this image contains text
a new beginning -- by serial toon use afs.com for pc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------@START OF BBS ADVERTISEMENT@
/s ./p . /o //
. : : :o f/ .
: +os serial toon / black jack / nosanity / discofunk / :
telnet ip :: spoofbbs.nws.net :
remorse / serial / comic / cia / basic / triloxy
the world has moved on to something new.
everyone and everything has changed.
.. is this for the better ? or for the worst ?
we will soon find out !@ :
a c o l l y
e n t i t l e d
* fuck off, were starting all over ..
a n e w b e g i n n i n g
/: uNF!@
:... ill use this box for something. first, i
would like to thank all the artists who
helped me put this out. mso and squish. thnx
thank you for downloading this colly. this is a collection of recent asciis
that ive done over the last month or so. all were requests. if you would like
an ascii, please find me on irc or email me. have fun an enjoy.
:::: ::::: :::: ::: :: ::::::: ascii listing ::::::: :: ::: :::: ::::: :::::
001 .............purge 002 ...........remorse 003 .............purge
004 ..........deadlock 005 .......speed haste 006 .......monkey dong
007 .............grape 008 ..............news 009 .......automessage
010 ....the green mill 011 ......user listing 012 ........anal ascii
013 .....pool position 014 .......turbo logon 015 .............greet
016 ......serial ascii 017 ...............snf 018 ..........in bloom
019 ........xylum tube 020 ..........deadlock 021 ..............stat
022 .............gloom 023 .............blunt 024 ...........voidnet
026 .............creed 027 .creed fileid.diz
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 01 status :: request
title :: purge for :: metal militia
. .......: .....: : ...... p u r g e ....... : :..... :....... .. ..
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 02 status :: freebie
title :: remorse for :: anyone
...................: ++ rEMORSE!aSCii i981 ++ :
: ++ the ascii division of acid. . /-------------
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 03 status :: request
title :: purge for :: metal militia
!? p u r g e .. conference :: 0 main board +o metal militia ?!
d :: ownload c :: omments fs :: file stats
: u :: pload g :: oodbye ds :: sysop download :
:. a :: file flags j :: confs vs :: sysop view file .:
: z :: scan files l :: users rl :: relogon :
:. v :: iew files b :: bulletins who :: who is online .:
.: n :: ewscan o :: pager bbs :: bbs listing :.
:. f :: ile dirs s :: stats top :: top pumpers .:
.: e :: nter msg m :: ansi/ascii local :: sysop upload :.
:. r :: ead msgs w :: change info open :: open doors .:
:.............................. ..... command :: ... .. ...............:
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 04 status :: request
title :: deadlock for :: black jack
++ deadlock ++ deadlock.dyn.ml.org //
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 05 status :: request
title :: speed haste for :: protector
/ ! s peed h aste b bs ! /----------- : ......
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 06 status :: request
title :: md monkey dong for :: pcarcass
: ........... :....... monkey dong ........: ............:
this is my most simpliest logo EVER .. hey, you asked for it this way
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 07 status :: trade
title :: grape for :: milkman
/ .. g r a p e .. /
/ +o milkman /
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 08 status :: freebie
title :: news for :: anyone
::: this news has been brought to by ::
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 09 status :: trade
title :: automessage for :: black jack
............: a u t o - message :... ..........
/-----------/ 2n--------//
-- :: this automessage was by ::
... this is for BLACK JACK ONLY. use and die.
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 10 status :: trade
title :: the green mill for :: pointblank
.......................: the green mill :
/---------------- 2n/------------
:........... +o point blank rmrs :
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 11 status :: freebie
title :: user for :: anyone
username/alias affilations/location areacode sex
serial toon spoof sysop 416 m
mso oops ascii +416 m
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 12 status :: request
title :: anal!ascii for :: discofunk
a N A L ! a S C I I
: --/ 2n--------/
discofunks self-ascii group :
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 13 status :: request
title :: pool position for :: ize
: : + p o o l p o s i t i o n + : :
2n -------------------/ / /
: put your information and stuff here :
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 14 status :: freebie
title :: turbo logon for :: anyone
.. .. : .... ..: what you wanna do ? :.. .... : .. ..
