this image contains text
, ,d , . b , d
Ss,. , ,d, . ,b. lSs,. , ,
Ss,.d,dP,,b, s ,b. Ss,.d ,
lbSb,P,,b,db, ,llbSb, ,
:b.s.b.,dPT.TSP.P :b. b. ,dP ,d
Ss b, d , b,..,d. Ss . .d ,d
s ssssb, P .db, SSsssSS , s ssssss, P ,d
,sSSb, P ,b,. ,sd ,sSSb. P ,
- * * --------- . ---------------------- . i ----------- ------
- cursum perficio - noname 8 - funkadelic ss
- inget mrke non - pure ascii euphoria - s4h
ahh.. the land of pimpedia, the legend of pimpedia. what the hell am i talking
about? its simple. but, just to give you a blunt idea of what im getting at
our friend discyple, has brought up the most significant, understandable notes
that have been read, to date
-- what do you have to say discyple?
133. newschool: Pimp. In classical mythology, the river
of forgetfulness, from which pimps drank before being born.
In Nonames symbolism it flows down from the top of Harlem,
where it washes away the memory of sin from the souls that
have achieved purity. That memory it delivers to Motown,
which draws all ascii to itself.
143. pimp: As part of their total symbolism, Noname ends
each of the three divisions of the Pimpedia with this
word. Every conclusion of the upward style is toward the
stars: Nonames shining pimp-medallions of hope and virtue.
It is just before dawn of Easter Sunday that the Pimps
emerge - The Boardwalk.
1. on march the banners of the pimp: The hymn Vexilla
pimpis prodeunt was written in the sixth century by
Venantius Fortunatus, Bishop of Pimpedia. The original
celebrates the Platform Shoe, and is part of the service
for Noname to be sung at the moment of releasing a pack.
-- thank you, discyple.
NOW.. the pimpedia, is explained in FULL above.. those excerpts were taken from
the banners of the pimp, as written by Venantius seen above.. they were found
in the sacred land of brooklyn, by Lord Cain, and his partner in glory, Lord
Discyple smoking blunt, and we cant forget Lord SavageDragon, the master of the
funkiness. these three men, were relaxing, with their riches, and a carload of
beautiful women at the soul shack.. natrually, they got bored, so they all satt
down at the planning table. as they sat at the table, a vision came to them
simultaneously.. a mountain, which in its oddity, was shaped in the words
Pimpedia. the founders of the phearsome noname brand ascii looked about, in
awe.. and decided to pack up the warriors of the noname brand, and move along
to this vision they saw.. the Pimpedia. the warriors agreed, and so.. in all
curiousity, they followed their dreams. amongst the journey, which took place
in the month of january, 1997.. some warriors were lost in battle, those peeps
include the ever present spinsane, and c4nnibass -- well misss you gentleman,
your spots in the tribe still stand. tek, although we never saw much from
him .. has left to join another tribe the serial vikings, along with him went
midnight judge, and i *think* revert. rebellious warriors this month, include
nytmare, and x3nocide. and in all respects, defiant left the warrior tribe due
to his lack of want, to do ascii. you are all missed, an AWOL ascii warrior
is never a good thing. NOW.. as the journey continued, Lord Cain, Lord Discyple
Lord Polymorph, and Lord SavageDragon.. discovered the banners of the pimp in
which, their tribe Noname Brand Ascii was mentioned numerous times.. was this
an omen? .. the Lords decided to give up the warrior looks, and move on, to
what the scrolls described them wearing Platform Shoes, Pink Fedoras, Mink Fur
Coats, Large Baggy JeansPants, Conservative Sweaters, Colored Golf Visors, and
last, but not least.. the Cane.. baring their individual ascii drawing tools.
people liked this idea.. but it was unanimous that they would stay warriors at
heart, and so they would be called The Noname Warrior Pimps .. people liked
this idea, and so decided to join the ranks, of the newly founded pimpedia,
those people include The Natural, Metalman, Druid, Super 88, and Shamen. plz
welcome the new guys to the pimp tribe. so.. on the ever going journey to the
pimpedia.. we have so far come across ups, downs.. and what not. but through
all the troubles, the Noname Pimps, have reigned supreme, untouchable.. no one
could stop them, or ever did. and so Lord Cain, Lord Discyple, Lord Polymorph
and Lord SavageDragon.. sat down to their round table, and scribed the notes of
the first journey.. into drawings, and text.. and so was completed the first
book of the warrior pimps journey to pimpedia, called Cursum Perficio Pimpus.
. d db
. ds, .,,. . , . db
db ,db. ,sSb. db s,. ,b., db
d, dP ddb .dPb.,b, ,P d. b
, , . ,P dPb . ,sSs,b.,bd d.d.
d lP,s..dP d ss, l :S db.,P d.S
: ,bP d :l .,sb.,P d ,s
l b,, d. l: S l,.,sS,s s., d l
, b.d.d P.,sS , b.d
b..d sSSS ,db, b..
