this image contains text
: / /l / / /
. . mSO / oOpsaPhRo
Presents a colly
Sponsered By :
/ / / / / l / //
/ / l
ham!?// / / / /
:.....: odelay asskey
Presents his first colly in odelay....
this colly is small im sorry but i joined a lot of groups this
Enjoy The Colly And If You Have a Req Yew Can Contact Me In :
email : peleg@beet.democratic.hadera.k12.il
irc : on ascii, 972 and aphro
board : prodigy - 972-6-6271344 or liquid...
....... ........pHEAR@ /
/ / // / l /
/ / / l
/ / // / / /ham
+o volatile odelay
+o squish aphro
biggest ascii board in israel
dist of : D38, wot, absorbance e-zine, aphro
hq of : leper sociaty IHQ, aif IHQ, phobia IHQ, odelay IHQ
---nocturnal desire-------------------------------------baphomet--------
.... : : n0cturnal:desire : : ....
/:/ / / /ham!?
----virii nation-------------------------------------------d2!rn--------
: V : I : R : I : I :
ham?!/ / / / / /
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For d2!rn my friend dont remember to what exactly board/group/colly but its
says : virii nation i think i have a mistake there anyway change it as
yew wish
--------get the fuq out of here!!!---------
/ / / l / / l /
/ / / l
/ l
ham/ / / l / / /
----fallen empires-----------------------------------------mart----------
. . . l . . . .
f e
: : a : : l : : n :
/ l / /
ham!?/ // / / /
----noname------------------------------------------------gift to ca1n---
// / / l
/ / / /ham?/ /
----the end-----------------------------------------------nobody fewl----
greetz : mart, d2!rn, mjay, squish, baphomet, mso, kal, necrom, polygon, nyc,
the prodigy, compuman, ezy, emperor, puky, messiah, hiro, firestorm, fizz, omi,
tinyz, c4nn, ca1n, whodini,g0at.
and everyone else that i forgot kill me plz...
also the order of the greetz is totaly rendom... blam my slow mind also i want
to greet all the odelay,noname,rmrs,aphro,serial dewds all the 972 dewds
all the ascii and ansi pepole... later...
: / /l / / /
. . mSO / oOpsaPhRo
Presents a colly
Sponsered By :
/ / / / / l / //
/ / l
ham!?// / / / /
:.....: odelay asskey
Presents his first colly in odelay....
this colly is small im sorry but i joined a lot of groups this
Enjoy The Colly And If You Have a Req Yew Can Contact Me In :
email : peleg@beet.democratic.hadera.k12.il
irc : on ascii, 972 and aphro
board : prodigy - 972-6-6271344 or liquid...
....... ........pHEAR@ /
/ / // / l /
/ / / l
/ / // / / /ham
+o volatile odelay
+o squish aphro
biggest ascii board in israel
dist of : D38, wot, absorbance e-zine, aphro
hq of : leper sociaty IHQ, aif IHQ, phobia IHQ, odelay IHQ
---nocturnal desire-------------------------------------baphomet--------
.... : : n0cturnal:desire : : ....
/:/ / / /ham!?
----virii nation-------------------------------------------d2!rn--------
: V : I : R : I : I :
ham?!/ / / / / /
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For d2!rn my friend dont remember to what exactly board/group/colly but its
says : virii nation i think i have a mistake there anyway change it as
yew wish
--------get the fuq out of here!!!---------
/ / / l / / l /
/ / / l
/ l
ham/ / / l / / /
----fallen empires-----------------------------------------mart----------
. . . l . . . .
f e
: : a : : l : : n :
/ l / /
ham!?/ // / / /
----noname------------------------------------------------gift to ca1n---
// / / l
/ / / /ham?/ /
----the end-----------------------------------------------nobody fewl----
greetz : mart, d2!rn, mjay, squish, baphomet, mso, kal, necrom, polygon, nyc,
the prodigy, compuman, ezy, emperor, puky, messiah, hiro, firestorm, fizz, omi,
tinyz, c4nn, ca1n, whodini,g0at.
and everyone else that i forgot kill me plz...
also the order of the greetz is totaly rendom... blam my slow mind also i want
to greet all the odelay,noname,rmrs,aphro,serial dewds all the 972 dewds
all the ascii and ansi pepole... later...
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