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auto modown 8 88 8 1down in youngstown 8 ,y, 48 ,y, 4 1bodies in the street P db 4P db 1dauto modown 1down in downtown 1 1 1bodies with no feet ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : :auto modown b 4b 4b 4down in youngstown b, 8888b, 8888b, 8bodies got de blues bp,. bp,. b auto modown b noon in downtown P bodies with no shoes 4P .d P AN ACIDHEAD GOON yyyyyyyyp. .d88888888888888 88SS.,dIN A 55 DODGE P . 4 ,,,,,,,,,,,. 4 DIDNT MEAN TO DO IT P .db. 4 b. BUT A SIDEWALK RUN P .db. 88b 4IN THE NOONDAY SUN P .dby yyyyyp . 4TEN TO ONE HE HAD TO LOSE IT - - , , . 8 ,qd P .,qdSSiii b. 4 8 ,qd .dSSSSiiii b. 4 ,qdP .diiiiii::: b. ::::... b. haji: style to stereotype. . ..::::::::... .. .
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