this image contains text
phusion two
newz/blah blah..
hello dudez.. this is nitrophusions second art pack.. coming.. yea right..
really late.. in fact we never planed to release one pack per month or
something.. as were still a quite small crew..
whatta bout dis second pack? well.. weve improved i hope in quality..
not much in quantity yeah were phuckin lazy..
but anyway there are a few new artists that joined, so lets talk a bit
about em.. they deserve it!
ok.. so.. first of all joined hanibal.. already quite known in tha scene..
hes still working in defiance, as well as tpy i guess.. anyway hes
rockin at new skool colored anziz.. btw call his board.. alien city.. its
real kewl!
ok.. another ascii artist joined since last time.. senser. he draws very
kewl old skool as well as new skool asciiz.. and remains member of two st
groups.. supremacy and vectronix.
and finally thorin, already known in tha art/demo scene.. joined us.
he does nearly everything, from ansi to old or new skool ascii.. hes
also part of revelation, defiance, trash, triloxy and a few others i dont
remember btw, he is, like most of us, a hardcore drinker
..well.. thats all for this month.. hope ull enjoy tha pack! -- dky
senior members/artists
iznogoud.....izn.....nitronet coordinat......nope
beavis.......bvs.....ans.nsk.asc.rip.ppe.....100606,730@compuserve.com djiali.......dji.....ans.nsk.asc.rip.ppe.....?
hanibal......hb .....ans.nsk.asc.rip.ppe.....nope
senser.......sns.....ans.nsk.asc.rip.ppe.....supremacyfr@hotmail.com thorin.......thr.....ans.nsk.asc.rip.ppe.....thorin@one.edit.fr
headquarters/member boards/distro sites
divide by zero..fhq.....+ dreamhold.......ghq.....+ 49.4778.811079/70.....24h.24h....demolux
dream mountains.mbr.....+
alien city......mbr.....+
s.a.d...........mbr.....+ equalizer.......mbr.....+
planet mars.....dst.....+
join us now!
were in great need of new memberz.. and would really like to make nph kewl!
youve certainly remarked that there were only french artists in the crew..
in fact.. what i wanted to do by creating this group i dky was to bring up
together the few people involved in the french art scene.. to make it grow
bigger.. as the art scene in france currently is somehow under-developed..
thats why i am trying to recrute ALL french artists.. better than doing a
classical art group.. dont worry.. am everything but a fuckin nationalist,
i hate these assholes!
so.. hey french artists! wake up! i dont care if youre already in other
crews..! i just want to gather the frenchies interested in art!
no need for 200 anziz/asciiz per month.. just do what you can and help us
make the grewp a grewp of quality!
contact us on datacrawler whq if interested.. or for any requests.
..hope to see you soon in nitrophusion!
info file by darky/nitrophusion
newz/blah blah..
hello dudez.. this is nitrophusions second art pack.. coming.. yea right..
really late.. in fact we never planed to release one pack per month or
something.. as were still a quite small crew..
whatta bout dis second pack? well.. weve improved i hope in quality..
not much in quantity yeah were phuckin lazy..
but anyway there are a few new artists that joined, so lets talk a bit
about em.. they deserve it!
ok.. so.. first of all joined hanibal.. already quite known in tha scene..
hes still working in defiance, as well as tpy i guess.. anyway hes
rockin at new skool colored anziz.. btw call his board.. alien city.. its
real kewl!
ok.. another ascii artist joined since last time.. senser. he draws very
kewl old skool as well as new skool asciiz.. and remains member of two st
groups.. supremacy and vectronix.
and finally thorin, already known in tha art/demo scene.. joined us.
he does nearly everything, from ansi to old or new skool ascii.. hes
also part of revelation, defiance, trash, triloxy and a few others i dont
remember btw, he is, like most of us, a hardcore drinker
..well.. thats all for this month.. hope ull enjoy tha pack! -- dky
senior members/artists
iznogoud.....izn.....nitronet coordinat......nope
beavis.......bvs.....ans.nsk.asc.rip.ppe.....100606,730@compuserve.com djiali.......dji.....ans.nsk.asc.rip.ppe.....?
hanibal......hb .....ans.nsk.asc.rip.ppe.....nope
senser.......sns.....ans.nsk.asc.rip.ppe.....supremacyfr@hotmail.com thorin.......thr.....ans.nsk.asc.rip.ppe.....thorin@one.edit.fr
headquarters/member boards/distro sites
divide by zero..fhq.....+ dreamhold.......ghq.....+ 49.4778.811079/70.....24h.24h....demolux
dream mountains.mbr.....+
alien city......mbr.....+
s.a.d...........mbr.....+ equalizer.......mbr.....+
planet mars.....dst.....+
join us now!
were in great need of new memberz.. and would really like to make nph kewl!
youve certainly remarked that there were only french artists in the crew..
in fact.. what i wanted to do by creating this group i dky was to bring up
together the few people involved in the french art scene.. to make it grow
bigger.. as the art scene in france currently is somehow under-developed..
thats why i am trying to recrute ALL french artists.. better than doing a
classical art group.. dont worry.. am everything but a fuckin nationalist,
i hate these assholes!
so.. hey french artists! wake up! i dont care if youre already in other
crews..! i just want to gather the frenchies interested in art!
no need for 200 anziz/asciiz per month.. just do what you can and help us
make the grewp a grewp of quality!
contact us on datacrawler whq if interested.. or for any requests.
..hope to see you soon in nitrophusion!
info file by darky/nitrophusion
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