this image contains text
amn.asia two
if you want to request something
mail kelthar@hem.passagen.se with the
subject request. all other mail containing
requests without it stated in the subject
will be ignored. it saves me time.
inDex/ /
1..intro/info / /
/ 2..index 1/2 / / :: ::::::::
amn.asia two 3..index 2/2 / ::
/ 4..forewords ::::: ::
performed by / 5..ultrasonic ::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::
6..lavender :: ::
keltharodElay 7..lost lands ::
/ // / 10.tre
inDex 1/2
inDex/ /
11.msg header / /
/ 12.agony / / :: ::::::::
amn.asia two 13.arise / ::
/ 14.the spiral staircase ::::: ::
performed by / 15.scooby snacks ::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::
16.speedloader :: ::
keltharodElay 17.cr4q ::
18.cr4q 2
/ // / 20.spieZ
inDex 2/2
i guess i should consider this my first colly even though
ive release amn.asia one before this one. the first one
was pretty empty but i got i good response tew my wild
and totally unreadablefor most of you style.
this is a small colly but nicer layed out than the first
one. its been a long time since i released anything. i
forgot to send my werk to the previous odelay so i hope
this small will make up for it, prod. no greetings in
this colly. you all kno how deserves it and who dont.
well im off to card another shell. and btw blkjack, card
your own, bro. europeans r0xzor us artist. remeber that.
amn.asia two // kelthar
nikserof /
/ // / // kL7
// fow craSh / // / / ultrasoniC ::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: ultrasoniC - siteop crash
// page05 // nameultrasonic // req bycr4sh // amn.asia2 //
100 pure euro kelthar /
/ / / kL7 :::::: ::
//laV/ / / / :: ::
if you can read it, // / / // / :: ::
::::::: its NOT made by kelthar :: ::
:: lavender, foe reptical :: :::: ::
// page06 // namelavender // req byreptical // amn.asia2 //
100 pure euro kelthar
// / / / kL7
/ lanDs
lOst lands.. fOw muh bro Rw ::::::::
// page07 // namelost lands // req byrw // amn.asia2 //
100 pure euro kelthar /
/ webber.net :::::::
/ // / / / / / / /kL7
// page08 // namewebber.net // req bytsk // amn.asia2 //
100 pure euro kelthar
/ / / / / kL7
2049 - operator fill it in yourself :::::
this ascii has been an attempt of a new style, i dont care what you think
// page09 // name2049 // req bysomebody // amn.asia2 //
100 pure euro kelthar /
/ / // / // / / / kL7 :::::::
:: tre // master kreSile :::::::::
// page10 // nametre // reqed bykresile // amn.asia2
/ tew: :::::: :: :: :::::::::
subj: :: post:yer message... ::
// :: :: fucked askee ::
/ // kL7 ::::::::::::::::: ::
fill empty space with some rad ascii before releasing
// page11 // namemessage header // reqed bysomebody // amn.asia2
kL7/ / /
/ / / / / :: :::::::: agony ** mirc skript by kelthar ** ircII skript by insight ** agony :::::::: :::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
i kinda liked the new style and kept on doing it. check page 1 for reqs
// page12 // nameagony skript // reqed byinsight // amn.asia2
/ kL7 / :: ::::::::::
ariSe couriers ::::::::::::
// page13 // namearise // reqed byhx // amn.asia2
100 pure euro kelthar
/ / / / / / / kL7
:: the spiral staircase // +o neon iguana
// page14 // namethe spiral staircase // reqed byneon iguana // amn.asia2
::::::: scooby snacks :: :: ::::::::::::::::::
kL7 ::::
// page15 // namescooby snacks // reqed bypHONz // amn.asia2
:::: :::::::::: / ::: kL7
spEEdloaDer ::: :: :::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::
// page16 // namespeed loader // reqed bystalker // amn.asia2
/ / kL7
::::::: cr4q ::::::: ::::::: :: :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
// page17 // namecr4q // reqed bykaotik // amn.asia2
kL7 :::
cr4q :::
// page18 // namecr4q // reqed bykaotik // amn.asia2
/kL7/ ::
// page19 // nameinfo // reqed bymeatpod // amn.asia2
spieZ ........
