this image contains text
: Title: Endorphin Rush ...... .. . . . .
From The House Of Phreak Klass Asciis Odelay Ascii
:: ... .,d
:: ,alla. ,alla ,alla. 4
::,YP 4Y. ,YP 4 ,YP 4Y. l7
:: b,.
::Y. .Y Y. . Yt. 4
:: YY . Yla.
::b,. b,. ,YP 4Y. ::
:: mmm l. ,l
::4 :: . Ya,.,aY
:: l, ,l .,d
::.,d. Ya,,aY
:: dont even dare ask me what odelay is supposed to mean
:: all i know is they supply bitchin asciis with 0 delay.
Alles naar de gabber ::
:: krijg de grafterind
:: alles naar de gabber
....packtitle:endorphin rush....
....artist:phreak klassOdelayRegul8....
....date:good question sometime in oct/sept 97....
....location: /usr/home/pk/.ph34r/.th3/phreak/klass/.ascii/ode-rush.txt....
....greets:fuckoff wait till the end ....
.... in the beginning..:..... .. .. .
:... ... .......... there was gabber....
...:Alles heil de:..
:.... ......... Bezzerka
:... Deciples Of Annihilation
..:. Delta-9
..:. Rob Gee
.:.. Koozak
:... Klootzacken
.:.. Lenny Dee
...: Liza N Elizer
..:. Neophyte
.:.. PCP
...: Skinhead
:... Wendy Milan
name: Remorse U / ----- / / for: Rermoseboys
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
// p
/ / k
remorse : remorse
name: Kootzak U / ----- / / for:
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
-------// /-------- / +-----pk ------//
Alles Naar de koozak
name: PCP U / ----- / / for:
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
// pk
name: Bezerka U / ----- / / for:
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/ +----- / +-----pk
name: RuSh U / ----- / / for:
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
rUSh-rUSh-rUSh-rU / ----- / / Sh-rUSh-rUSh-rUSh
name: neophyte U / ----- / / for:
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
n nn nnnnneophyteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee e
// pk
n nn nnnnneophyteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee / +---- eeeeeeeee / +--- ee
name: elite wrz U / ----- / / for: someone
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
:/ // / /----- / pk / .:...:..... ..
pk -------/ :
name: combat U / ----- / / for: Dark Heart
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/-----+ pk /---------/ pk /--------
c o m b a t /----------
name: rampant U / ----- / / for: Warpy
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
:.:.... . : rampant :
name: read it U / ----- / / for: Pulse
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
....... pDM- pANdEM0NiUM / ....... .:.
:... - / -/------ / / pk // :
name: thebestof U / ----- / / for: the phreak-k
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
main // / / menu
.------- pk -- /---------- ------------------------- /-------/- ------------.
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OPEN List Doors Avail DS Sysop Download W Edit Setups
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LOCAL Local Upload Q Make Node Hidden
name: bad spiritU / ----- / / for: badspirit
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/ / // / / / pk
Bad Spirit of /-------- Remorse and Razor 1911 bds@strata.net
name: cyber deznU / ----- / / for: lacoste
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/-----+ pk/ cyber- // / -----+//
/ +----- -design / +-----
-/-------/ /------- // /pk
cyber design / / spettered live in 97
name: AD! U / ----- / / for: eX- AD!
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/ - / / //pk
: a f l u e n c e d e z i n e :
name: heresy U / ----- / / for: oldshit...
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/------- pk/-------//------- / /-------
name: xtc od U / ----- / / for: bl00dy me
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/-----/pk /-----------/ /-------- /-------
//pk /------- / / / /
extasyy overdose -----/
pk / /------
name: r3m0rs3 U / ----- / / for: rms people
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
-----/ /------ /-------pk -----/ /------- /-------
----. ..ooOOoo..rEMORSE 1981..ooOooo.. . /
name: read it U / ----- / / for: darktrooper
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
pk// / /------ / /-------
name: RiSC U / ----- / / for: ex?RiSC
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
-----/ // pk/-------
rise in superior couriering
name: raz0r U / ----- / / for: raz0r
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
------// / //pk ------/
r a z O r 1 9 1 1
name: dismember U / ----- / / for: ?
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/------/pk /---------
+ /-------- /-------pk /-------- /-------- /------- /-----------
d i s m e m b e r
name: myst U / ----- / / for: ?
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/------- /-------pk /------- ------
m y s t
name: goodbye U / ----- / / for: ?
