this image contains text
shakedown, 1703 80x25
4 cat, most bg confusion
stuff looks ,db. eye, space creature, font the prodigy
funny when not .,db.
eaten through 474b.
your toes .,d75b,.4b,.
.,d7 4b.
4b,. 4b.
,d7 4b.
.,d7 .,db,.
4b,. 47
4b,. . 4b.
4y,. 4b.
4b,. 4b.
t 47
: 4b,.
,b,. ,
,d12: .,db.
,d7 .,dL5b,.
4b. ,d7 .,d7!7 b.
.,dP4b. 4b, 4b,. 4b.
,d7db..,d7 7 4b 4 4 ,d, .,d74b,. AyA
47 4b,. .,d7 4. .
,d7 .,db,. 7 b. ,db. b. .,,,sssss,,,. ,d7 b. b. 4
.,d7 4b,. ,b,. rmb.4
4L5b,. .47 . ,d7 . b.4
b. 4b. 4b,. ,d7 l b.4 b. 4yyy7 4. b.4 b. d74b. 4. b.4 b. ,d74QQQQQb. 4b,. d 4. b.4 RM7 ..4b. .,dQQQQQQQb. 47 4 7 b.4 7 4dt,QQQQQQQQQQb. 4b. . b.4 7 .,db, ,QQQQQQQQQQQQb. 4b,. , . 47 4 ,QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQb. .,d7 . 4 QQQQQQP4QQQQb,.4QQb. 4bmm7 ,QQQQQP 4Q7,dQQQQb 4Qb,. 88SS.
4QQQQb. ,dQ QQQb. 4Qb,. 8SS. .
74QQQL5b,. .,dl** l7
!7i i7
, b.
,dRM RMb.SSS,. .,SSS SSss.. . . ..ssSS
o d e l a y a s c i i
b. ,sS
b. ,sS7
b. ,sS7
b. ,d ,4 ,4 ,sS7
7 .sss4,s4,s4,ss.47
.ss. 4
SSRMb. 4 .
4b.4 b. .*** SSSSSSSSb b. l118 . l 4 s.b. l55 . , . s.b. * * . s.b. 4s,. 4. s.b. Ss,. . . : s. 88s,. .,s88 , 8888Ss,. .,sS8888 , . d 8ssssssss8 ,dRM ,,sss 7 ..sssssssssssss... 4 sss. 4 d. .b :S 4. 7 . ,s s. . Ss,. ,sS s. . . *SSs,. .,sSl . .
s,. .,s .,@@@@@@@@@@ l . moustache- s,
@@@@@@@@@@@@ RM s,. . ,s . , @@@@@RM@@@@@ l l
@@@@@@@@@@@ l l
@@@@@@@@@@ rml
@@@@@@@@@ l l
@@@@@@@ .l
@@@@@ 7 4 7 4
@ . . //
O D E L A Y A S C I I 1 9 9 7 /
Dedicated to Rockhead. I said youd get an ascii, and you wouldve, except for
one thing: you kept fucking asking me. I said the ascii I started was crap, and
Id do you another. You asked me to see the one I started which makes no sense
cause you werent getting it so I hung up on your board. Hey, guess what? You
get fucking NOTHING from me.
Just a kindly reminder that once I say Ill do you something, I probably will,
you just have to excersise some patience.
- the prodigyODELAY
my turn!
were evil -- if you dont know what we mean by that.. then your pretty
well.. not evil. yeah.. i said i stopped calling alot of local boards.. well
I only called about.. 5 to begin with.. and now i call 4. You figure it out
- confusionODELAY
4 cat, most bg confusion
stuff looks ,db. eye, space creature, font the prodigy
funny when not .,db.
eaten through 474b.
your toes .,d75b,.4b,.
.,d7 4b.
4b,. 4b.
,d7 4b.
.,d7 .,db,.
4b,. 47
4b,. . 4b.
4y,. 4b.
4b,. 4b.
t 47
: 4b,.
,b,. ,
,d12: .,db.
,d7 .,dL5b,.
4b. ,d7 .,d7!7 b.
.,dP4b. 4b, 4b,. 4b.
,d7db..,d7 7 4b 4 4 ,d, .,d74b,. AyA
47 4b,. .,d7 4. .
,d7 .,db,. 7 b. ,db. b. .,,,sssss,,,. ,d7 b. b. 4
.,d7 4b,. ,b,. rmb.4
4L5b,. .47 . ,d7 . b.4
b. 4b. 4b,. ,d7 l b.4 b. 4yyy7 4. b.4 b. d74b. 4. b.4 b. ,d74QQQQQb. 4b,. d 4. b.4 RM7 ..4b. .,dQQQQQQQb. 47 4 7 b.4 7 4dt,QQQQQQQQQQb. 4b. . b.4 7 .,db, ,QQQQQQQQQQQQb. 4b,. , . 47 4 ,QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQb. .,d7 . 4 QQQQQQP4QQQQb,.4QQb. 4bmm7 ,QQQQQP 4Q7,dQQQQb 4Qb,. 88SS.
4QQQQb. ,dQ QQQb. 4Qb,. 8SS. .
74QQQL5b,. .,dl** l7
!7i i7
, b.
,dRM RMb.SSS,. .,SSS SSss.. . . ..ssSS
o d e l a y a s c i i
b. ,sS
b. ,sS7
b. ,sS7
b. ,d ,4 ,4 ,sS7
7 .sss4,s4,s4,ss.47
.ss. 4
SSRMb. 4 .
4b.4 b. .*** SSSSSSSSb b. l118 . l 4 s.b. l55 . , . s.b. * * . s.b. 4s,. 4. s.b. Ss,. . . : s. 88s,. .,s88 , 8888Ss,. .,sS8888 , . d 8ssssssss8 ,dRM ,,sss 7 ..sssssssssssss... 4 sss. 4 d. .b :S 4. 7 . ,s s. . Ss,. ,sS s. . . *SSs,. .,sSl . .
s,. .,s .,@@@@@@@@@@ l . moustache- s,
@@@@@@@@@@@@ RM s,. . ,s . , @@@@@RM@@@@@ l l
@@@@@@@@@@@ l l
@@@@@@@@@@ rml
@@@@@@@@@ l l
@@@@@@@ .l
@@@@@ 7 4 7 4
@ . . //
O D E L A Y A S C I I 1 9 9 7 /
Dedicated to Rockhead. I said youd get an ascii, and you wouldve, except for
one thing: you kept fucking asking me. I said the ascii I started was crap, and
Id do you another. You asked me to see the one I started which makes no sense
cause you werent getting it so I hung up on your board. Hey, guess what? You
get fucking NOTHING from me.
Just a kindly reminder that once I say Ill do you something, I probably will,
you just have to excersise some patience.
- the prodigyODELAY
my turn!
were evil -- if you dont know what we mean by that.. then your pretty
well.. not evil. yeah.. i said i stopped calling alot of local boards.. well
I only called about.. 5 to begin with.. and now i call 4. You figure it out
- confusionODELAY
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