// page20 // namespieZ // reqed bymartz // amn.asia2
if you want to request something
mail kelthar@hem.passagen.se with the
subject request. all other mail containing
requests without it stated in the subject
will be ignored. it saves me time.
inDex/ /
1..intro/info / /
/ 2..index 1/2 / / :: ::::::::
amn.asia two 3..index 2/2 / ::
/ 4..forewords ::::: ::
performed by / 5..ultrasonic ::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::
6..lavender :: ::
keltharodElay 7..lost lands ::
/ // / 10.tre
inDex 1/2
inDex/ /
11.msg header / /
/ 12.agony / / :: ::::::::
amn.asia two 13.arise / ::
/ 14.the spiral staircase ::::: ::
performed by / 15.scooby snacks ::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::
16.speedloader :: ::
keltharodElay 17.cr4q ::
18.cr4q 2
/ // / 20.spieZ
inDex 2/2
i guess i should consider this my first colly even though
ive release amn.asia one before this one. the first one
was pretty empty but i got i good response tew my wild
and totally unreadablefor most of you style.
this is a small colly but nicer layed out than the first
one. its been a long time since i released anything. i
forgot to send my werk to the previous odelay so i hope
this small will make up for it, prod. no greetings in
this colly. you all kno how deserves it and who dont.
well im off to card another shell. and btw blkjack, card
your own, bro. europeans r0xzor us artist. remeber that.
amn.asia two // kelthar
nikserof /
/ // / // kL7
// fow craSh / // / / ultrasoniC ::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: ultrasoniC - siteop crash
// page05 // nameultrasonic // req bycr4sh // amn.asia2 //
100 pure euro kelthar /
/ / / kL7 :::::: ::
//laV/ / / / :: ::
if you can read it, // / / // / :: ::
::::::: its NOT made by kelthar :: ::
:: lavender, foe reptical :: :::: ::
// page06 // namelavender // req byreptical // amn.asia2 //
100 pure euro kelthar
// / / / kL7
/ lanDs
lOst lands.. fOw muh bro Rw ::::::::
// page07 // namelost lands // req byrw // amn.asia2 //
100 pure euro kelthar /
/ webber.net :::::::
/ // / / / / / / /kL7
// page08 // namewebber.net // req bytsk // amn.asia2 //
100 pure euro kelthar
/ / / / / kL7
2049 - operator fill it in yourself :::::
this ascii has been an attempt of a new style, i dont care what you think
// page09 // name2049 // req bysomebody // amn.asia2 //
100 pure euro kelthar /
/ / // / // / / / kL7 :::::::
:: tre // master kreSile :::::::::
// page10 // nametre // reqed bykresile // amn.asia2
/ tew: :::::: :: :: :::::::::
subj: :: post:yer message... ::
// :: :: fucked askee ::
/ // kL7 ::::::::::::::::: ::
fill empty space with some rad ascii before releasing
// page11 // namemessage header // reqed bysomebody // amn.asia2
kL7/ / /
/ / / / / :: :::::::: agony ** mirc skript by kelthar ** ircII skript by insight ** agony :::::::: :::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
i kinda liked the new style and kept on doing it. check page 1 for reqs
// page12 // nameagony skript // reqed byinsight // amn.asia2
/ kL7 / :: ::::::::::
ariSe couriers ::::::::::::
// page13 // namearise // reqed byhx // amn.asia2
100 pure euro kelthar
/ / / / / / / kL7
:: the spiral staircase // +o neon iguana
// page14 // namethe spiral staircase // reqed byneon iguana // amn.asia2
::::::: scooby snacks :: :: ::::::::::::::::::
kL7 ::::
// page15 // namescooby snacks // reqed bypHONz // amn.asia2
:::: :::::::::: / ::: kL7
spEEdloaDer ::: :: :::::::: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::
// page16 // namespeed loader // reqed bystalker // amn.asia2
/ / kL7
::::::: cr4q ::::::: ::::::: :: :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
// page17 // namecr4q // reqed bykaotik // amn.asia2
kL7 :::
cr4q :::
// page18 // namecr4q // reqed bykaotik // amn.asia2
/kL7/ ::
// page19 // nameinfo // reqed bymeatpod // amn.asia2
spieZ ........
// page20 // namespieZ // reqed bymartz // amn.asia2
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