this image contains text
- the begginin is the end is the begginin -
/ gv
odelay - back in the biz - /presents
wELCOME iN oCCiDENT - by groove
//hewe go
/ l / / j /
g r o o v e :
of odelay/triloxy/pungas/circe .
- t h e mo s t c o n/f u s e d m e.m b e r o f -
. . gv
o d e l a y ! a s c i i
- is in your 80x25 screen/again to give you... -
/ // l / / / /
w E l C 0 M E i n of the .-- /--/gv
. grooves / /
0 C C i d E N t groove //
Cmon you little eastern bird //
Welcome into the occident word
Welcome into this world of dreams
No more beans! Burger Kings! b
No more no more securitat! y
Maximum libertad!
Libertad con murallas!
Cmon you little eastern bird
Welcome to the occident world m
l Welcome into this word of kappiness a
l Where you can talk and you can dress n
and you can sleep cause you cant guess. o
What theyve done to Afrika
/ youre the next Honduras e
theyll gonna take your ass So... g
Cmon you little eastern bird a
Welcome into the occident world
So go for it, go for it
Suck the occident dick // /
Wham Bam Thank you mom
Suck the sticky world dick
Occident is comin
Occident is comin
/ Deep inside your dully nest.
Givin to you all the best!: l
: Mac Dollars, MTV l
: Mister Bush and Mr T
Cause theres no party for you and me
In such a wonderful country,
They gonna tell you:Man youre free
...But you gotta work early
,-/-,l / . // / . /--/-,,.
/ : // // l
..l / / l l : .. ... .. .. . ...
/l . / ---- --, //
----, / / -/---// // . gv / /
* This colly was supposed to be in SERIAL 6 but sargon qcd it from the pack
because of the political contains of the lyrics upwards, i think. He zapped
my newschool subs too.
I felt censured and i got the fuck out of serial to join odelay again.
* Credits: arlequin for groove and speedfreak for index. Thanks to them.
* Special greets to the elitolarvas: Helmut Dupont and Peyo Santana.
:....................................................: :5f
: w e l c o m e i n o c c i d e n t :
..acido.....................unabomber.. :
..arlequin...................arlequin.. /
/ ..attitude.....................madbit..
..basic.........................basic.. /
..cielo boogie..............tim drake..
. ..distro.......................cromos..
..endor.........................dopie.. ...:.
..feed...........................feed.. :
..files........................cromos.. .
..rip..........................sludge.. .
. ..seiken.......................seiken...
..smokeland k0k0................g0rk0..
l ..soulfreak........................me..
l ..the new pollution..........rollmate.. :
..tinct......................tincture.. :
..ucf....................black thorne..
..vilo.............................me.. .
..la vanguardia1.................peyo..
..la vanguardia2.................peyo..
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ acido argentino 4 unabomber / /
,----, a c i d o //
l /l /,--------,,
------ / ---// ------- -------gv
a r g e n t i n o /
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ arlequin 4 arlequin / /
. ------/ ,,-----gv
. a r l e q u n
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ attitude 4 madbit / /
/ . these freaks are here /-----------,//
.,,--------,,./ . to party! / /
/ l .:.. / /---- / /
l : : / l / ..: /-
..: / l :. / .:. /
. / . ------- / / gv/
a t t i t u d e / /
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ basic 4 basic / /
// ./ ./ l /
,--/----,.//---/---- /---/---- / --/-- --//----/gv
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ cielo boogie 4 tim drake / /
---/ ------- ----!------//--gv
. . ............. b o o g i e :
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ distro 4 cromos / /
/ // /,,------, black
/ / sect
// / / / // l/-/-,
// / l ,
----//--/ l ------- /,---/ /
----------------- ---//-- d i s t r o ,--, / --- gv //--
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ endor 4 dopie / /
// d o p i e s /
/ ------ -------/ /gv
e N D 0 r
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ feed 4 feed / /
wheres ,,-------,
/ / gv
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ files 4 cromos / /
// / l
.., l .... . .. ...
/ / // blacksect
! / // / l gv/ files section
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ index 4 shiveem / /
. l// / / // / gv-
/ i n d e x /
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ pager 4 cromos / /
,,------/---, black sect . /
. / / / / /gv//
. . p a g e r / .
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ pesho 4 peyo / /
/ / l---,,
... / // // l // ..... . ...