Sb,.b. d S,s,b. b b..Ssss
--------------------- P ----------------- --- . s* -------------------
cursum perficio pimpus ss
the warrior pimps of noname are a prestigous crowd.. as seen in the banner of
the pimp, they wear Mink Coats.. and Platform Shoes. all in all, they are the
untouchable, the unthinkable, the mustbefearedable, the inseparable in some
situations, and the undealable. they come as you will see below
Lord - Cain // contributed! Pimp - Purify // contributed!
Lord - Discyple // contributed! Pimp - Skatter // contributed!
Lord - SavageDragon // contributed! Pimp - The Natural // contributed!
Lord - Polymorph // contributed! Pimp - Metal Man // contributed!
Pimp - Liquid Soap // no stuff to view Pimp - Caithor // contributed!
Pimp - Flame // contributed! Pimp - 4degrees // no stuff to view
Pimp - Erupt // no stuff to view Pimp - Haji // contributed!
Pimp - Pixel Pusher // contributed Pimp - The Prodigy // contributed!
Pimp - Mistabewm // no stuff to view Pimp - Shamen // contributed!
Pimp - Rheostatic // no stuff to view Pimp - Super 88 // contributed!
Pimp - Pariah // contributed! Pimp - Druid // contributed!
Pimp - Nahal // contributed! Pimp - Souljah // no stuff to view
Pimp - Cyndicide // no stuff to view God Father - Retardo fear // nOPE!
the warrior pimpslords.. can be located all over, but most congregate at the
thirteenth halo, reachable at 403-252-7596, send a scribe to 4degrees, stating
why you would want access.. and your account login, and password, if you are to
be on tth, then 4degrees will choose so. scum, can be reach at 403-735-5967,
with a new user code of creativity.. and be voted on.
and so, after a month long beginning of the journey to pimpedia.. we present to
you, the scribes of Cursum Perficio Pimpus.. the art is authentic, everything
included is authentic.. the kwestphunk style, is practiced throughout this pack
prepare yourself.. again Cursum Perficio Pimpus .. predecessor to the book of
Cursum Purgatorio Pimpin, is now.. in full effect. please stand while we
sing the noname brand warrior pimp hymn Vexilla Pimpis Prodeunt.
Lord Cain, Lord Discyple, Lord Savagedragon, Lord Polymorph, and all
the Pimpedic Ascii Warriors of noname brand ascii!
1996 december ad the bannerscribes of the pimp are found
1997 january ad the journey begins!
kwestphunk C noname brand ascii 1996
pimpedia C noname brand ascii 1996
pink fedoras C noname brand ascii 1997
vexilla pimpis prodeunt C noname brand ascii 1997
perficio, purgatorio, paradiso C noname brand ascii 1997
end of file.
Ss,. , ,d, . ,b. lSs,. , ,
Ss,.d,dP,,b, s ,b. Ss,.d ,
lbSb,P,,b,db, ,llbSb, ,
:b.s.b.,dPT.TSP.P :b. b. ,dP ,d
Ss b, d , b,..,d. Ss . .d ,d
s ssssb, P .db, SSsssSS , s ssssss, P ,d
,sSSb, P ,b,. ,sd ,sSSb. P ,
- * * --------- . ---------------------- . i ----------- ------
- cursum perficio - noname 8 - funkadelic ss
- inget mrke non - pure ascii euphoria - s4h
ahh.. the land of pimpedia, the legend of pimpedia. what the hell am i talking
about? its simple. but, just to give you a blunt idea of what im getting at
our friend discyple, has brought up the most significant, understandable notes
that have been read, to date
-- what do you have to say discyple?
133. newschool: Pimp. In classical mythology, the river
of forgetfulness, from which pimps drank before being born.
In Nonames symbolism it flows down from the top of Harlem,
where it washes away the memory of sin from the souls that
have achieved purity. That memory it delivers to Motown,
which draws all ascii to itself.
143. pimp: As part of their total symbolism, Noname ends
each of the three divisions of the Pimpedia with this
word. Every conclusion of the upward style is toward the
stars: Nonames shining pimp-medallions of hope and virtue.
It is just before dawn of Easter Sunday that the Pimps
emerge - The Boardwalk.
1. on march the banners of the pimp: The hymn Vexilla
pimpis prodeunt was written in the sixth century by
Venantius Fortunatus, Bishop of Pimpedia. The original
celebrates the Platform Shoe, and is part of the service
for Noname to be sung at the moment of releasing a pack.
-- thank you, discyple.