. ......: ------------/ ---------/ 2n-----------------/
turbo logon
: normal logon :
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 15 status :: freebie
title :: greet for :: serial toon
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 16 status :: freebie
title :: serial ascii for :: sargon
: :.............: ++ serialASCII ++ : ................
/--------- --------- 2n----- /-----/
............ ran by sargon ..............: :
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 17 status :: request
title :: snf for :: mso
. ........ .... . saturday night fever + . .... ........ .
:....... ...... ...: +?? ???? ????? ??? :... ...... .......:
: /------------ /------------ 2n/--------
: . ..: +o mso oopsASCII :.. . :
. : running desire regd : .
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 18 status :: request
title :: in bloom for :: nahal
........ ...... ++ inBLOOM ...... ........
/----------/--------------------------------------------- 2n/----------
. ::::. put some board info here .:::: .
::::::.. ..... +1 -- ??? - ??? - ???? /...... ..::::::
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 19 status :: trade
title :: xylum tube for :: theprodigy
/ / / // 2n/--------
::::::: xylum tube . /----------- /---------- /--------- ::::: -- +o the prodigy ::.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. all ascii setup -- so much ascii it hurts!@
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -- the largest ascii archive in canada --
:: --------- +1 - 416 - ??? - ???? --------
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 20 status :: trade
title :: deadlock for :: black jack
.--------. 2n .---------.
:. :::: :: ............... deadLOCK mainMENU ............... :: .:
:::::. a autoMESSAGE i infoDESK t timeBANK .:::::
::::::: b bbsLISTING l lastCALLERS u userLISTING :::::::
::::: c chatTIME m messageSYSTEM v votingBOOTH :::::
::: .: d doorMENU n feedbackTIME x expertMODE :. :::
: .::: e emailSYSTEM p personalMENU y yourINFO :::. :
.::::: f fileSYSTEM q qwkMAILER * sysopMENU :::::.
::::::: g goodbyeMENU s systemBULLS ! sercetSTUFF :::::::
::::: ----------------- command :: ----------------- :::::
::::---------------- time left :: 45 mins ------------- ---::::
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 21 status :: request
title :: stat for :: do not remember
--- --- --- /------------ your statistics /------------- --- ----- -
place your stats / information over here and stuff
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 22 status :: request
title :: gloom for :: discofunk
. g . l . o . o . m . //.
: / -------- . ------------/------/----- 2n/-------- : :
+o discofunk 1974
416 ??? ????
// all art
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 23 status :: compo
title :: blunt for :: syntax
.: welcome to the blunt bbs //
:::::--:--// name :: serial toon
::: -----// pw :: -------
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 24 status :: request
title :: voidnet for :: rage
/ ./-------------- ::::::::::: /-------/ 2n/--------- :::::::::::
::::::::::: w e l c o m e t o v o i d NET
:: :: --- all art message network
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 25 status :: request
title :: creed for :: black jack
---------- -----/ -------- --------- 2n/-------
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 26 status :: request
title :: creed fileid.diz for :: black jack
--------- -----/ 2n/-------
crEEd mirc script v1.2 bEta by black jack
---- g r e e t s -----
black jack, discofunk 1974, empty, enigmatic, fah, mid sorrow, nahal, necrom,
pariah, squish, volatile, jizm, quest, sargon, shrimp, skatter, martz, mhz
whodini, omicron, the messiah, mess, spinn, nine lives, tk, the prodigy,
discyple, absent spinster, ezy, izy, d2mac and roman, rusted, baphomet,
black knight, acid jack, speedfreak, and all ascii artists out there.
- a new beginning
a colly by serial toon
- the shittest fileid.diz EVER.
