this image contains text
, The Extremist VectorEDjEnet.
, l Board by Karachi-RAW.
, llS* Say hello to my little friend.. BOOMBAP!
*l P P
,** *SS*.S l7.sS 7
*l .l*l l.*l P? ,,*l P?
l l ll .*S7 .*SS*.?7*,sSS*.
l l ,*l l?Q**.l, l *l ,7 l P l l ll l ,.** ,*l,l l
ll 7l l7*?P
*lP, 7*7,dS*,,*l ?l
7 .*l l *,ll,l*** dl
* ll l*S*,8l
, The Extremist VectorEDjEnet.
, l Board by Karachi-RAW.
, llS* Say hello to my little friend.. BOOMBAP!
*l P P
,** *SS*.S l7.sS 7
*l .l*l l.*l P? ,,*l P?
l l ll .*S7 .*SS*.?7*,sSS*.
l l ,*l l?Q**.l, l *l ,7 l P l l ll l ,.** ,*l,l l
ll 7l l7*?P
*lP, 7*7,dS*,,*l ?l
7 .*l l *,ll,l*** dl
* ll l*S*,8l
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