascii : Download for Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / //------// k, / /
,. : // // : / / lm,
// : / : /tn
. . Ascii : Files for Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ l / --/ // ,
/ / li,. // / /
. . Ascii : BBS List for Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
., b u l e t i n b o a r d s y s t e m ,.
l jn,. / / // /
/ // // / // / .,jlkn. //
tn ----------- / / ----------
. . Ascii : Main Menu for Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / / / t o e j a m : m a i n /
/ // / / l .:......... //
. . Ascii : Logon Matrix for Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
.,----, 0
.,,nn@@P +. ,!. ,. ,!,.
4. bn,. ,.,mdli. ..i
,n. di, ., ,
,i bn l,..,,.,.
,dl . sP ,d,., ,
dP. P . l
4b. dP4:m,db i
-,, ,4,!,nd.,ndi . .
., n, ., , dl+ ., n,
.P4P. //,P .P4P.
login apply check e-mail bu-bye
.,db,. // / .,db,.
. .,,.,,.,. .nP. .,,. .
toe jam - .,+,.,+. -tn
:,. +o el-eye ,.., ,..,
. . Ascii : Upload for Toe jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
tn/ i / / / ! / . / / / ,.
/ i // / /
/ / // // /tn
. . Ascii : Files Menu for Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
tn/ / / / / //
/ / commands in here.... /
. . Ascii : Unkn0wn.dyndns.com ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
// / / / tn/,---- /
. . Ascii : Drop ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
.....:...... / tn---/ /
. . Ascii : Reverse ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
// Y // / ...
........ / / 0o -------- / /
. . Ascii : Cybercrime International ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
. . Ascii : Spoof Main menu ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
tn/ / / / // m a i n /
/ / / / / // m e n u /
: commands and shit in here... expand if needed !
. . Ascii : Stratosphere ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
: // / 0 O o / /
: /tn // : : ....... ,,/
//ops to tango... woooooo...
. . Ascii : Sliver ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
// / Y / // //
/ -------- / /tn//
. . Ascii : KV Divider ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ tn// .,/ // - number :
/ // /title : ....:.....
/ kontinental+vereinigung //- /requested by : :...: ...:
. . Ascii : Toe Jam ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
.....: .,. // ,-------Y //
/,-------- //tn/
.,. / toe jam...... / .,.
. . Ascii : Underground Communications ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
:---/---: Y
// // // tn//
//underground communications //
. . Ascii : Hysteria ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / hysteria -------.tn.....:...:
. . Ascii : index ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ // // / / h /
/ ------ tn/
. . Ascii : Main Menu for bap ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/tn //
. . Ascii : Pooter ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ :....:tn// //,----- /,---- /
. . Ascii : Glowing Condom ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
. . Ascii : Mystical Descent ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / to : whatever : /
tn from : blah
//++ date : MCI HERE
/ /42????
ummm, yea, i guess I shouldnt draw when tripping, so
blah on you... this i snot really my style at all oh well.
put whatever you need int he littl ebox and all
. . Ascii : Prodigy ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / / 2 / :
:... :........: / J //
. . Ascii : Last Callers ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
l a s t c a l l e r s //,,,. ....:... :
/ //,----- // tn//,-----
. . Ascii : Phunk Ascii ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
: / // / .,// / / tn:
/phunk!ascii/ //
. . Ascii : unknown.dyndns.com ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
Y ,-------,. // / ., :
/ tn/
unkn0wn.dyndns.com - got hit by thunder and is now fried...
. . Ascii : Endor ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ /---/ / /: /-tn/ //
. . Ascii : Morph Ascii ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
------ //tn -----/ /
:..:..: / : / m o r p h a s c i i //
. . Ascii : Walrus ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
named spawn that looks like this :
. . Ascii : Salt ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/l / /l /
its a joint with someone... I forget who though...
. . Ascii : Fuck you ascii ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ / j / / ! /
// // // j //
/ /tn
. . Ascii : Autosig ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
/ tn/ // .,. / .,. / / /
. . Ascii : the end. ..
: i i * ii j. .
: j,. . * .j,. b. . .j .d --i---- .,d
:---., .b.: b. b. .jb,.
b,.jS*- * b,..b,. ** P
: * : -- // :: . :: : ,d :: : :nl
This is the end
My beautiful Friend
The end....
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