NOW.. the pimpedia, is explained in FULL above.. those excerpts were taken from
the banners of the pimp, as written by Venantius seen above.. they were found
in the sacred land of brooklyn, by Lord Cain, and his partner in glory, Lord
Discyple smoking blunt, and we cant forget Lord SavageDragon, the master of the
funkiness. these three men, were relaxing, with their riches, and a carload of
beautiful women at the soul shack.. natrually, they got bored, so they all satt
down at the planning table. as they sat at the table, a vision came to them
simultaneously.. a mountain, which in its oddity, was shaped in the words
Pimpedia. the founders of the phearsome noname brand ascii looked about, in
awe.. and decided to pack up the warriors of the noname brand, and move along
to this vision they saw.. the Pimpedia. the warriors agreed, and so.. in all
curiousity, they followed their dreams. amongst the journey, which took place
in the month of january, 1997.. some warriors were lost in battle, those peeps
include the ever present spinsane, and c4nnibass -- well misss you gentleman,
your spots in the tribe still stand. tek, although we never saw much from
him .. has left to join another tribe the serial vikings, along with him went
midnight judge, and i *think* revert. rebellious warriors this month, include
nytmare, and x3nocide. and in all respects, defiant left the warrior tribe due
to his lack of want, to do ascii. you are all missed, an AWOL ascii warrior
is never a good thing. NOW.. as the journey continued, Lord Cain, Lord Discyple
Lord Polymorph, and Lord SavageDragon.. discovered the banners of the pimp in
which, their tribe Noname Brand Ascii was mentioned numerous times.. was this
an omen? .. the Lords decided to give up the warrior looks, and move on, to
what the scrolls described them wearing Platform Shoes, Pink Fedoras, Mink Fur
Coats, Large Baggy JeansPants, Conservative Sweaters, Colored Golf Visors, and
last, but not least.. the Cane.. baring their individual ascii drawing tools.
people liked this idea.. but it was unanimous that they would stay warriors at
heart, and so they would be called The Noname Warrior Pimps .. people liked
this idea, and so decided to join the ranks, of the newly founded pimpedia,
those people include The Natural, Metalman, Druid, Super 88, and Shamen. plz
welcome the new guys to the pimp tribe. so.. on the ever going journey to the
pimpedia.. we have so far come across ups, downs.. and what not. but through
all the troubles, the Noname Pimps, have reigned supreme, untouchable.. no one
could stop them, or ever did. and so Lord Cain, Lord Discyple, Lord Polymorph
and Lord SavageDragon.. sat down to their round table, and scribed the notes of
the first journey.. into drawings, and text.. and so was completed the first
book of the warrior pimps journey to pimpedia, called Cursum Perficio Pimpus.
. d db
. ds, .,,. . , . db
db ,db. ,sSb. db s,. ,b., db
d, dP ddb .dPb.,b, ,P d. b
, , . ,P dPb . ,sSs,b.,bd d.d.
d lP,s..dP d ss, l :S db.,P d.S
: ,bP d :l .,sb.,P d ,s
l b,, d. l: S l,.,sS,s s., d l
, b.d.d P.,sS , b.d
b..d sSSS ,db, b..
Sb,.b. d S,s,b. b b..Ssss
--------------------- P ----------------- --- . s* -------------------
cursum perficio pimpus ss
the warrior pimps of noname are a prestigous crowd.. as seen in the banner of
the pimp, they wear Mink Coats.. and Platform Shoes. all in all, they are the
untouchable, the unthinkable, the mustbefearedable, the inseparable in some
situations, and the undealable. they come as you will see below
Lord - Cain // contributed! Pimp - Purify // contributed!
Lord - Discyple // contributed! Pimp - Skatter // contributed!
Lord - SavageDragon // contributed! Pimp - The Natural // contributed!
Lord - Polymorph // contributed! Pimp - Metal Man // contributed!
Pimp - Liquid Soap // no stuff to view Pimp - Caithor // contributed!
Pimp - Flame // contributed! Pimp - 4degrees // no stuff to view
Pimp - Erupt // no stuff to view Pimp - Haji // contributed!
Pimp - Pixel Pusher // contributed Pimp - The Prodigy // contributed!
Pimp - Mistabewm // no stuff to view Pimp - Shamen // contributed!
Pimp - Rheostatic // no stuff to view Pimp - Super 88 // contributed!
Pimp - Pariah // contributed! Pimp - Druid // contributed!
Pimp - Nahal // contributed! Pimp - Souljah // no stuff to view
Pimp - Cyndicide // no stuff to view God Father - Retardo fear // nOPE!
the warrior pimpslords.. can be located all over, but most congregate at the
thirteenth halo, reachable at 403-252-7596, send a scribe to 4degrees, stating
why you would want access.. and your account login, and password, if you are to
be on tth, then 4degrees will choose so. scum, can be reach at 403-735-5967,
with a new user code of creativity.. and be voted on.
and so, after a month long beginning of the journey to pimpedia.. we present to
you, the scribes of Cursum Perficio Pimpus.. the art is authentic, everything
included is authentic.. the kwestphunk style, is practiced throughout this pack
prepare yourself.. again Cursum Perficio Pimpus .. predecessor to the book of
Cursum Purgatorio Pimpin, is now.. in full effect. please stand while we
sing the noname brand warrior pimp hymn Vexilla Pimpis Prodeunt.
Lord Cain, Lord Discyple, Lord Savagedragon, Lord Polymorph, and all
the Pimpedic Ascii Warriors of noname brand ascii!
1996 december ad the bannerscribes of the pimp are found
1997 january ad the journey begins!
kwestphunk C noname brand ascii 1996
pimpedia C noname brand ascii 1996
pink fedoras C noname brand ascii 1997
vexilla pimpis prodeunt C noname brand ascii 1997
perficio, purgatorio, paradiso C noname brand ascii 1997
end of file.
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