this image contains text
* id like to dedicate this colly to a close friend of mine.. volatile.
-the midnight judge, aka dmv.
volatile im an evil guy, and i admit it
volatile and i will stay that
volatile hehehe
this is a
dmv / /
noname production
*** volatile changes topic to I have quited the scene, sargon : enjoy....
hmmm, unfortunately, it never happened
sargon: at least we tried, eh? btw, the english teach into remorse22
very helped me english speach.. well i thank volatile for the
teach. now i can talk in english best for the ascii and no
can say i dont talk in a good english.
all asciis were done by
the midnight judge, aka dmv.
mjay volatile?
of the // degeneration 65 crew
tmj martyr- we cant compete against volatile the miggy god.
this ascii collection is called i the super not wennebie
volatile i past the wennebie phase
volatile I is volatile, And No Newbie Fuck With Me, I been In Scene LongTime
I wish you all welcome to this new collection of
mine. It, of course, is dedicated to one of my best
pal out there: volatile.
Id wish to thank him very much for everything he
did for me.. For fighting with me without reasons,
for the ascii bans, for the great interview he
never accepted to do with me. I did it anywayz,
it was suppose to be in cyb2 but mother fuckin
palmore didnt release it! Bref, THANK YOU!
This ones for you! -mjay, dmv.
volatile go fuck a bus
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: cfarts / I the super not wennebie
..:........: c f a r t s +-------------- dmv
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: frizzle fry / I the super not wennebie
: frizzle fry : :
:........ . dmv
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: blue / I the super not wennebie
+ ++++ b l e u
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: cain / I the super not wennebie
c a i n
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: comet / I the super not wennebie
/ c o m e t / /
// / /+++dmv
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: d2-rn / I the super not wennebie
. // dmv
d 2 - r n //
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: darknet / I the super not wennebie
d a r k n e t /
dmv /
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: phear / I the super not wennebie
p h e a r // /
dmv /
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: flash traffic / I the super not wennebie
deg65 ++--------- f l a s h / t r a f f i c ++---dmv /
* yes, i know i style ripped millions of ppl drawin this ascii..
...but i just had to try it, once. i like it.
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: geronimo / I the super not wennebie
dmv:...........:................:........... ...... .
:................:.. . geronimo
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: greets / I the super not wennebie
* only RISC may use this header.
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: planet hemp / I the super not wennebie
: p l a n e t h e m p
. . ... .....................:dmv
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: jize / I the super not wennebie
j i z e /:
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: last callers / I the super not wennebie
.. l a s t c a l l e r s
dmv / /
* anyone may use this.
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: martz / I the super not wennebie
m a r t z dmvdeg65
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: spilled entrails / I the super not wennebie
. ..:.... dmv
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: suck on this / I the super not wennebie
: . / s u c k o n t h i s :
:........ // /dmv............. . :
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: week tops / I the super not wennebie
/ /dmv
* this header may be used only by RISC.
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: zero / I the super not wennebie
z e r o // dmv
application generator
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: funk-e / I the super not wennebie
dmv :::
yaya, i know that ascii sux.. but still, i own volatile..
volatile you own me!
see? and i also fuck buss..
volatile go fuck a bus
see? i do that nearly everyday..
/dmv //
well, finnaly done. greets to the deg65 crew, the noname crew,
plus merlin, genius, palmore and konami. A couple others, but i
cant seem to remember anyone right now...
collection list: kleen-x ultra,
sargon, my idol,
beyond the ascii scene,
aids america is dying slowly,
kleen-x ultra2,
volatile, my idol,
intestinal worms,
we own you,
high balls with the devil,
miss with a penis,
fear us,
i the super not wennebie.
- the midnight judge
signed off,
the midnight judge, aka dmv
that is the oldest ascii ive done that i could find.. pretty badass eh?
i love it.
-the midnight judge, aka dmv.
volatile im an evil guy, and i admit it
volatile and i will stay that
volatile hehehe
this is a
dmv / /
noname production
*** volatile changes topic to I have quited the scene, sargon : enjoy....
hmmm, unfortunately, it never happened
sargon: at least we tried, eh? btw, the english teach into remorse22
very helped me english speach.. well i thank volatile for the
teach. now i can talk in english best for the ascii and no
can say i dont talk in a good english.
all asciis were done by
the midnight judge, aka dmv.
mjay volatile?
of the // degeneration 65 crew
tmj martyr- we cant compete against volatile the miggy god.
this ascii collection is called i the super not wennebie
volatile i past the wennebie phase
volatile I is volatile, And No Newbie Fuck With Me, I been In Scene LongTime
I wish you all welcome to this new collection of
mine. It, of course, is dedicated to one of my best
pal out there: volatile.
Id wish to thank him very much for everything he
did for me.. For fighting with me without reasons,
for the ascii bans, for the great interview he
never accepted to do with me. I did it anywayz,
it was suppose to be in cyb2 but mother fuckin
palmore didnt release it! Bref, THANK YOU!
This ones for you! -mjay, dmv.
volatile go fuck a bus
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: cfarts / I the super not wennebie
..:........: c f a r t s +-------------- dmv
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: frizzle fry / I the super not wennebie
: frizzle fry : :
:........ . dmv
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: blue / I the super not wennebie
+ ++++ b l e u
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: cain / I the super not wennebie
c a i n
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: comet / I the super not wennebie
/ c o m e t / /
// / /+++dmv
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: d2-rn / I the super not wennebie
. // dmv
d 2 - r n //
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: darknet / I the super not wennebie
d a r k n e t /
dmv /
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: phear / I the super not wennebie
p h e a r // /
dmv /
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: flash traffic / I the super not wennebie
deg65 ++--------- f l a s h / t r a f f i c ++---dmv /
* yes, i know i style ripped millions of ppl drawin this ascii..
...but i just had to try it, once. i like it.
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: geronimo / I the super not wennebie
dmv:...........:................:........... ...... .
:................:.. . geronimo
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: greets / I the super not wennebie
* only RISC may use this header.
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: planet hemp / I the super not wennebie
: p l a n e t h e m p
. . ... .....................:dmv
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: jize / I the super not wennebie
j i z e /:
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: last callers / I the super not wennebie
.. l a s t c a l l e r s
dmv / /
* anyone may use this.
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: martz / I the super not wennebie
m a r t z dmvdeg65
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: spilled entrails / I the super not wennebie
. ..:.... dmv
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: suck on this / I the super not wennebie
: . / s u c k o n t h i s :
:........ // /dmv............. . :
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: week tops / I the super not wennebie
/ /dmv
* this header may be used only by RISC.
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: zero / I the super not wennebie
z e r o // dmv
application generator
/ /dmv
/ ascii says: funk-e / I the super not wennebie
dmv :::
yaya, i know that ascii sux.. but still, i own volatile..
volatile you own me!
see? and i also fuck buss..
volatile go fuck a bus
see? i do that nearly everyday..
/dmv //
well, finnaly done. greets to the deg65 crew, the noname crew,
plus merlin, genius, palmore and konami. A couple others, but i
cant seem to remember anyone right now...
collection list: kleen-x ultra,
sargon, my idol,
beyond the ascii scene,
aids america is dying slowly,
kleen-x ultra2,
volatile, my idol,
intestinal worms,
we own you,
high balls with the devil,
miss with a penis,
fear us,
i the super not wennebie.
- the midnight judge
signed off,
the midnight judge, aka dmv
that is the oldest ascii ive done that i could find.. pretty badass eh?
i love it.
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