/s ./p . /o //
. : : :o f/ .
: +os serial toon / black jack / nosanity / discofunk / :
telnet ip :: spoofbbs.nws.net :
remorse / serial / comic / cia / basic / triloxy
the world has moved on to something new.
everyone and everything has changed.
.. is this for the better ? or for the worst ?
we will soon find out !@ :
a c o l l y
e n t i t l e d
* fuck off, were starting all over ..
a n e w b e g i n n i n g
/: uNF!@
:... ill use this box for something. first, i
would like to thank all the artists who
helped me put this out. mso and squish. thnx
thank you for downloading this colly. this is a collection of recent asciis
that ive done over the last month or so. all were requests. if you would like
an ascii, please find me on irc or email me. have fun an enjoy.
:::: ::::: :::: ::: :: ::::::: ascii listing ::::::: :: ::: :::: ::::: :::::
001 .............purge 002 ...........remorse 003 .............purge
004 ..........deadlock 005 .......speed haste 006 .......monkey dong
007 .............grape 008 ..............news 009 .......automessage
010 ....the green mill 011 ......user listing 012 ........anal ascii
013 .....pool position 014 .......turbo logon 015 .............greet
016 ......serial ascii 017 ...............snf 018 ..........in bloom
019 ........xylum tube 020 ..........deadlock 021 ..............stat
022 .............gloom 023 .............blunt 024 ...........voidnet
026 .............creed 027 .creed fileid.diz
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 01 status :: request
title :: purge for :: metal militia
. .......: .....: : ...... p u r g e ....... : :..... :....... .. ..
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 02 status :: freebie
title :: remorse for :: anyone
...................: ++ rEMORSE!aSCii i981 ++ :
: ++ the ascii division of acid. . /-------------
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 03 status :: request
title :: purge for :: metal militia
!? p u r g e .. conference :: 0 main board +o metal militia ?!
d :: ownload c :: omments fs :: file stats
: u :: pload g :: oodbye ds :: sysop download :
:. a :: file flags j :: confs vs :: sysop view file .:
: z :: scan files l :: users rl :: relogon :
:. v :: iew files b :: bulletins who :: who is online .:
.: n :: ewscan o :: pager bbs :: bbs listing :.
:. f :: ile dirs s :: stats top :: top pumpers .:
.: e :: nter msg m :: ansi/ascii local :: sysop upload :.
:. r :: ead msgs w :: change info open :: open doors .:
:.............................. ..... command :: ... .. ...............:
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 04 status :: request
title :: deadlock for :: black jack
++ deadlock ++ deadlock.dyn.ml.org //
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 05 status :: request
title :: speed haste for :: protector
/ ! s peed h aste b bs ! /----------- : ......
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 06 status :: request
title :: md monkey dong for :: pcarcass
: ........... :....... monkey dong ........: ............:
this is my most simpliest logo EVER .. hey, you asked for it this way
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 07 status :: trade
title :: grape for :: milkman
/ .. g r a p e .. /
/ +o milkman /
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 08 status :: freebie
title :: news for :: anyone
::: this news has been brought to by ::
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 09 status :: trade
title :: automessage for :: black jack
............: a u t o - message :... ..........
/-----------/ 2n--------//
-- :: this automessage was by ::
... this is for BLACK JACK ONLY. use and die.
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 10 status :: trade
title :: the green mill for :: pointblank
.......................: the green mill :
/---------------- 2n/------------
:........... +o point blank rmrs :
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 11 status :: freebie
title :: user for :: anyone
username/alias affilations/location areacode sex
serial toon spoof sysop 416 m
mso oops ascii +416 m
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 12 status :: request
title :: anal!ascii for :: discofunk
a N A L ! a S C I I
: --/ 2n--------/
discofunks self-ascii group :
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 13 status :: request
title :: pool position for :: ize
: : + p o o l p o s i t i o n + : :
2n -------------------/ / /
: put your information and stuff here :
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 14 status :: freebie
title :: turbo logon for :: anyone
.. .. : .... ..: what you wanna do ? :.. .... : .. ..