.. . / / /-----/ //---,/gv .... .. .
. . mi querido amigo pesho! .
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ prana 4 prana / /
// / / / // / gv
l / / // / // /
-/-/,-- / p r a n a -/--/
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ pungas 4 arlequin / /
----- ---/--,------/--, /gv
.theyre the real pvngas. / ----.-----
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ rest in peace 4 sludge / /
r e s t . i n
. /- -- /------ -----/------,/---- gv/ /
. awp: sludge . .
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ release 4 markgoh / /
l / l
/l l /
/,-- /-------, / /-----gv
// -- r e l e a s e l i s t --
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ reverse 4 sum vintage / /
/ r e v e r s e / / gv / /
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ rules 4 cromos / /
. . ,--/--,. black sect rules.
. ,---/----, ,----l ,---, :------, .
// : : gv. //
/ // l l . // : : /
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ seiken 4 no one / /
/ / / / / gv
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ smokeland coco 4 gorko / /
- / / /----, // /----,/ /gv
smokeland / - /,---/--,
-- ----- -- - -- c0c0 - - -- --- / --- / -----
awp: gork0
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ soulfreak 4 me / /
/ s o u l /
-- ---//--/ /gv
f r e a k
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ the new pollution 4 rollmate / /
t H E
/ / / l
// / p 0 l l U t i 0 n
------ ---------------------------------------- ----gv-
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ tinct 4 tincture r / /
/ / / // / gv/
/ t i n c t u r e /
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ ucf 4 black thorne / /
/ gv //
----/---l .. / /
,-- u c f a r g e n t i n i a n h q --,
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ users 4 markgoh / /
- - ------- / gv ----/
-- u s e r . l i s t --
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ la vanguardia 4 peyo / /
/ / ---,, ,--, ----,gv/
/ / / / / // // / . / / l
/ / // / / / / / l / / / /
- - --/--- l a // / v a n g v a r d i a ---- - ----
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ la vanguardia 4 peyo / /
--/-- gv/ /-----,, /la vanguardia
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ vilo 4 me / /
,-------/ /--/-,, l---/--,,
// - - ------/---gv
- v i L 0 -
- Thank you -
/ gv
odelay - back in the biz - /presents
wELCOME iN oCCiDENT - by groove
//hewe go
/ l / / j /
g r o o v e :
of odelay/triloxy/pungas/circe .
- t h e mo s t c o n/f u s e d m e.m b e r o f -
. . gv
o d e l a y ! a s c i i
- is in your 80x25 screen/again to give you... -
/ // l / / / /
w E l C 0 M E i n of the .-- /--/gv
. grooves / /
0 C C i d E N t groove //
Cmon you little eastern bird //
Welcome into the occident word
Welcome into this world of dreams
No more beans! Burger Kings! b
No more no more securitat! y
Maximum libertad!
Libertad con murallas!
Cmon you little eastern bird
Welcome to the occident world m
l Welcome into this word of kappiness a
l Where you can talk and you can dress n
and you can sleep cause you cant guess. o
What theyve done to Afrika
/ youre the next Honduras e
theyll gonna take your ass So... g
Cmon you little eastern bird a
Welcome into the occident world
So go for it, go for it
Suck the occident dick // /
Wham Bam Thank you mom
Suck the sticky world dick
Occident is comin
Occident is comin
/ Deep inside your dully nest.
Givin to you all the best!: l
: Mac Dollars, MTV l
: Mister Bush and Mr T
Cause theres no party for you and me
In such a wonderful country,
They gonna tell you:Man youre free
...But you gotta work early
,-/-,l / . // / . /--/-,,.
/ : // // l
..l / / l l : .. ... .. .. . ...
/l . / ---- --, //
----, / / -/---// // . gv / /
* This colly was supposed to be in SERIAL 6 but sargon qcd it from the pack
because of the political contains of the lyrics upwards, i think. He zapped
my newschool subs too.
I felt censured and i got the fuck out of serial to join odelay again.
* Credits: arlequin for groove and speedfreak for index. Thanks to them.
* Special greets to the elitolarvas: Helmut Dupont and Peyo Santana.
:....................................................: :5f
: w e l c o m e i n o c c i d e n t :
..acido.....................unabomber.. :
..arlequin...................arlequin.. /
/ ..attitude.....................madbit..
