this image contains text
a n d
presents a small cluster, for the 10th odelay package
--:bph for baphomet:-----------------------------------------------------------
b a p h o m e t p r e s e n t s
an ascii colly called hammer heart
--:breaking the law for whoever:-----------------------------------------------
b r e a k i n t h e l a w
--:central processing for whoever:---------------------------------------------
c e n t r a l // /
/ p r o c e s s i n g
--:just for kresile:-----------------------------------------------------------
:........ j u s t ........:
--:kindred for whoever:--------------------------------------------------------
/ k i n d r e d
--:nyteg for nyteg:------------------------------------------------------------
--:singe for infect:-----------------------------------------------------------
p l u s o h i n f e c t :mjay
s i n g e ...............................:
* get my new colly called kleen-x ultra II.
* if youd like to make a request, e-mail me at mj@ftn.net
* greets to prodigy for releasing my cluster
* and btw, lick my dick before it gets dry..
- the midnight judge/shiveem
presents a small cluster, for the 10th odelay package
--:bph for baphomet:-----------------------------------------------------------
b a p h o m e t p r e s e n t s
an ascii colly called hammer heart
--:breaking the law for whoever:-----------------------------------------------
b r e a k i n t h e l a w
--:central processing for whoever:---------------------------------------------
c e n t r a l // /
/ p r o c e s s i n g
--:just for kresile:-----------------------------------------------------------
:........ j u s t ........:
--:kindred for whoever:--------------------------------------------------------
/ k i n d r e d
--:nyteg for nyteg:------------------------------------------------------------
--:singe for infect:-----------------------------------------------------------
p l u s o h i n f e c t :mjay
s i n g e ...............................:
* get my new colly called kleen-x ultra II.
* if youd like to make a request, e-mail me at mj@ftn.net
* greets to prodigy for releasing my cluster
* and btw, lick my dick before it gets dry..
- the midnight judge/shiveem
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