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Napalm : Ultimate Killing Experience Team
Software Info Box
Program name: Campaign II
Program type: Strategy/Arcade
Company/Author: Empire
Protection Type: Password
Cracker: Sacred Warrior former PCWIZ
Heres a crack for the latest Empire game Campaign II. Just copy
CAMP2UNP.EXE to your Campaign II dir and run it. After that, when you run
Campaign II again, just enter anything when the vehicle question appears.
Have fun,
Sacred Warrior
PS - You can contact me either by phoning either of the following
excellent Portuguese BBSs:
ARMAGEDDON BBS +351-01-4184582, 23:30-04:30h **preferable**
POWERLINE +351-01-3478460, 24h
and leaving a message to
Software Info Box
Program name: Campaign II
Program type: Strategy/Arcade
Company/Author: Empire
Protection Type: Password
Cracker: Sacred Warrior former PCWIZ
Heres a crack for the latest Empire game Campaign II. Just copy
CAMP2UNP.EXE to your Campaign II dir and run it. After that, when you run
Campaign II again, just enter anything when the vehicle question appears.
Have fun,
Sacred Warrior
PS - You can contact me either by phoning either of the following
excellent Portuguese BBSs:
ARMAGEDDON BBS +351-01-4184582, 23:30-04:30h **preferable**
POWERLINE +351-01-3478460, 24h
and leaving a message to
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