this image contains text
.,aas@saa,. ..,assa,.. .,aas@saa,.
.,a a,. .,a .,a a,
, .,a, , .,a
7sasP 7s,. .,a7P 7sasP
.,s kleenex
i @s .,. .,s
.,. .,aas@saa a a
a .,a .
. a
,aa , ,
7P 7sasP ,. .,s@7P O D E L A Y A S C I I .a
greetings salutations. welcome to the first odelay ascii pack. um, yeah.
um, the group name sucks. deal with it, fuckis. thank yew very much.
group history
odelay was a project i was considering for a long time its previous form was
known to a few as restoration but alas, the 888s died and as anyone who may
know my unfortunate history with long distance calling, keeping in any way,
shape or form of contact was next best thing to impossible. still, i dreamed.
then, i began to notice the wealth of local talent that was usually overlooked
and, well, i put 2 + 2 together. the resulting product of which is hurray!
odelay ascii. and know you know. and knowings half the battle. gi joe!@?@@@
group news
nothing important happened. and thats all i have to say about that.
new members
new group all new members end of discussion. keen, eh? if i keep on doing
this, i could sum up the newsletter in about 5 more lines. phear.
departing members
its our first month, and we already have out first casualty. redrum leaves as
hes sick of drawing ascii. i left him on the memberlist this month so anyone
who didnt know him would find out who he was. well miss you, man.
if you have the mad ascii skillz and youd like to join our wacky group, email
me at loser@dark.tor250.org or contact me on any odelay board. i will have an
appgen next pack, so dont cry?!? meh, i dunno. btw, odelay isnt just some
local suck group, were looking for talented members, regardless of where they
are. and now you know oh wait, i already did the gi joe joke already. bah!?!
odelay whq
seeing as i dont have a board as of this moment, the title of whq belongs to
master of darkness fine board murderous mango. this post will reside until i
have my board, iced tea, set up. once again thanks to maz for letting us take
over his board. cause, well, hes not geting it back. oh yeah, donut ask for
sites, or i will eat you. im not kidding, you have been warned accordingly.
the end
thats it. send comments, applications or suggestions to loser@dark.tor250.org
or catch me on murderous mango. and thanks for checking out the pack.
.,a a,. .,a .,a a,
, .,a, , .,a
7sasP 7s,. .,a7P 7sasP
.,s kleenex
i @s .,. .,s
.,. .,aas@saa a a
a .,a .
. a
,aa , ,
7P 7sasP ,. .,s@7P O D E L A Y A S C I I .a
greetings salutations. welcome to the first odelay ascii pack. um, yeah.
um, the group name sucks. deal with it, fuckis. thank yew very much.
group history
odelay was a project i was considering for a long time its previous form was
known to a few as restoration but alas, the 888s died and as anyone who may
know my unfortunate history with long distance calling, keeping in any way,
shape or form of contact was next best thing to impossible. still, i dreamed.
then, i began to notice the wealth of local talent that was usually overlooked
and, well, i put 2 + 2 together. the resulting product of which is hurray!
odelay ascii. and know you know. and knowings half the battle. gi joe!@?@@@
group news
nothing important happened. and thats all i have to say about that.
new members
new group all new members end of discussion. keen, eh? if i keep on doing
this, i could sum up the newsletter in about 5 more lines. phear.
departing members
its our first month, and we already have out first casualty. redrum leaves as
hes sick of drawing ascii. i left him on the memberlist this month so anyone
who didnt know him would find out who he was. well miss you, man.
if you have the mad ascii skillz and youd like to join our wacky group, email
me at loser@dark.tor250.org or contact me on any odelay board. i will have an
appgen next pack, so dont cry?!? meh, i dunno. btw, odelay isnt just some
local suck group, were looking for talented members, regardless of where they
are. and now you know oh wait, i already did the gi joe joke already. bah!?!
odelay whq
seeing as i dont have a board as of this moment, the title of whq belongs to
master of darkness fine board murderous mango. this post will reside until i
have my board, iced tea, set up. once again thanks to maz for letting us take
over his board. cause, well, hes not geting it back. oh yeah, donut ask for
sites, or i will eat you. im not kidding, you have been warned accordingly.
the end
thats it. send comments, applications or suggestions to loser@dark.tor250.org
or catch me on murderous mango. and thanks for checking out the pack.
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