this image contains text
s ,4, ,4,
, ,gg, ,gb,
, s,?SSSg,
,: ?bg,.?SSsSg, ::::::::::::::::,l Ss,SSbg.,,dSg,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, l ?b? s,?SSSg,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,d :l ,P ?s,?bg,.S :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.?S: ,gg,b.SSbg. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.l l: l b ?l .?b l ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::., l,SP ,P :,P ,: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.S??Sg,?s, ,sP,: , ,:::::::::::::::::: P,gSSg,?SggggS sl l bSSdP l l,?
SPss? ?s,?
s, ,Ss, l , ,ssSs, sbs,
...Ss, ... .. ,s,?... Ss, . ,sSs, ..... ,s, ...::: s, :::::: ,s, :::: s, : :::. P Ss, ::: ,S? :::: s :s, :::: s, ::::: s, ::::: , :::s,s, :: :::::: , :s, : , :SP? ::::: ss. , ,ssS :s,s. ::::::::::js :SP,s :: :::::::: S? s ,sS : ,s. ::::::::P ,s, ::::::::::::::: s, ::: :: s.s, :::::: ::::: ,sbs :::::::::::::::::::::: Ss, ::: ::::: s.s, ::::::::: ,s, ::::::::::::::::::::::: s, ::::::::: ::::::: ?S, s s,
js SP
, , .,y
,yyy yyy, , y..y,
y, ,
,D., ,
, ,.mS,,
,,y,., ,S
, .,y ,?
y,y, ,y,y
nm y,yy,yS
w d qw ,g d ,gg, de wftas 4 4df7 f
,g ,gg, d ,4bg,w7db, s7, t3 ,g ,g7b w4s65
,4bg,w7db, 77n 4g, ,g74b, ,lb ef
77n d ls jb, dfb fdn 7,7, f
ls jb, ,db, ,d7 t l 7 lssf,
,db, d7 77s7 4,db ,d b, ,
7 7 d,5 ,4S7 s l,,47 d
d ,g ,l d sd l7 7 d df ,47 4s
,l d ,4bg,,l d7, sf,ll,, .d?,4?7 7
, , 7g,bg,gd7 4 4bg, ,
4 sC,g ls jb,4 ,7g, a d 7P4 , , X .,
dmv.,e ,db, ,d7d P ew,,. 4ds,w , ., ,.
77 4b.d7 47 ssP ,s s,
,g3Wb,d. 7B3 4 47 d s a . j.l
47 ,g ,gdgb ,g ,gdgb ePD e 3 .
R ,g ,4bgf4c 4bgf4c ww e w
D 4b, 7g 7g bgdg, g, g,e
s 7,g ls jqdls jqd c4fgb4g. d
r s ls ,db, ,d db, ,d g77D F
, db,ts77d7s ,g77 , qj sl d
s b 7b.7B3P,bgf B34w 4 dE d, ,bd 7,47
7 d4b, 7 sd7d 7,7 77g, d5
s ,l ?87l, e ls jss , 4 w43B fgr 47
b, , ,dP w s db, , ,b 4 7,7 d7 l
4 b7, e4 7 rg 7e ssj s .
ascii by - 4 ss st A,7B4w fdQ? . b, ,- nyt of NON
.s4,4b, 74?d. ,, ..
-- F0r31gn h0st -- foreign host -- for31gn hos7 -- foreign h0s7 -- f0reign h0s7 . .
s, , nyt
l +m, l , l
s v.
: s+s : .l :
: : ? : ,l, s :
: , . , .,lS,d, b : ,
s...+s ?+ .,+..b, l s.u.+s
- ----+----- -- -+--- ,l s. s ---+- +- llm, .,s---- -----l---- -+--+--, . ,lS, s, b PT , la :s,d+,,, b, n, l,s. s,l s s, n,ss, ss,g-wsss -l-sl---P. k-llm,-.,s-l--l-,?,ll -- - ,+ s -s-. -d.-s-, ,s s 1 s+.s , PTs, s ,, Pb ss s + 4 sb l, s,l. ,l s ss, - -+s----+-sbb -- +?,ll -S, +-- -b -+----+s---+-sssg.-+ -- s:s Pb ?b, l s:s
s , ,s ?Slm, .,sa,
l +, ,lSP,s l
s, dl,
: ...:....: ..:....: ..:.......: .....: : ....:............ : : : ...:.: ......: : : : :. : : : :,sP4Ss,. , : :...: : : , : : :...:...... .:,: ----:Pd -:------:-------:---:------- d -----:-------:-----:----:,.Sb. ..:.......:ShadowSphere.Com : . : Nytmare of :....::::. . . . . .. :...... . :....NOName Ascii ----------+.-P4s..s4Ps.s4P,s4Ps,- .,s ------- s,,SP ...... l ... .... .... ... ,SP. ..... ll ....... .dP .... .... .... ... P , .... .dPb. .,sD.P..... P4S?s,.bS?s,.b4Ss,sSPbdb,sD.
