this image contains text
y ?b. /y. .,,. .. .u. ,ss.b... / .., , ?P /
,SS. . ,d . ,, b.*/, . y. ? .. l *?b..? ** .*./ . *?SP** . -**.?S .,. ..? .,y/y. . P, ***. ./. . ?P . .yy. ,, .db, , ** ? ,b,, ,.y. *b./d ,d /b,*?* ? .,yy,. ?b */. . ,d d/. ? ,,. .*?b, *S b ?b. l ,ySSy*P/. *?! ? ./ b* / *?,/ .. . ***mp. ?P ** 8 * k o m b a t m u d
cut here-8X-------------------------------------------------------------------
this little thing is for a friend of mine at school, this guy Kevin,
aka kintar0. hes making a mud based on the mortal kombat games, so I decided to help him out with a little art. I dont play/understand/really like muds, so
I hope he can use this. And yeah, I know the font sucks. you try doing
something better in a space like that.
This ascii, and all the other asciis of mine this month are dedicated to the memory of my cat, Josephine, who we had to put to sleep because of
several severe strokes.
,SS. . ,d . ,, b.*/, . y. ? .. l *?b..? ** .*./ . *?SP** . -**.?S .,. ..? .,y/y. . P, ***. ./. . ?P . .yy. ,, .db, , ** ? ,b,, ,.y. *b./d ,d /b,*?* ? .,yy,. ?b */. . ,d d/. ? ,,. .*?b, *S b ?b. l ,ySSy*P/. *?! ? ./ b* / *?,/ .. . ***mp. ?P ** 8 * k o m b a t m u d
cut here-8X-------------------------------------------------------------------
this little thing is for a friend of mine at school, this guy Kevin,
aka kintar0. hes making a mud based on the mortal kombat games, so I decided to help him out with a little art. I dont play/understand/really like muds, so
I hope he can use this. And yeah, I know the font sucks. you try doing
something better in a space like that.
This ascii, and all the other asciis of mine this month are dedicated to the memory of my cat, Josephine, who we had to put to sleep because of
several severe strokes.
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