this image contains text
. i
,dP .
.j+ : 4
. .,ds.
P.+ 4
P ++++ss
b,. ,dP ,d s..
i .+
SsssS b,.
,dP ,d,ssss. .
ssss b,. i ss
4 S
sssS bssss sb,d
b. .s
Ok, so i .
wrote this ohhh aiiiee ssiiz :
thing once, lost it -
some how, then i did i:.. .
i msds0ap
it again.. right - -
before release.. and fucking lost it again .. so here i am for
the third time,writing this info file, so to make it brief
.. the following people joined thismonth. The Silen
t Killer, Death Angel, Virii, The
Hooded One, Glock40, Cool GuyDeathnite
, Enzyme, Genocide Kitten, Polymorph
, Harlequin, Mekong, Seeker,
DarkSaviour, and Daize come to
us. Sorry i cant greet you guyz properly, but we gotto ge
t this phresh 0 day pack out.. not much else to say, oth
er than the factall our seniors had something to say.. i d
eleted the file by accident, i have noaccess to the wonder
ful Undelete command in DOS.. so couldnt undelete it, so t
heinfo file is small.. but still very nice to look at. Th
anks to Flame, mSd, lOi,and Ka
leidas for guesting some work in our paq this month.
Now just sit back,light a doobie, and view the eliteness.
.: iiggggg,.............. oasi
s productions 1996 ..,,,,,,,,gggggggggi,....
,dP .
.j+ : 4
. .,ds.
P.+ 4
P ++++ss
b,. ,dP ,d s..
i .+
SsssS b,.
,dP ,d,ssss. .
ssss b,. i ss
4 S
sssS bssss sb,d
b. .s
Ok, so i .
wrote this ohhh aiiiee ssiiz :
thing once, lost it -
some how, then i did i:.. .
i msds0ap
it again.. right - -
before release.. and fucking lost it again .. so here i am for
the third time,writing this info file, so to make it brief
.. the following people joined thismonth. The Silen
t Killer, Death Angel, Virii, The
Hooded One, Glock40, Cool GuyDeathnite
, Enzyme, Genocide Kitten, Polymorph
, Harlequin, Mekong, Seeker,
DarkSaviour, and Daize come to
us. Sorry i cant greet you guyz properly, but we gotto ge
t this phresh 0 day pack out.. not much else to say, oth
er than the factall our seniors had something to say.. i d
eleted the file by accident, i have noaccess to the wonder
ful Undelete command in DOS.. so couldnt undelete it, so t
heinfo file is small.. but still very nice to look at. Th
anks to Flame, mSd, lOi,and Ka
leidas for guesting some work in our paq this month.
Now just sit back,light a doobie, and view the eliteness.
.: iiggggg,.............. oasi
s productions 1996 ..,,,,,,,,gggggggggi,....
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