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
: /-------/ /-------/pk /---------/ :
/-------/ /-------/pk /---------/
name: Date Rape U / ----- / / for: Tzeentch
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
+ /-------- /---------------pk/-------
d dd date / / / / // rape ee e
-----/ / pk/-------
... kinky barstard.. blah
name: *unknown* U / ----- / / for: *unknown*
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/ / /pk // //-------------------/
/ / regul8 ci/ci //
font+k3/bg+cM :
. . . +. : .db. .,. .
. .. .. i. ., .47: . .db. .i7. ..7 . . :.
iy,i,. db .4 . 47 :.i: S.i . i. .. .i
.i7 . 77b. -y...- .@S: i7.dS8Sb. :. ..
7 . .i : 7b...4 dP 7 .dP7b.i7
. . ., : 7b..dP . S .dP - 7b
@MMMMSl :. 7P7P ,. l 8S: .
.i . S. 7. 7P.6..db. : b. . M: .- .,.7
i: :.i lb. . i.. .dP.78b.i. l7b.,lS .4...
: :i. :b. .dP.:!. 78b.io- : 7P . .7 .
. i. lSP7SSSP .,. 78b. .dP.- S.4. . :
.. , S: . :.+.,@P7b. 78bdP .g@@g.ii :..i: -
.4 ., 8l i. l.,@P.y. 7b. .dP7P. . . . .
ili.dP P.7 @P.i7 .d.7b..dP,i. : lb. i. .
l.i,. . . i.. SS .@S@. b.d :.
. .i. . 7.:. : .dP7 7PlP .i:
i .,.d odelay b. l.dP S
. . 7P
-ending part, section thingy that doesnt have a name----------------------
Long time no write/talk/draw/etc people, this pack is just basically
a wake up call to remind you that im still here and kicking, i put
some of my in my oppinion best asciis i have done in here, altho
others might disagree, i would say the pack is a little rushed, and
the next pack will be alot better then this. Uhmm not much has
happened since my last little section in my packs, tho seemingly
short .
OK, this is part two of this pack, and this is all being edited now
because I just joined Odelay, ok Odelay is a r0xering group that owns
the entire scene, and somehow picked little ole me to join, and im happy
to. Odelay will be releasing in about 15mins and im dead shit if i dont
get this quickly converted from me with out good affils - with Odelay .
Now thats over, im going to struggle for things to say , hmm time to
think of somehting interesting. Oh yeah, im open season, so if you would
like to request anything then just spit it out and it will get done, some
time or rather, and rather is usually not that long.
Another thing to point out is, FOOD. FOOD is another group im in and its
lead by Dark Trooper from norway. FOOD, or FUCK OFF OR DIE, is a BBS
modding/utils group, who are currently developing their own BBS software,
its name i cannot remember, Reserve or Revolve i think, I always get it
wrong. But anyways, its a really neat group, and they always make good
BBS programs mainly for /x systems, which fits in well to the ascii scene.
Again you can find FOOD on efnet, channel food and the leader Dark Trooper
can usually be found as Dtrooper Darktroop dt or someother abreviation.
Also I would like to take this time to make a formal truce with everyone
at Remorse, and hope that all can be forgiven/forgotten both ways.
Okay, well Thats all i can think of saying, till next time .. Im back
in the ascii scene, no time to chat, goto draw more ascii
Phreak Klass -OdelayRegul8-
group greets
styleepsilon designjedi artsarclitemosouldeads0s
tropic artistsoops!asciicontralow profile
all other groups out there..
personal greets
speed freak, squish, drax, warchild, insight, aamorph tzeentch, serial toon
dartagnan, wise-kid, phobia, behemoth, beheme, trooper, rasta, speedevil
red demon, relief, uman, manta, style, birdie, rw, aspyre, anubis, boddah
darktrooper, cyberkid, blood, vanhauser, mark ryder, bad spirit, morgue, spidy
agony, hiro protagonist, beaviz, darkheart, agent666, malice, fractual insanity
ripmax, unique-one, mso-, wildchild, sargon, subsonic, faeton, skatter
pulse, pariah, mry0y0, nighty, helix, darklord, helix, da best, aamorph, omi
compumang, tsk, enigmatic, messiah, Necromancer, Necronite Black Jack
whirr, whodini, ewheat, mhz, dshay, cain, purify, mass murderer
oxi, volate, prodigy, helicon, phax, and all those i forgot
cheers all, till next time, live long and rave on
Dit is je dikke reet mijn vriend, je dikke reet
With Complements, The House of Phreak Klass.
PS. Iedereen houdt van gabber
Alles Naar De Gabber TM Phreak Klass 1997.
Copyright 1997 PHREAK KLASS OdelayRegul8
: Title: Endorphin Rush ...... .. . . . .
From The House Of Phreak Klass Asciis Odelay Ascii
:: ... .,d
:: ,alla. ,alla ,alla. 4
::,YP 4Y. ,YP 4 ,YP 4Y. l7
:: b,.