....................................4........P ...........................
well here are my greets..in no order
viral, liquid soap, dw, pt, thc, dwarrior, quab, the 516 crew, ca1n, discyple,
savgdrgn, thclone, noname, guard, logger, massmurderer, cardiac, flame, illx,
sulphur, drd, social, wendel, veebs, primo, soi, axiom,
guard: yew silly faggawt, deecks are for chix
soi: I DONT DO ANSI!!! SEE?????!?!?!
if you have a request for me email me at nyt@shadowsphere.com
that domain rawqs h0h0
s ,4, ,4,
, ,gg, ,gb,
, s,?SSSg,
,: ?bg,.?SSsSg, ::::::::::::::::,l Ss,SSbg.,,dSg,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, l ?b? s,?SSSg,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,d :l ,P ?s,?bg,.S :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.?S: ,gg,b.SSbg. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.l l: l b ?l .?b l ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::., l,SP ,P :,P ,: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.S??Sg,?s, ,sP,: , ,:::::::::::::::::: P,gSSg,?SggggS sl l bSSdP l l,?
SPss? ?s,?
s, ,Ss, l , ,ssSs, sbs,
...Ss, ... .. ,s,?... Ss, . ,sSs, ..... ,s, ...::: s, :::::: ,s, :::: s, : :::. P Ss, ::: ,S? :::: s :s, :::: s, ::::: s, ::::: , :::s,s, :: :::::: , :s, : , :SP? ::::: ss. , ,ssS :s,s. ::::::::::js :SP,s :: :::::::: S? s ,sS : ,s. ::::::::P ,s, ::::::::::::::: s, ::: :: s.s, :::::: ::::: ,sbs :::::::::::::::::::::: Ss, ::: ::::: s.s, ::::::::: ,s, ::::::::::::::::::::::: s, ::::::::: ::::::: ?S, s s,
js SP
, , .,y
,yyy yyy, , y..y,
y, ,
,D., ,
, ,.mS,,
,,y,., ,S
, .,y ,?
y,y, ,y,y
nm y,yy,yS
w d qw ,g d ,gg, de wftas 4 4df7 f
,g ,gg, d ,4bg,w7db, s7, t3 ,g ,g7b w4s65
,4bg,w7db, 77n 4g, ,g74b, ,lb ef
77n d ls jb, dfb fdn 7,7, f
ls jb, ,db, ,d7 t l 7 lssf,
,db, d7 77s7 4,db ,d b, ,
7 7 d,5 ,4S7 s l,,47 d
d ,g ,l d sd l7 7 d df ,47 4s
,l d ,4bg,,l d7, sf,ll,, .d?,4?7 7
, , 7g,bg,gd7 4 4bg, ,
4 sC,g ls jb,4 ,7g, a d 7P4 , , X .,
dmv.,e ,db, ,d7d P ew,,. 4ds,w , ., ,.
77 4b.d7 47 ssP ,s s,
,g3Wb,d. 7B3 4 47 d s a . j.l
47 ,g ,gdgb ,g ,gdgb ePD e 3 .
R ,g ,4bgf4c 4bgf4c ww e w
D 4b, 7g 7g bgdg, g, g,e
s 7,g ls jqdls jqd c4fgb4g. d
r s ls ,db, ,d db, ,d g77D F
, db,ts77d7s ,g77 , qj sl d
s b 7b.7B3P,bgf B34w 4 dE d, ,bd 7,47
7 d4b, 7 sd7d 7,7 77g, d5
s ,l ?87l, e ls jss , 4 w43B fgr 47
b, , ,dP w s db, , ,b 4 7,7 d7 l
4 b7, e4 7 rg 7e ssj s .
ascii by - 4 ss st A,7B4w fdQ? . b, ,- nyt of NON
.s4,4b, 74?d. ,, ..
-- F0r31gn h0st -- foreign host -- for31gn hos7 -- foreign h0s7 -- f0reign h0s7 . .
s, , nyt
l +m, l , l
s v.
: s+s : .l :
: : ? : ,l, s :
: , . , .,lS,d, b : ,
s...+s ?+ .,+..b, l s.u.+s
- ----+----- -- -+--- ,l s. s ---+- +- llm, .,s---- -----l---- -+--+--, . ,lS, s, b PT , la :s,d+,,, b, n, l,s. s,l s s, n,ss, ss,g-wsss -l-sl---P. k-llm,-.,s-l--l-,?,ll -- - ,+ s -s-. -d.-s-, ,s s 1 s+.s , PTs, s ,, Pb ss s + 4 sb l, s,l. ,l s ss, - -+s----+-sbb -- +?,ll -S, +-- -b -+----+s---+-sssg.-+ -- s:s Pb ?b, l s:s
s , ,s ?Slm, .,sa,
l +, ,lSP,s l
s, dl,
: ...:....: ..:....: ..:.......: .....: : ....:............ : : : ...:.: ......: : : : :. : : : :,sP4Ss,. , : :...: : : , : : :...:...... .:,: ----:Pd -:------:-------:---:------- d -----:-------:-----:----:,.Sb. ..:.......:ShadowSphere.Com : . : Nytmare of :....::::. . . . . .. :...... . :....NOName Ascii ----------+.-P4s..s4Ps.s4P,s4Ps,- .,s ------- s,,SP ...... l ... .... .... ... ,SP. ..... ll ....... .dP .... .... .... ... P , .... .dPb. .,sD.P..... P4S?s,.bS?s,.b4Ss,sSPbdb,sD.
....................................4........P ...........................
well here are my greets..in no order
viral, liquid soap, dw, pt, thc, dwarrior, quab, the 516 crew, ca1n, discyple,
savgdrgn, thclone, noname, guard, logger, massmurderer, cardiac, flame, illx,
sulphur, drd, social, wendel, veebs, primo, soi, axiom,
guard: yew silly faggawt, deecks are for chix
soi: I DONT DO ANSI!!! SEE?????!?!?!
if you have a request for me email me at nyt@shadowsphere.com
that domain rawqs h0h0
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