..basic.........................basic.. /
..cielo boogie..............tim drake..
. ..distro.......................cromos..
..endor.........................dopie.. ...:.
..feed...........................feed.. :
..files........................cromos.. .
..rip..........................sludge.. .
. ..seiken.......................seiken...
..smokeland k0k0................g0rk0..
l ..soulfreak........................me..
l ..the new pollution..........rollmate.. :
..tinct......................tincture.. :
..ucf....................black thorne..
..vilo.............................me.. .
..la vanguardia1.................peyo..
..la vanguardia2.................peyo..
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ acido argentino 4 unabomber / /
,----, a c i d o //
l /l /,--------,,
------ / ---// ------- -------gv
a r g e n t i n o /
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ arlequin 4 arlequin / /
. ------/ ,,-----gv
. a r l e q u n
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ attitude 4 madbit / /
/ . these freaks are here /-----------,//
.,,--------,,./ . to party! / /
/ l .:.. / /---- / /
l : : / l / ..: /-
..: / l :. / .:. /
. / . ------- / / gv/
a t t i t u d e / /
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ basic 4 basic / /
// ./ ./ l /
,--/----,.//---/---- /---/---- / --/-- --//----/gv
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ cielo boogie 4 tim drake / /
---/ ------- ----!------//--gv
. . ............. b o o g i e :
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ distro 4 cromos / /
/ // /,,------, black
/ / sect
// / / / // l/-/-,
// / l ,
----//--/ l ------- /,---/ /
----------------- ---//-- d i s t r o ,--, / --- gv //--
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ endor 4 dopie / /
// d o p i e s /
/ ------ -------/ /gv
e N D 0 r
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ feed 4 feed / /
wheres ,,-------,
/ / gv
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ files 4 cromos / /
// / l
.., l .... . .. ...
/ / // blacksect
! / // / l gv/ files section
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ index 4 shiveem / /
. l// / / // / gv-
/ i n d e x /
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ pager 4 cromos / /
,,------/---, black sect . /
. / / / / /gv//
. . p a g e r / .
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ pesho 4 peyo / /
/ / l---,,
... / // // l // ..... . ...
.. . / / /-----/ //---,/gv .... .. .
. . mi querido amigo pesho! .
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ prana 4 prana / /
// / / / // / gv
l / / // / // /
-/-/,-- / p r a n a -/--/
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ pungas 4 arlequin / /
----- ---/--,------/--, /gv
.theyre the real pvngas. / ----.-----
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ rest in peace 4 sludge / /
r e s t . i n
. /- -- /------ -----/------,/---- gv/ /
. awp: sludge . .
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ release 4 markgoh / /
l / l
/l l /
/,-- /-------, / /-----gv
// -- r e l e a s e l i s t --
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ reverse 4 sum vintage / /
/ r e v e r s e / / gv / /
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ rules 4 cromos / /
. . ,--/--,. black sect rules.
. ,---/----, ,----l ,---, :------, .
// : : gv. //
/ // l l . // : : /
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ seiken 4 no one / /
/ / / / / gv
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ smokeland coco 4 gorko / /
- / / /----, // /----,/ /gv
smokeland / - /,---/--,
-- ----- -- - -- c0c0 - - -- --- / --- / -----
awp: gork0
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ soulfreak 4 me / /
/ s o u l /
-- ---//--/ /gv
f r e a k
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ the new pollution 4 rollmate / /
t H E
/ / / l
// / p 0 l l U t i 0 n
------ ---------------------------------------- ----gv-
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ tinct 4 tincture r / /
/ / / // / gv/
/ t i n c t u r e /
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ ucf 4 black thorne / /
/ gv //
----/---l .. / /
,-- u c f a r g e n t i n i a n h q --,
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ users 4 markgoh / /
- - ------- / gv ----/
-- u s e r . l i s t --
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ la vanguardia 4 peyo / /
/ / ---,, ,--, ----,gv/
/ / / / / // // / . / / l
/ / // / / / / / l / / / /
- - --/--- l a // / v a n g v a r d i a ---- - ----
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ la vanguardia 4 peyo / /
--/-- gv/ /-----,, /la vanguardia
/--- welcome in occident ------// / //
/ vilo 4 me / /
,-------/ /--/-,, l---/--,,
// - - ------/---gv
- v i L 0 -
- Thank you -
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