this image contains text
: hP!
/--- - ..floating on a sea of new school..
..april 1996 - member listings - elite header by hiro
tempus hellfire th - oasis prez a
nd co-founder da big cheeze
cain cn - oasis co-founder and as
cii co-ordinator mozzarella
forsaken prophet fp - oasis senior
and ansi co-ordinator cheddah
biOgenesis bio - ascii arteest ext
ordinaire velveeta
apu apu - elite coding phucker
plexus px - new s
kool trainee moldy cheeze
transfighter tf - new sk
oolold skool artist gouda
leper messiah lm - crazy ass musi
cian P@W3
gOhan go - little ansi pic artees
t runner
frOstbyte fb - new skool arteest
randOm ra - askii pic artist
cream cheeze
jOhnny prOphet jp - fuckin everyt
hing blue cheeze
Munchie me - ansi pic artist
bum cheeze
spear sp - new skool ascii
man exported cheeze man
creaping death cd - we lub jew mi
stah but wheres your fucking work?
bamboozler bm - ansi artist and s
enior member gr0wL!
- signifies new membah
- old membah
well, there we go, the oasis memberz for the 0496.. o
bviously if you arent in
the listing, you arent in the group anymore.. everyone we let
go, thanks for
the help.. but we started over with a new level of quality, s
o we had to let
you go, thanks for sticking with us.. your work and dedicatio
n was greatly app-
cain - oasis co-founder and ascii co-ordinator
/--- - ..floating on a sea of new school..
..april 1996 - member listings - elite header by hiro
tempus hellfire th - oasis prez a
nd co-founder da big cheeze
cain cn - oasis co-founder and as
cii co-ordinator mozzarella
forsaken prophet fp - oasis senior
and ansi co-ordinator cheddah
biOgenesis bio - ascii arteest ext
ordinaire velveeta
apu apu - elite coding phucker
plexus px - new s
kool trainee moldy cheeze
transfighter tf - new sk
oolold skool artist gouda
leper messiah lm - crazy ass musi
cian P@W3
gOhan go - little ansi pic artees
t runner
frOstbyte fb - new skool arteest
randOm ra - askii pic artist
cream cheeze
jOhnny prOphet jp - fuckin everyt
hing blue cheeze
Munchie me - ansi pic artist
bum cheeze
spear sp - new skool ascii
man exported cheeze man
creaping death cd - we lub jew mi
stah but wheres your fucking work?
bamboozler bm - ansi artist and s
enior member gr0wL!
- signifies new membah
- old membah
well, there we go, the oasis memberz for the 0496.. o
bviously if you arent in
the listing, you arent in the group anymore.. everyone we let
go, thanks for
the help.. but we started over with a new level of quality, s
o we had to let
you go, thanks for sticking with us.. your work and dedicatio
n was greatly app-
cain - oasis co-founder and ascii co-ordinator
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