::Y. .Y Y. . Yt. 4
:: YY . Yla.
::b,. b,. ,YP 4Y. ::
:: mmm l. ,l
::4 :: . Ya,.,aY
:: l, ,l .,d
::.,d. Ya,,aY
:: dont even dare ask me what odelay is supposed to mean
:: all i know is they supply bitchin asciis with 0 delay.
Alles naar de gabber ::
:: krijg de grafterind
:: alles naar de gabber
....packtitle:endorphin rush....
....artist:phreak klassOdelayRegul8....
....date:good question sometime in oct/sept 97....
....location: /usr/home/pk/.ph34r/.th3/phreak/klass/.ascii/ode-rush.txt....
....greets:fuckoff wait till the end ....
.... in the beginning..:..... .. .. .
:... ... .......... there was gabber....
...:Alles heil de:..
:.... ......... Bezzerka
:... Deciples Of Annihilation
..:. Delta-9
..:. Rob Gee
.:.. Koozak
:... Klootzacken
.:.. Lenny Dee
...: Liza N Elizer
..:. Neophyte
.:.. PCP
...: Skinhead
:... Wendy Milan
name: Remorse U / ----- / / for: Rermoseboys
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
// p
/ / k
remorse : remorse
name: Kootzak U / ----- / / for:
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
-------// /-------- / +-----pk ------//
Alles Naar de koozak
name: PCP U / ----- / / for:
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
// pk
name: Bezerka U / ----- / / for:
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/ +----- / +-----pk
name: RuSh U / ----- / / for:
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
rUSh-rUSh-rUSh-rU / ----- / / Sh-rUSh-rUSh-rUSh
name: neophyte U / ----- / / for:
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
n nn nnnnneophyteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee e
// pk
n nn nnnnneophyteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee / +---- eeeeeeeee / +--- ee
name: elite wrz U / ----- / / for: someone
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
:/ // / /----- / pk / .:...:..... ..
pk -------/ :
name: combat U / ----- / / for: Dark Heart
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/-----+ pk /---------/ pk /--------
c o m b a t /----------
name: rampant U / ----- / / for: Warpy
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
:.:.... . : rampant :
name: read it U / ----- / / for: Pulse
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
....... pDM- pANdEM0NiUM / ....... .:.
:... - / -/------ / / pk // :
name: thebestof U / ----- / / for: the phreak-k
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
main // / / menu
.------- pk -- /---------- ------------------------- /-------/- ------------.
Global Mail Stats D Download Files G Goodbye/Logoff
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C Comment To Sysop Z Zippy Scan Files B Bulletins
CF Select Conferences V View Text File O Operator Page
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RL Relogon to System F Files Menu M Ansi Graphics
WHO Whos Online FS Global FileStats T Local Time
OPEN List Doors Avail DS Sysop Download W Edit Setups
SENT Edit Sentby VS Sysop View File X Expert Mode
LOCAL Local Upload Q Make Node Hidden
name: bad spiritU / ----- / / for: badspirit
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/ / // / / / pk
Bad Spirit of /-------- Remorse and Razor 1911 bds@strata.net
name: cyber deznU / ----- / / for: lacoste
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/-----+ pk/ cyber- // / -----+//
/ +----- -design / +-----
-/-------/ /------- // /pk
cyber design / / spettered live in 97
name: AD! U / ----- / / for: eX- AD!
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/ - / / //pk
: a f l u e n c e d e z i n e :
name: heresy U / ----- / / for: oldshit...
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/------- pk/-------//------- / /-------
name: xtc od U / ----- / / for: bl00dy me
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/-----/pk /-----------/ /-------- /-------
//pk /------- / / / /
extasyy overdose -----/
pk / /------
name: r3m0rs3 U / ----- / / for: rms people
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
-----/ /------ /-------pk -----/ /------- /-------
----. ..ooOOoo..rEMORSE 1981..ooOooo.. . /
name: read it U / ----- / / for: darktrooper
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
pk// / /------ / /-------
name: RiSC U / ----- / / for: ex?RiSC
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
-----/ // pk/-------
rise in superior couriering
name: raz0r U / ----- / / for: raz0r
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
------// / //pk ------/
r a z O r 1 9 1 1
name: dismember U / ----- / / for: ?
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/------/pk /---------
+ /-------- /-------pk /-------- /-------- /------- /-----------
d i s m e m b e r
name: myst U / ----- / / for: ?
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/------- /-------pk /------- ------
m y s t
name: goodbye U / ----- / / for: ?