. ......: ------------/ ---------/ 2n-----------------/
turbo logon
: normal logon :
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 15 status :: freebie
title :: greet for :: serial toon
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 16 status :: freebie
title :: serial ascii for :: sargon
: :.............: ++ serialASCII ++ : ................
/--------- --------- 2n----- /-----/
............ ran by sargon ..............: :
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 17 status :: request
title :: snf for :: mso
. ........ .... . saturday night fever + . .... ........ .
:....... ...... ...: +?? ???? ????? ??? :... ...... .......:
: /------------ /------------ 2n/--------
: . ..: +o mso oopsASCII :.. . :
. : running desire regd : .
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 18 status :: request
title :: in bloom for :: nahal
........ ...... ++ inBLOOM ...... ........
/----------/--------------------------------------------- 2n/----------
. ::::. put some board info here .:::: .
::::::.. ..... +1 -- ??? - ??? - ???? /...... ..::::::
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 19 status :: trade
title :: xylum tube for :: theprodigy
/ / / // 2n/--------
::::::: xylum tube . /----------- /---------- /--------- ::::: -- +o the prodigy ::.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. all ascii setup -- so much ascii it hurts!@
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -- the largest ascii archive in canada --
:: --------- +1 - 416 - ??? - ???? --------
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 20 status :: trade
title :: deadlock for :: black jack
.--------. 2n .---------.
:. :::: :: ............... deadLOCK mainMENU ............... :: .:
:::::. a autoMESSAGE i infoDESK t timeBANK .:::::
::::::: b bbsLISTING l lastCALLERS u userLISTING :::::::
::::: c chatTIME m messageSYSTEM v votingBOOTH :::::
::: .: d doorMENU n feedbackTIME x expertMODE :. :::
: .::: e emailSYSTEM p personalMENU y yourINFO :::. :
.::::: f fileSYSTEM q qwkMAILER * sysopMENU :::::.
::::::: g goodbyeMENU s systemBULLS ! sercetSTUFF :::::::
::::: ----------------- command :: ----------------- :::::
::::---------------- time left :: 45 mins ------------- ---::::
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 21 status :: request
title :: stat for :: do not remember
--- --- --- /------------ your statistics /------------- --- ----- -
place your stats / information over here and stuff
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 22 status :: request
title :: gloom for :: discofunk
. g . l . o . o . m . //.
: / -------- . ------------/------/----- 2n/-------- : :
+o discofunk 1974
416 ??? ????
// all art
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 23 status :: compo
title :: blunt for :: syntax
.: welcome to the blunt bbs //
:::::--:--// name :: serial toon
::: -----// pw :: -------
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 24 status :: request
title :: voidnet for :: rage
/ ./-------------- ::::::::::: /-------/ 2n/--------- :::::::::::
::::::::::: w e l c o m e t o v o i d NET
:: :: --- all art message network
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 25 status :: request
title :: creed for :: black jack
---------- -----/ -------- --------- 2n/-------
----- .. a new beginning colly .. /-----
ascii number :: 26 status :: request
title :: creed fileid.diz for :: black jack
--------- -----/ 2n/-------
crEEd mirc script v1.2 bEta by black jack
---- g r e e t s -----
black jack, discofunk 1974, empty, enigmatic, fah, mid sorrow, nahal, necrom,
pariah, squish, volatile, jizm, quest, sargon, shrimp, skatter, martz, mhz
whodini, omicron, the messiah, mess, spinn, nine lives, tk, the prodigy,
discyple, absent spinster, ezy, izy, d2mac and roman, rusted, baphomet,
black knight, acid jack, speedfreak, and all ascii artists out there.
- a new beginning
a colly by serial toon
- the shittest fileid.diz EVER.
log in to add a comment.