this image contains text
.. 00 100 aXB!
- i 99 aXB!C1997 ,sssiiiiiSSiiiii.............., ,,ii 88 SSiSiiiii. s, iiii .. . iiii 77 ii i . . .iii .im s ii 66 iiii, i ,iiii s , i 55 i. , iiii , s iiii ,s ii i,sii4,,siii . . . . . . isiiii, II ii,ilkiSSiii . iSi,,ms, ik........... i ...... ........ .......... .. , . . iIi ..... ,aSi, .... i, ........ .... . ..... Ss, .... , .... ,ii, ... ,. ....... ,sii .... ,ii, .... ii
skaii !B! ili. .,, . , .
iii, i .iiiii, ,,iiiii.,i, iiii,,iiii, i ,iii i
, S . i E . SS.,
,,,.,ssi ,i ..,,i s i,...,,,,
3i sssiiiR9815iSi, ,i!.
22 ii ,
00 ...
88 this is my first release with odelay. iti//,
77 hope everyone enjoys it and if anyone ,
66 would like to reach me, my address is x , /
55 axb@juno.com -./,
44 ,----/
/ --// ,---- / ,----, / / +97Cenobite+ // /:: . / //:: . aXB
/ ,------- - ---o/ / / / / k ------/--- ----g a/xb
/ I / / / /
//, / / // ,- /--- /----, :: :. . n o c o d e / . .: ::axb/
/,- ---- - ----- /,- ,----, --.. . ... .. .... . . ..... . .... .... .aXB
::: :: : : / :: . .. ....:: axb / : : :: :::
http://www.access.digex.net/image/unit.html.... .. . .
odelay/--,/ / //--, ,---/ axb
thats it. brief, simple, to the point. hope you all
manage to savor the taste of these asciis. if you want
one of these, mail me at axb@juno.com
- i 99 aXB!C1997 ,sssiiiiiSSiiiii.............., ,,ii 88 SSiSiiiii. s, iiii .. . iiii 77 ii i . . .iii .im s ii 66 iiii, i ,iiii s , i 55 i. , iiii , s iiii ,s ii i,sii4,,siii . . . . . . isiiii, II ii,ilkiSSiii . iSi,,ms, ik........... i ...... ........ .......... .. , . . iIi ..... ,aSi, .... i, ........ .... . ..... Ss, .... , .... ,ii, ... ,. ....... ,sii .... ,ii, .... ii
skaii !B! ili. .,, . , .
iii, i .iiiii, ,,iiiii.,i, iiii,,iiii, i ,iii i
, S . i E . SS.,
,,,.,ssi ,i ..,,i s i,...,,,,
3i sssiiiR9815iSi, ,i!.
22 ii ,
00 ...
88 this is my first release with odelay. iti//,
77 hope everyone enjoys it and if anyone ,
66 would like to reach me, my address is x , /
55 axb@juno.com -./,
44 ,----/
/ --// ,---- / ,----, / / +97Cenobite+ // /:: . / //:: . aXB
/ ,------- - ---o/ / / / / k ------/--- ----g a/xb
/ I / / / /
//, / / // ,- /--- /----, :: :. . n o c o d e / . .: ::axb/
/,- ---- - ----- /,- ,----, --.. . ... .. .... . . ..... . .... .... .aXB
::: :: : : / :: . .. ....:: axb / : : :: :::
http://www.access.digex.net/image/unit.html.... .. . .
odelay/--,/ / //--, ,---/ axb
thats it. brief, simple, to the point. hope you all
manage to savor the taste of these asciis. if you want
one of these, mail me at axb@juno.com
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