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
: /-------/ /-------/pk /---------/ :
/-------/ /-------/pk /---------/
name: Date Rape U / ----- / / for: Tzeentch
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
+ /-------- /---------------pk/-------
d dd date / / / / // rape ee e
-----/ / pk/-------
... kinky barstard.. blah
name: *unknown* U / ----- / / for: *unknown*
: its the rush you get from drawing ascii :
/ / /pk // //-------------------/
/ / regul8 ci/ci //
font+k3/bg+cM :
. . . +. : .db. .,. .
. .. .. i. ., .47: . .db. .i7. ..7 . . :.
iy,i,. db .4 . 47 :.i: S.i . i. .. .i
.i7 . 77b. -y...- .@S: i7.dS8Sb. :. ..
7 . .i : 7b...4 dP 7 .dP7b.i7
. . ., : 7b..dP . S .dP - 7b
@MMMMSl :. 7P7P ,. l 8S: .
.i . S. 7. 7P.6..db. : b. . M: .- .,.7
i: :.i lb. . i.. .dP.78b.i. l7b.,lS .4...
: :i. :b. .dP.:!. 78b.io- : 7P . .7 .
. i. lSP7SSSP .,. 78b. .dP.- S.4. . :
.. , S: . :.+.,@P7b. 78bdP .g@@g.ii :..i: -
.4 ., 8l i. l.,@P.y. 7b. .dP7P. . . . .
ili.dP P.7 @P.i7 .d.7b..dP,i. : lb. i. .
l.i,. . . i.. SS .@S@. b.d :.
. .i. . 7.:. : .dP7 7PlP .i:
i .,.d odelay b. l.dP S
. . 7P
-ending part, section thingy that doesnt have a name----------------------
Long time no write/talk/draw/etc people, this pack is just basically
a wake up call to remind you that im still here and kicking, i put
some of my in my oppinion best asciis i have done in here, altho
others might disagree, i would say the pack is a little rushed, and
the next pack will be alot better then this. Uhmm not much has
happened since my last little section in my packs, tho seemingly
short .
OK, this is part two of this pack, and this is all being edited now
because I just joined Odelay, ok Odelay is a r0xering group that owns
the entire scene, and somehow picked little ole me to join, and im happy
to. Odelay will be releasing in about 15mins and im dead shit if i dont
get this quickly converted from me with out good affils - with Odelay .
Now thats over, im going to struggle for things to say , hmm time to
think of somehting interesting. Oh yeah, im open season, so if you would
like to request anything then just spit it out and it will get done, some
time or rather, and rather is usually not that long.
Another thing to point out is, FOOD. FOOD is another group im in and its
lead by Dark Trooper from norway. FOOD, or FUCK OFF OR DIE, is a BBS
modding/utils group, who are currently developing their own BBS software,
its name i cannot remember, Reserve or Revolve i think, I always get it
wrong. But anyways, its a really neat group, and they always make good
BBS programs mainly for /x systems, which fits in well to the ascii scene.
Again you can find FOOD on efnet, channel food and the leader Dark Trooper
can usually be found as Dtrooper Darktroop dt or someother abreviation.
Also I would like to take this time to make a formal truce with everyone
at Remorse, and hope that all can be forgiven/forgotten both ways.
Okay, well Thats all i can think of saying, till next time .. Im back
in the ascii scene, no time to chat, goto draw more ascii
Phreak Klass -OdelayRegul8-
group greets
styleepsilon designjedi artsarclitemosouldeads0s
tropic artistsoops!asciicontralow profile
all other groups out there..
personal greets
speed freak, squish, drax, warchild, insight, aamorph tzeentch, serial toon
dartagnan, wise-kid, phobia, behemoth, beheme, trooper, rasta, speedevil
red demon, relief, uman, manta, style, birdie, rw, aspyre, anubis, boddah
darktrooper, cyberkid, blood, vanhauser, mark ryder, bad spirit, morgue, spidy
agony, hiro protagonist, beaviz, darkheart, agent666, malice, fractual insanity
ripmax, unique-one, mso-, wildchild, sargon, subsonic, faeton, skatter
pulse, pariah, mry0y0, nighty, helix, darklord, helix, da best, aamorph, omi
compumang, tsk, enigmatic, messiah, Necromancer, Necronite Black Jack
whirr, whodini, ewheat, mhz, dshay, cain, purify, mass murderer
oxi, volate, prodigy, helicon, phax, and all those i forgot
cheers all, till next time, live long and rave on
Dit is je dikke reet mijn vriend, je dikke reet
With Complements, The House of Phreak Klass.
PS. Iedereen houdt van gabber
Alles Naar De Gabber TM Phreak Klass 1997.
Copyright 1997 PHREAK KLASS OdelayRegul8
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